maintain one’s composure 不动声色 búdòngshēngsè S4C7
make (into) 做成 zuò chéng S1C2
make (rice cakes) 打(年糕) dă(niángāo) S3C3
make a misstep 踩空 căi kōng S2C2
make an announcement 下通知 xià tōngzhī S2C4
make bold 冒昧 màomèi S3C1
make it hard for 为难 wéinán S1C4
make someone suffer; persecute zhĕng S2C2
make tea 沏茶 qīchá S3C1
make things harder for someone 穿小鞋 chuānxiăoxié S2C4
make way; fall back; give ground; yield ràng S4C6
make, season, and mix (filling) 调(馅儿) tiáo (xiàn’er) S4C8
male adulterer 野汉子 yěhànzǐ S2C2
man; fellow 汉子 hànzi S2C4
many a day is yet to come 来日方长 láirìfāngcháng S3C5
many people zhòng S2C5
married and established 成家立业 chéngjiālìyè S1C2
marry a daughter off pìn S4C6
marry off a daughter; marry (a husband) jià S4C6
massage 推拿按摩 tuīná ànmó S3C1
match pèi S4C6
mature 成熟 chéngshú S1C4
mediocre 平庸 píngyōng S2C8
meet; be in line with; accord 符合 fúhé S1C4
meet with zāo S2C5
melt; thaw 融化 rónghuà S2C8
mess things up 添乱 tiānluàn S2C4
messy; awful làn S4C5
methodically 一板一眼 yìbănyìyăn S1C5
mingle with men of letters and pose as a lover of culture; arty-crafty 附庸风雅 fùyōngfēngyă S3C6
mischief 胡闹 húnào S2C2
mischief; practical joke; monkey business 恶作剧 èzuòjù S2C7
mislay diū S2C2
miss; let slip 错过 cuòguò S3C5
mobilize troops for a punitive expedition 兴师问罪 xīngshīwènzuì S3C6
moist 湿润 shīrùn S2C8
money paid for a piece of writing 稿酬 găochóu S2C7
most probably 想必 xiăngbì S1C2
motive; intention 用心 yòngxīn S1C1
motorbike 摩托车 mótuóchē S2C4
mourn 悼念 dàoniàn S3C8
mournful 凄切 qīqiè S1C2
move close to còu S4C6
moving; touching 动人 dòngrén S1C2
mud 泥浆 níjiāng S2C4
muddleheaded 昏头昏脑 hūntóuhūnnăo S1C3
muddleheaded 稀里糊涂 xīlĭhútú S1C3
multicolored; colorful 五颜六色 wŭyánliùsè S2C6
mumble (complaints) 嘟哝 dūnong S2C4
mumble; speak haltingly 嗫嚅 nièrú S2C7
mutter; speak haltingly 嗫嚅 nièrú S2C4
mutter to oneself; ponder 沉吟 chényín S3C6
nasty and vulgar 恶俗 èsú S2C8
natural and graceful 落落大方 luòluòdàfāng S3C8
natural pattern (木)花纹 (mù) huāwén S1C2
near-drunkenness 酒至酣处 jiŭzhìhānchù S4C7
neat; neatly 干净利落 gānjìnglìluò S2C5
neck S1C3
neither hostile nor friendly 不冷不热 bùlĕngbúrè S1C3
neither innocent nor clean; have an illicit relationship 不清不白 bùqīngbùbái S2C3
nervous; uneasy 忐忑不安 tăntèbùān S3C4
next day 翌日 yìrì S1C4
next door 隔壁 gébì S1C3
nickname 绰号 chuòhào S2C2
nip; squeeze niē S2C5
no cure for; hopeless 没救 méijiù S1C5
no sign of spring 春风不度 chūnfēngbúdù S4C8
nonstop 不休 bùxiū S1C2
nonstop rain 车轴雨 chēzhóuyŭ S2C4
not acquainted with each other before 素不相识 sùbùxiāngshí S2C9
not familiar 人生地疏 rénshēngdìshū S2C5
not to catch people on the raw or hit them in the face 骂人不揭短, 打人不打脸 mà rén bù jiē duăn, dă rén bù dă liăn S2C6
not to help a dying man 见死不救 jiànsĭbújiù S2C4
not to mention; leave aside …不说,…还… …bù shuō,…hái… S3C8
