I’D LIKE TO THANK the time and dedication of the team at Wrox Press and John Wiley & Sons. Without their support, this book would not be possible. Thanks to Scott Hunter, Scott Hanselman, Damian Edwards, and the rest of the ASP.NET team for their current leadership to bring ASP.NET 4.5 to market. Thanks to Scott Guthrie, Steve Smith, and Rob Howard for allowing me to join the ASPInsiders program and helping me get my content off the ground. Thanks to all of the ASPInsiders and Microsoft MVPs for their support over the years. Thanks to Frank Sorokach in allowing me to spend the time necessary to get my development career off the ground. Thanks to Louis Cesare and Sean Higgins for supporting my community initiatives and giving me time when I’ve needed to provide feedback to the ASP.NET team. Thanks to Luzerne County Community College and Penn State University for allowing our user group to prosper in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Finally, thanks to my family, specifically my parents, Deb and Tom Gaylord; my grandparents; my aunts and uncles; my wife, Lisa; and my children for their support. It’s not easy writing a book and they’ve certainly understood the time and dedication needed to get this book to ship.
—Jason N. Gaylord
EVERY BOOK IS A TEAM EFFORT with all the editors (acquisition, development, technical, etc.) involved, but with this title, the authors are quite a large team, too! So thank you to Jason, Pranav, Scott, and Todd, it has been an honor working with you. Also we are indebted to the authors of the previous editions, to everyone involved at Wiley, and to our tech editors.
About 7 years ago, I was working on another book for the Wrox imprint of Wiley, and promised Yvonne that I would invite her to a really sumptuous dinner at one of Europe’s top restaurants after it has been published. Things did not turn out as planned, including co-authors dropping out, so the book (and the dinner) never materialized. So let’s try again—would June 13 work?
—Christian Wenz
I WOULD LIKE TO THANK all the coffee shops owners in Seattle. The relaxing environment and a good coffee was my inspiration in writing the book.
—Pranav Rastogi
THANKS to Kelly for putting up with more late nights than normal and to my two princesses, Amber and Sydney, for putting up with less time and attention! I love you all. Thanks to Kevin, Mary, and the rest of the team at Wiley for their help and support on this book project. Also a big thank you to my co-authors. It has been great working with you on this book.
—Todd Miranda
BIG THANKS to Pranav Rastogi, Scott Hunter, Damian Edwards, Eilon Lipton, and the whole ASP.NET team that does the real work.
—Scott Hanselman