Donald Moggridge (with Sir Austin Robinson), The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, 30 vols. (Cambridge University Press for the Royal Economic Society): cited as JMK, with volume number in roman numerals, followed by page references, to the following volumes:
JMK, I, Indian Currency and Finance (1913)
JMK, II: The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919)
JMK, III: A Revision of the Treaty (1922)
JMK, IV: A Tract on Monetary Reform (1923)
JMK, V and VI: A Treatise on Money (1930)
JMK, VII: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936)
JMK, VIII: A Treatise on Probability (1921)
JMK, IX: Essays in Persuasion (1931 text plus additions including pamphlets)
JMK, X, Essays in Biography (1933 text plus additions)
JMK, XI: Academic economic articles
JMK, XII: Investment and editorial material
JMK, XIII–XXVII and XXIX: activities, including correspondence and drafts
JMK, XXVIII: social, political and literary writings
JMK, XXX: bibliography and index.
This magnificent edition is indispensable. I list below all other works cited in the endnotes by short titles only. Place of publication is always London (and usually New York too) unless otherwise specified; university presses are simply given as such; and separate paperback editions likewise. I have also bestowed an asterisk on a dozen books, recommended for further reading. These were selected either because they were written by me or to offer a small repayment on debts which a different kind of book would have acknowledged in traditional academic footnotes.
Annual Abstract of Statistics (Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 2001 edn.).
Badger, Anthony J., The New Deal: The depression years, 1933–40 (1989).
Barber, William J., ‘Government as a laboratory under Roosevelt’, see Furner and Supple (eds.), The State and Economic Knowledge.
*Bateman, Bradley W., Keynes’s Uncertain Revolution (University of Michigan Press, 1996).
Biagini, Eugenio, ‘Keynesian ideas and the recasting of Italian democracy, 1945–53’, see Green and Tanner (eds.), Strange Survival.
Brittan, Samuel, The Treasury under the Tories (Penguin edn., 1964).
Brooke, Christopher, A History of the University of Cambridge, vol. IV (Cambridge University Press, 1993).
Brown, Neville, Dissenting Forebears: The maternal ancestors of J. M. Keynes (Chichester, Sx, 1988).
Buchanan, James M., John Burton and Richard E. Wagner, The Consequences of Mr Keynes (London, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1978).
Buchanan, James M. and Richard E. Wagner, Democracy in Deficit: The political legacy of Lord Keynes (1977).
*Carabelli, Anna M., On Keynes’s Method (1988).
*Clarke, Peter, The Keynesian Revolution in the Making, 1924–1936 (Oxford University Press, 1988).
*Clarke, Peter, The Keynesian Revolution and its Economic Consequences (Cheltenham, Glos.; Northampton, Mass., 1998).
Clarke, Peter, The Last Thousand Days of the British Empire (Penguin, 2007).
Collins, Robert M., ‘The emergence of economic growthmanship in the US’, see Furner and Supple (eds.), The State and Economic Knowledge.
Congdon, Tim, Reflections on Monetarism (London, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1992) for essay from Encounter (April 1975).
Crosland, C. A. R., ‘The transition from capitalism’, see Crossman (ed.), Essays.
Crossman, R. H. S. (ed.), New Fabian Essays (1952) for essay by C. A. R. Crosland, ‘The transition from capitalism’.
De Cecco, Marcello, ‘Keynes and Italian economics’, see Hall (ed.), Political Power.
Deutscher, Patrick, R. G. Hawtrey and the Development of Macroeconomics (1990).
*Dimand, Robert W., The Origins of the Keynesian Revolution: The development of Keynes’s theory of employment and output (Aldershot, Hants., 1988).
Eatwell, John and Murray Milgate, Keynes’s Economics and the Theory of Value and Distribution (1983).
Fitzgibbons, Athol, Keynes’s Vision: A new political economy (Oxford University Press, 1988).
Friedman, Milton, ‘The role of monetary policy’, American Economic Review, LVIII (1968), pp. 1–17.