not yet content; reluctant to leave 意犹未尽 yìyóuwèijìn S2C2
nothing difficult 不在话下 bùzàihuàxià S3C8
obedient; well arranged 服帖 fútiē S3C8
obediently 乖乖 guāiguāi S3C7
obscure 朦胧 ménglóng S1C5
obtain by drawing 抽(水) chōu(shuĭ) S4C5
(obtain) employment 就业 jiùyè S1C9
of poor quality; inferior 劣质 lièzhì S2C7
(of words or voice) dripping acid 阴阳怪气 yīnyángguàiqì S4C6
offend 得罪 dézuì S1C3
offer as a gift 奉送 fèngsòng S1C6
offer hints; give tips diăn S2C7
offer respectfully 献(烟, 酒) xiàn (yān, jiŭ) S1C2
often 每每 mĕimĕi S2C5
old age 老来 lăolái S1C9
old but still licentious 老不正经 lăo bu zhèngjīng S4C2
on impulse 脑门一热 nǎomén yī rè S1C4
one after another 纷纷 fēnfēn S1C2
one by one 挨个 āigè S1C2
one-night stand 一夜情 yīyèqíng S1C6
one on top of another dié S2C2
one step to heaven 一步登天 yíbùdēngtiān S3C5
one’s formal personal name; given name 大名 dàmíng S1C8
one’s job; one’s duty 本职 bĕnzhí S2C4
one’s near neighbors 四邻八舍 sìlínbāshè S2C3
only S2C7
only guāng S2C6
only 唯独 wéidú S1C3
only; merely 不过是 búguòshì S2C8
open; spacious 空旷 kōngkuàng S4C7
open (eyes wide) 巴(眼) S1C3
open field 旷野 kuàngyĕ S4C7
open hearts to each other 交心 jiāoxīn S2C7
order; command 指令 zhĭlìng S1C6
order about; use; handle 使唤 shĭhuàn S4C2
orderly ways 章法 zhāngfă S2C2
ordinary people 老百姓 lăobăixìng S2C4
originate from; stem from 缘自 yuánzì S2C7
other people 人家 rénjiā S1C2
otherwise; or else 要不然 yàoburán S2C8
ought; should 当(问) dāng S3C1
out of sorts 失神 shīshén S4C8
out of thin air; without foundation 凭空 píngkōng S1C6
out of the way 偏僻 piānpì S3C2
outing; go on an outing 郊游 jiāoyóu S1C8
outstanding 出众 chūzhòng S2C1
outward appearance 外表 wàibiăo S1C8
overgrown 丛生 cóngshēng S4C8
overwhelming stench 臭气熏天 chòuqìxūntiān S2C4
owe a debt 塌窟窿 tākūlong S4C5
partner (in crime) 同伙 tónghuŏ S2C5
pass (time) 打发 dăfa S2C7
pass away 撒手 sāshŏu S1C5
pass on; hand around 传递 chuándì S3C2
pass; approve S2C8
pass; go beyond 逾越 yúyuè S2C9
paste S2C4
pat; apply (toner) 拍 (爽肤水) pāi(shuăngfūshuĭ) S3C8
pay 掏钱 tāo qián S3C7
pay attention to; look at 留意 liúyì S1C6
pay for (education) gōng S4C2
pay great attention to; be particular about 讲究 jiăngjiu S3C1
peasant; farmer 庄稼人 zhuāngjiarén S1C1
peck qiān S4C6
pelvic bone 盆骨 péngŭ S1C8
penetrate (钉)透 (dìng) tòu S1C2
people of humble professions 下九流 xiàjiŭliú S1C3
perfect; satisfactory 圆满 yuánmăn S2C1
permit no delay 刻不容缓 kèbùrónghuăn S2C4
perplexed 困惑 kùnhuò S1C3
persecute zhĕng S2C4
persistently 一个劲地 yīgèjìn di S2C2
perturbed 乱糟糟 luànzāozāo S1C3
pervade; diffuse 弥漫 mímàn S4C8
petty 小心眼儿 xiăoxīnyăner S1C3
pick (one’s nose) 挖(鼻孔) wā(bíkŏng) S2C4
pick out; select chōu S4C5
pick; peck zhuó S4C6
pieces in disorder 七零八落 qīlíngbāluò S2C8
pierce to the heart 钻心 zuānxīn S1C1
piling; balling up 起球 qĭ qiú S4C8
