Strawberry Frozen Yogurt


A-low-calorie fruit, strawberries have nutritional zeal: they contain beta-carotene, vitamin A, and some lutein. The agave nectar that sweetens this dish can be found in most health food stores and some well-stocked supermarkets.

3 cups chopped strawberries

1 cups low-fat plain yogurt

¼ cup agave nectar

Process all ingredients in a food processor until smooth. Pour into a 9 by 13-inch container and freeze, stirring every hour, until the mixture is firm around the edges and semifirm in the center, about 4 to 4 ½ hours. Return the mixture to a food processor and process until smooth. Serve immediately.

Nutritional Profile
Serving size: 1 cup
Calories: 128
Protein: 4 g
Fiber: 2 g
Fat: less than 1 g
Saturated fat: less than 1 g
Sodium: 46 mg
Vitamin A: 346 IU
Vitamin C: 68 mg
Vitamin D: 27 IU
Vitamin E: 2 IU
Beta-carotene: 8 µg
Lutein and zeaxanthin: 28 µg