Furner, Mary and Barry Supple (eds.), The State and Economic Knowledge: The American and British experience (Woodrow Wilson International Center and Cambridge University Press, 1990) for William J. Barber, ‘Government as a laboratory under Roosevelt’; Robert M. Collins, ‘The emergence of economic growthmanship in the US’; George C. Peden, ‘Old dogs and new tricks: the British Treasury’.
Galbraith, John Kenneth, ‘How Keynes came to America’, see Keynes, Milo (ed.), Essays.
Galbraith, John Kenneth, The Great Crash, 1929 (Penguin edn., 1961).
Gardner, Richard N., Sterling-Dollar Dipomacy in Current Perspective (Columbia University Press, 1988).
Green, Ewen, ‘The Conservative Party and Keynes’, see Green and Tanner (eds.), Strange Survival.
Green, E. H. H. and Tanner, D. M. (eds.), The Strange Survival of Liberal England (Cambridge University Press, 2007) for Richard Toye, ‘The Labour Party and Keynes’; Ewen Green, ‘The Conservative Party and Keynes’; Eugenio Biagini, ‘Keynesian ideas and the recasting of Italian democracy, 1945–53’.
Hadley, Eleanor M., ‘The diffusion of Keynesian ideas in Japan’, see Hall (ed.), Political Power.
Hall, Peter A. (ed.), The Political Power of Economic Ideas: Keynesianism across nations (Princeton University Press, 1989) for Walter S. Salant, ‘The spread of Keynesian ideas and practices in the United States’; Pierre Rosanvallon, ‘The development of Keynesianism in France’; Marcello de Cecco, ‘Keynes and Italian economics’; Harold James, ‘What is Keynesian about deficit financing? The case of inter-war Germany’; and Eleanor M. Hadley, ‘The diffusion of Keynesian ideas in Japan’.
*Harrod, Roy, The Life of John Maynard Keynes (1951).
Hawtrey, R. G., The Art of Central Banking (1932).
Hayek, F. A., Tiger by the Tail: A 40 years’ running commentary on Keynesianism by Hayek, compiled by Sudha R. Shenoy, 2nd edn. (London, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1978).
Healey, Denis, The Time of My Life (1989).
Hill, Polly and Richard Keynes (eds.), Lydia and Maynard: Letters between Lydia Lopokova and John Maynard Keynes (1989).
Hogg, Quintin, The Case for Conservatism (Penguin, 1947).
Holroyd, Michael, Lytton Strachey: A biography (revised Penguin edn., 1979).
Howson, Susan and Donald Moggridge (eds.), The Wartime Diaries of Lionel Robbins and James Meade, 1943–5 (1990).
*Howson, Susan and Donald Winch, The Economic Advisory Council, 1930–1939: A study in economic advice during depression and recovery (Cambridge University Press, 1977).
Hubback, D., No Ordinary Press Baron: A life of Walter Layton (1985).
Hutchison, T. W., Keynes versus the ‘Keynesians’ (London, Institute of Economic Affairs, 1977).
James, Harold, ‘What is Keynesian about deficit financing? The case of inter-war Germany’, see Hall (ed.), Political Power.
Johnson, Christopher, The Economy under Mrs Thatcher, 1979–90 (Penguin, 1991).
Jones, Thomas, A Diary with Letters, 1931–1950 (Oxford University Press, 1954).
Keynes, Geoffrey, ‘The early years’, see Keynes, Milo (ed.), Essays.
Keynes, Milo (ed.), Essays on John Maynard Keynes (Cambridge University Press, 1975) for essays by Geoffrey Keynes, ‘The early years’; James Meade, ‘The Keynesian revolution’; Joan Robinson, ‘What has become of the Keynesian revolution?’; John Kenneth Galbraith, ‘How Keynes came to America’.
Klein, Lawrence R., The Keynesian Revolution (1952).
Lawson, Nigel, The View from No. 11 (1992) for ‘The New Conservatism’ (1980).
Lee, Hermione, Virginia Woolf (1996).