pinch; nip qiā S4C8
pitch-black; pitch-dark 漆黑 qīhēi S1C2
plan to get married 谈婚论嫁 tánhūnlùnjià S3C5
play a musical instrument 演奏 yănzòu S1C5
play with; amuse dòu S1C9
pleased with oneself 美滋滋 mĕizīzī S1C3
plot; plan 策划 cèhuà S1C4
pluck; gather căi S4C8
plunge (headlong) zhā S2C4
pocket; bag dōu S1C7
pool (money) còu S2C2
poor men’s foodstuffs 糟糠 zāokāng S3C3
porcelain; chinaware 瓷器 cíqì S4C8
pork 大肉 dàròu S3C1
pose 架式 jiàshi S1C5
pound S1C5
purse one’s lips 努嘴 nŭ zuĭ S1C4
praise 夸奖 kuājiăng S1C8
precise; accurate 精确 jīngquè S2C1
prepare for the Spring Festival 忙年 mángnián S1C2
prepare written material (写)材料 (xiĕ) cáiliào S2C4
presentable; deserve to be seen 说得出口拿得出手 shuō de chū kŏu ná de chū shŏu S1C6
preserve in salt; pickle 腌(咸菜) yān (xiáncài) S1C5
press (with hand or finger) èn S3C8
press hard to make powder zhā S1C5
presume; suppose 假设 jiăshè S2C9
presumptuous 非分 fēifèn S2C9
pretending to be what one is not 人模狗样 rénmúgŏu yàng S2C6
pretense turns into reality 弄假成真 nòngjiăchéngzhēn S2C8
prick zhā S1C5
profound; marvelous 奥妙 àomiào S2C9
progress 长进 zhăngjìn S1C9
project on the screen 放(电影) fàng S2C1
promising/not promising 有/没出息 yŏu/méichūxi S2C6
protrude; stick up juē S3C8
provide the fund 出资 chūzī S2C8
public; for public use 公用 gōngyòng S3C7
pull chĕ S1C3
pull; drag zhuài S2C4
pull (a long face) (脸一)沉 (liăn yī) chén S2C3
pull a long face 哭丧着脸 kū shàng zhe liăn S4C5
pupil of eye; eye móu S4C8
put down S1C5
put in (great effort) 下(苦劲) xià(kŭjìn) S4C5
put off; postpone 推迟 tuīchí S2C8
put on (over); cover S3C1
put one’s hand to; start 下手 xiàshŏu S1C1
put to use 派用场 pài yòngchăng S1C9
quick stir-fry in hot oil 爆锅 bàoguō S4C8
quick-witted 伶俐 línglì S4C6
quiet and lonely 冷寂 lĕngjì S1C2
quite; exceedingly 好生 hăoshēng S4C6
quite; fairly 相当 xiāngdāng S1C7
quite a few 甚众 shèn zhòng S2C5
rack one’s brain 绞尽脑汁 jiăojìnnăozhī S3C4
radiance 光辉 guānghuī S2C2
raise and borrow 筹借 chóujiè S2C7
raise one’s voice 扬声 yángshēng S4C6
rare 稀罕 xīhan S3C2
reach the height of S2C4
read/recite with cadence 朗诵 lăngsòng S1C8
readily; conveniently 随手 suíshŏu S1C7
reading a book while riding a donkey—wait and see (who is right) 骑驴看唱本—走着瞧 qí lǘ kàn chàngbĕn—zŏu zhe qiáo S3C6
ready; settled; finished (说)妥 (shuō) tuŏ S2C2
really 实在 shízài S3C7
reason 原由 yuányóu S1C5
reason 缘由 yuányóu S1C1
receive the bride 接亲 jiēqīn S1C3
recollection 回忆 huíyì S3C8
recommend; give a referral 引荐 yĭnjiàn S2C9
reddened 涨红 zhànghóng S2C2
reel right and left; lurch 东倒西歪 dōngdăoxīwāi S2C6
refuse; reject 拒绝 jùjué S2C3
refuse to admit defeat/a mistake 鸭子死了嘴还硬 yāzi sĭle zuĭ hái yìng S3C6
refute 反驳 fănbó S4C6
register (for marriage) 登记(结婚) dēngjì(jiéhūn) S3C5
regroup 整编 zhĕngbiān S2C7
remedy 补救 bŭjiù S1C3
remittance order 汇款单 huìkuăndān S3C2
remnants of a defeated army 残兵败将 cánbīngbàijiàng S1C6
renovate; replace 翻盖 fāngài S4C5
repair; renovate; 修缮 xiūshàn S4C7
repeat (a mistake) 重犯 chóng fàn S1C4
report 汇报 huìbào S2C4
report to the leadership after finishing a task 交差 jiāochāi S1C4
respect and admire 钦羡 qīnxiàn S3C2
(respectfully) your (school) 贵(校) guì (xiào) S3C1
retort 还嘴 huánzuĭ S4C6
retort; answer back; go against dĭng S3C8
retreat; to disappear (from society, politics) 隐退 yĭntuì S4C7
retreat to avoid a conflict 退避三舍 tuìbìsānshĕ S3C6
return (trip) 返程 fănchéng S2C4
reveal 透露 tòulù S1C5
reveal; betray 流露 liúlù S1C6
reward; prize 奖赏 jiăngshăng S2C7
right in/against; straight on S3C7
ripple; brim over 漾(开) yàng(kāi) S3C3
ripples 漪漪 yīyī S3C6
rise straight up sŏng S4C6
roll 打滚 dăgŭn S2C2
roll gŭn S4C2
roll (out dumpling wrapper) găn S4C8
rouge 胭脂 yānzhi S3C6
rows of wheat 麦趟子 mài tàngzi S2C1
rub against tiē S3C7
ruin huài S4C5
rummage through 翻遍 fān biàn S2C9
running back and forth 跑前跑后 păoqiánpăohòu S3C7
rush through carelessly 草草 căocăo S1C5
rushed to 赶到 găndào S2C3
sad 哀怨 āiyuàn S1C6
sad; melancholy 惆怅 chóuchàng S3C1
sad; mournfully 怆然 chuàngrán S4C8
sadly moving 哀婉 āiwăn S1C5
safe and secure 稳稳当当 wĕnwĕndāngdāng S1C5
sallow 蜡黄 làhuáng S4C8
salute; show courtesy 施礼 shīlĭ S1C1
satisfied 心满意足 xīnmǎnyìzú S1C2
save; economize shĕng S1C7
save; keep; preserve fàng S4C2
save; savings 积蓄 jīxù S2C8
say yuē S2C5
scattered 散乱 sănluàn S3C1
scoop up/out yăo S1C1
scrape guā S1C1
scrape up; accumulate 积攒 jīzăn S4C6
screen 屏风 píngfēng S3C5
scrutinize; get to the bottom of something 细究 xì jiū S2C3
scurry cuàn S3C6
search everywhere 东翻西找 dōngfānxīzhăo S2C5
seasons 时令 shílìng S4C8
section; length (半)截 (bàn) jié S1C2
(see) this state; this situation (见)状 (jiàn) zhuàng S3C7
seek to impress by feigning more than what one is 打肿脸充胖子 dă zhŏng liăn chōng pàngzi S3C6
select 选拨 xuănbá S4C5
select; selection 选择 xuănzé S1C6
send to an exhibition for display 送展 sòng zhăn S3C4
sensitive; vulnerable 敏感 mĭngăn S2C8
sentence (to prison) 判刑 pànxíng S2C4
settle; stabilize 安定 āndìng S4C7
settle accounts 结算 jiésuàn S1C9
settle accounts with somebody 收拾 shōushi S2C4
sever; break off 断绝 duànjué S4C7
sew/make (cloth sole of shoes) 纳(鞋底) nà(xiédĭ) S1C5
sewer 阴沟 yīngōu S1C4
shame; dishonor 羞辱 xiūrŭ S2C7
share; shared 共享 gòngxiăng S2C7
shed (hair on the body) 褪 (毛) tuì (máo) S3C8
shiny; fresh and bright 光鲜 guāngxiān S1C8
shiver 哆嗦 duōsuo S1C3
shock heaven and shake earth 惊天动地 jīngtiāndòngdì S3C1
shoot up; leap up 蹿 cuān S4C8
shop front; facade 门脸儿 ménliăner S1C9
short ăi S2C1
shoulder 担负 dānfù S2C5
shoulder; endure káng S2C2
shouldn’t have… 谁叫… shuí jiào S4C2
show; show off xiù S1C8
show favor/respect 抬举 táijü S1C1
show filial respect for 孝敬 xiàojìng S2C4