Lloyd George, David, War Memoirs, 2 vol. edn. (1938).
McCraw, Thomas, Prophet of Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and creative destruction (Harvard University Press, 2007).
Meade, James, ‘The Keynesian revolution’, see Milo Keynes (ed.), Essays.
Middleton, Roger, Government versus the Market: The growth of the public sector, economic management and British economic performance, c. 1890–1979 (Cheltenham, Glos.; Brookfield, Vt. US, 1996).
Mitchell, B. R., British Historical Statistics (Cambridge University Press, 1988).
*Moggridge, D. E., British Monetary Policy, 1924–1931: The Norman Conquest of $4.86 (Cambridge University Press, 1972).
*Moggridge, D. E., Maynard Keynes: An economist’s biography (1992).
Moran, Lord, Churchill: Taken from the diaries of Lord Moran (Boston, Mass., 1966).
Moran, Lord, Churchill: The struggle for survival, 1945–60 (2006).
*O’Donnell, R. M., Keynes: Philosophy, economics and politics (1989).
Parker, John, Labour Marches On (Penguin, 1947).
Patinkin, Don, Anticipations of the General Theory? (University of Chicago, 1982).
Peden, George C., ‘Old dogs and new tricks: the British Treasury’, see Furner and Supple (eds.), The State and Economic Knowledge.
Peden, G. C. (ed.), Keynes and his Critics: Treasury responses to the Keynesian revolution, 1925–1946 (Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 2004).
Robinson, E. A. G., ‘John Maynard Keynes, 1883–1946’, Economic Journal, LVII (1947), pp. 1–68.
Robinson, Joan, ‘What has become of the Keynesian revolution’, see Keynes, Milo (ed.), Essays.
Rosanvallon, Pierre, ‘The development of Keynesianism in France’, see Hall (ed.), Political Power.
Russell, Bertrand, Autobiography, 3 vols. (1967–9).
Rymes, Thomas K. (ed.), Keynes’s Lectures, 1932–35: Notes of a representative student (London, Royal Economic Society, 1989).
Salant, Walter S., ‘The spread of Keynesian ideas and practices in the United States’, see Hall (ed.), Political Power.
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr, A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House (Boston, Mass., 1965).
Schumpeter, Joseph, Ten Great Economists; From Marx to Keynes (1952).
Shackle, G. L. S., The Years of High Theory: Invention and tradition in economic thought, 1926–1939 (Cambridge University Press, 1967).
*Skidelsky, Robert, John Maynard Keynes, 3 vols. (1983–2000).
Stansky, Peter and William Abrahams, Journey to the Frontier: Julian Bell and John Cornford (1966).
Stein, Herbert, The Fiscal Revolution in America: Policy in pursuit of reality, 2nd edn. (Washington, DC, American Enterprise Institute, 1996).
Straight, Michael, After Long Silence (1983).
Thatcher, Margaret, Complete Public Statements, 1945–1990 on CD-ROM (Oxford University Press, 1999) with Unique Document Number (UDN).
Toye, Richard, ‘Keynes, the Labour movement and “How to Pay for the War”, Twentieth Century British History, X (1999), pp. 255–81.
Toye, Richard, ‘The Labour Party and Keynes’, see Green and Tanner (eds), Strange Survival.
Toye, Richard, ‘The trials of a biographer: Roy Harrod’s Life of John Maynard Keynes reconsidered’, see Toye and Gottlieb (eds.), Making Reputations.
Toye, Richard and Julie Gottlieb (eds.), Making Reputations: Power, persuasion and the individual in modern British politics (2005) for Richard Toye, ‘The trials of a biographer: Roy Harrod’s Life of John Maynard Keynes reconsidered’, pp. 123–34.
*Winch, Donald, Economics and Policy: A historical study (Fontana edn., 1972).
Woolf, Leonard, Sowing: An autobiography of the years 1880–1904 (1960).
Woolf, Virginia, The Diary of Virginia Woolf, ed. Anne Olivier Bell, 5 vols. (Penguin edn., 1977).