show off; be in the limelight 出风头 chūfēngtou S4C7
show or reveal to others 示人 shì rén S4C7
show respect 给面子 gĕi miànzi S1C4
show the white feather; draw back 示弱 shìruò S4C6
shroud; cover; hide from view 遮蔽 zhēbì S2C8
(shucks) it wasn’t anything …算得了什么? …suàndéliăo S2C8
shudder; shiver 颤抖 chàndŏu S1C6
shut; lockup; catch guān S2C2
shy 腼腆 miăntiăn S2C5
side (一)侧 S1C3
sigh tàn S2C5
sight; view 视线 shìxiàn S1C6
sign; signature 署名 shŭmíng S2C7
sign a contract 签约 qiānyuē S2C1
silence; stillness 沉寂 chénjì S3C5
silent; silence 沉默 chénmò S1C6
similar; analogous 类似 lèisì S1C6
simply 死活 sĭhuó S1C5
simply; only 无非 wúfēi S2C1
sincere 诚挚 chéngzhì S2C8
sincere; sincerity (心)诚 (xīn) chéng S2C3
sincere advice; counsel 忠告 zhōnggào S4C7
sincere and earnest 语重心长 yŭzhòngxīncháng S3C4
sip and taste tea 品茗 pĭnmíng S3C6
sit side by side and talk heart-to-heart 促膝谈心 cùxītánxīn S3C6
(sit) cross-legged 二郎腿 èrlángtuĭ S3C6
situation 局面 júmiàn S4C5
skill; craftsmanship 手艺 shŏuyì S2C9
skull 脑壳 năoké S1C3
slack winter season 冬闲 dōngxián S1C5
slap 掌嘴 zhăng zuĭ S1C3
sleep in 睡懒觉 shuìlănjiào S2C4
slide; slip off 滑落 huáluò S4C7
slight; trifle with 怠慢 dàimàn S3C7
slightly lüè S2C2
slim; fine 纤细 qiānxì S1C5
sling; strap 吊带 diàodài S3C8
slovenly 不修边幅 bùxiūbiānfú S2C4
slow; slowly 缓慢 huănmàn S4C5
slowly 缓缓 huănhuăn S1C3
slow-witted bèn S2C1
smash; mess up; ruin S1C1
smoke curling up 烟雾缭绕 yānwù liáorào S1C5
smooth and round; mellow 圆润 yuánrùn S3C8
soak pào S2C3
soak into; permeate 沁入 qìn rù S4C8
soar cuān S4C6
soft-hearted and easygoing 好讲话 hăojiănghuà S1C3
soft; lithe 柔软 róuruăn S4C7
softly fragrant; warm 温馨 wēnxīn S4C7
solve a case 破案 pò‘àn S2C5
somewhat; a little shāo S2C8
son-in-law 女婿 nǚxù S3C7
sore; painful 酸疼 suānténg S1C5
sorrow; grief 忧伤 yōushāng S1C7
soul; spirit 灵魂 línghún S4C2
sound of falling into water; plop; thump 扑通 pūtōng S2C2
sound of thrusting against the ground 蹬蹬 dēngdēng S1C3
soup; broth 汤汁 tāngzhī S4C8
spark; flash shăn S4C8
speed up; hurry up 加紧 jiājĭn S4C7
spiderweb; cobweb (蜘)蛛网 (zhī)zhūwăng S4C6
spittle 唾沫星子 tuòmò xīngzi S1C5
splendid; glitter 灿烂 cànlàn S1C6
sponsor 赞助 zànzhù S2C4
spray pēn S3C8
spread; extend 蔓延 mànyán S4C7
spring 弹簧 tánhuáng S2C6
sprout up through the earth gŏng S4C8
squat dūn S2C6
stable; stabilize; stability 稳定 wĕndìng S4C5
staff; stave 五线谱 wŭxiànpŭ S1C8
stamp (foot) 跺(脚) duò(jiăo) S1C3
stand chuō S2C4
stare blankly lèng S1C3
stare; glare 瞪眼睛 dèng yănjīng S2C4
start (a topic, conversation, etc.) 起头 qĭtóu S4C6
start; make; carry on 搞(革命) găo (gémìng) S2C1
stay dūn S3C4
stay behind 留守 liúshŏu S3C2
stay up late 熬夜 áoyè S3C4
steaming hot 热气腾腾 rèqìténgténg S1C5
stammer 结巴 Jiēba S1C3
step forward; hasten forward 趋前 qūqián S4C6
still 依旧 yījiù S1C8
stimulating; exciting 剌激 cìji S1C6
stolen goods 赃物 zāngwù S2C5
stop working; knock off 歇工 xiēgōng S4C2
stopped 叫住 jiào zhù S2C3
store; storefront 铺面 pùmiàn S1C9
straddle (squat) as though riding a horse 马步(下蹲) măbù (xiàdūn) S2C5
straight 径直 jìngzhí S1C3
stretch into 探入 tàn rù S2C7
stretching; unfolding; extending 舒展 shūzhăn S4C8
strike 划(火柴) huá (huŏchái) S1C2
string together; cluster together chuàn S4C8
strive to be the first and fear to lag behind 争先恐后 zhēngxiānkŏnghòu S3C2
strive to be top-notch 争风拔尖 zhēngfēngbájiān S4C6
stroll; lounge 闲逛 xián guàng S3C8
struggle 挣扎 zhēngzhā S3C1
stumble; hobble 蹒跚 pánshān S4C2
suddenly; swiftly (rise/fall) 骤(升/降) zhòu(shēng/jiàng) S2C5
suddenly; unexpectedly 蓦(地) mò (di) S4C6
sue; accuse gào S1C4
suffer financial loss 破财 pòcái S4C6
suffer from diarrhea 拉肚子 lādùzi S2C6
suffocate by smoke xūn S1C5
sulkily; snappily 没好气 méihăoqì S1C3
support chēng S1C3
support from underneath tuō S3C7
suppress biē S2C2
surprisingly; unusually 出奇 chūqí S3C7
surround; encircle wéi S1C4
surrounding area; 方圆 fāngyuán S2C1
surrounding area; about 周遭 zhōuzāo S4C5
sustain economic losses 赔钱 péiqián S4C2
sustain losses in business 赔本 péibĕn S2C6
swagger off 扬长而去 yángchángérqù S1C1
swing; fling shuăi S2C6
swinging 晃悠/荡 huàngyou/dang S2C4
sworn friend; buddies 铁子 tiĕzi S4C7
take a fancy to 看上 kànshàng S2C3
take a noon break 歇晌 xiēshăng S1C1
take along dài S3C7
take along something to or for someone shāo S2C3
take delight in talking about 津津乐道 jīnjīnlèdào S2C2
take off zhāi S2C2
take office 上任 shàngrèn S2C4
take the chance; seize the advantage 趁 (热) chèn (rè) S3C1
take turns 轮流 lúnliú S1C6
talk things over 协商 xiéshāng S2C8
tall and strong 牛高马大 niúgāomădà S3C3
tassel suì S1C2
taste; sample 品尝 pĭncháng S4C8
tattoo wén S1C8
taxi; cab 计程车 jìchéngchē S1C6
tear chĕ S4C6
tear apart (down) chāi S2C8
tears and nasal mucus 眼泪鼻涕 yănlèi bítì S2C6
tears gushing forth 泪如泉涌 lèirúquányŏng S2C2
tell one another everything 无话不说 wúhuàbùshuō S2C8
temper 性子 xìngzi S3C5
temple 鬓角 bìnjiăo S4C8
temporarily 暂时 zànshí S1C7
tend to; be apt to ài S4C8
tendency 趋势 qūshì S3C5
thanks to kuī S1C5
that (above-mentioned) gāi S4C5
That’s how it is. 本来就这回事 bĕnlái jiù zhè huí shì S1C3
the agricultural fair 农展会 nóngzhănhuì S3C4
the end of the year 年关 niánguān S4C6
the Great Northern Wilderness 北大荒 bĕidàhuāng S2C7
the head of a family 一家之主 yījiāzhīzhŭ S1C5
the look xiàng S2C4
the weak 弱者 ruòzhĕ S1C8
the young are to be respected 后生可畏 hòushēngkĕwèi S2C5
the younger generation of (sons and nephews) 子侄辈 zĭzhíbèi S3C7
then; afterward 继而 jì’ér S4C8
then; thereupon suì S3C7
there exist…; have zhăng S4C8
thermos bottle 暖壶 nuănhú S2C3
think back and forth 思来想去 sī lái xiăng qù S1C3
thinking; thoughts 所思所想 suŏ sī suŏ xiăng S1C4
thought; idea 念头 niàntou S1C8
thoughtlessly xiā S4C6
thoughts filled one’s mind 浮想联翩 fúxiăngliánpiān S3C4
thread of a conversation 话头 huàtóu S3C6
through; after jīng S2C2
throw; toss diū S1C7
throw a quick glance miāo S1C5
thunderous 山响 shānxiăng S2C4
thus; this time 这下(子) zhèxià(zi) S1C3
tidy up 拾掇 shíduō S2C4
ties of blood 血缘 xuĕyuán S4C6
tight(ly) (咬)紧 (yăo) jĭn S3C1
tightly 死死 sǐsĭ S2C2
timid; cowardly qiè S1C1
tip-top; the most important; the best of its kind (心)尖子 (xīn)jiānzi S2C4
tiring 累人 lèi rén S4C5
to the greatest extent jìn S4C7
toad 蛤蟆 háma S2C4
tone of voice 腔调 qiāngdiào S1C3
too smart for one’s own good 聪明大了 cōngmíng dàle S2C6
torrential rain 倾盆大雨 qīngpéndàyŭ S3C4
toss; cast pāo S4C6
toss; throw shuăi S3C8
touch; move 打动 dădòng S2C8
trace hén S3C8
trace (the outline of) miáo S3C8
trace back 追溯 zhuīsù S2C7
traditional Chinese time unit(s) (时)辰 (shí)chén S1C2
transfer (money into an account) (把钱)打进(账户) (băqián)dă jìn (zhànghù) S2C4
treat shabbily 亏待 kuīdài S2C6
triumphant return 凯旋 kăixuán S4C7
trivia; trifling 琐碎 suŏsuì S2C8
trivial matters 杂碎 zásuì S4C6
true; inherent quality 本色 bĕnsè S4C7
try to find out 探听 tàntīng S4C5
tube; cylinder tŏng S1C5
tuck (into) chuāi S1C5
turn aound 扭转 niŭzhuăn S4C5
turn; twist 扭(头) niŭ(tóu) S1C3
twenty 廿 niàn S1C2
twice-cook 回锅 huíguō S4C2
twitch 抽搐 chōuchù S3C1
unchanging 一成不变 yīchéngbúbiàn S2C9
unclear sounds 呜呜噜噜 wūwulūlu S2C4
uncover; reveal 揭开 jiēkāi S2C5
underling; minions 喽罗 lóuluo S3C6
undertake; bear 承担 chéngdān S2C8
unexpectedly; abruptly 陡然 dŏurán S4C7
unfeelingly 眼睁睁 yănzhēngzhēng S2C4
unhappy; unhappiness 不悦 bú yuè S3C7
universe; world 天地 tiāndì S3C6
unknowable; unknown 不可知 bùkĕzhī S2C9
unrestrained; uninhibited 狂放不羁 kuángfàngbùjī S4C7
unruly; peremptory hèng S4C6
untainted by even a speck of dust 纤尘不染 xiānchénbùrăn S3C6
unwanted fat; bulge 赘肉 zhuìròu S4C8
unwilling to be out of the limelight 不甘寂寞 bù gān jìmò S3C8
unwilling to forgive; relentlessly 不依不饶 bùyībùráo S3C6
unwilling to give up 不死心 bù sĭxīn S1C3
upright stone tablet bēi S2C4
urgent(ly); tense(ly); quick(ly) 紧(敲轻捶) jĭn (qiāo qīng chuí) S3C1
use 使 shĭ S1C1
use; apply 使(力气) shĭ(lìqì) S3C3
utmost satisfaction 称心如意 chènxīnrúyì S1C2
utter a sound kēng S2C2
vague; ambiguous 模棱两可 móléngliăngkĕ S1C8
vertical/horizontal 纵/横向 zòng/héngxiàng S4C5
very soon 眼看 yănkàn S4C5
village culture 村风 cūn fēng S4C5
village official 村官 cūn guān S4C5
virgin; maiden 处女 chùnǚ S3C6
(virgin) maiden 黄花大闺女 huáng huā dà guīnǚ S3C7
visit someone’s grave 上坟 shàngfén S2C2
wade 䠀(水) tāng S2C4
wait on; serve 伺候 cìhou S2C4
walk around zhuàn S2C6
walking stick 拐棍 guăigùn S3C5
walking stick 拐杖 guăizhàng S2C1
wall of a well 井壁 jĭng bì S3C7
warm oneself (by a fire) 取暖 qŭnuăn S2C8
waste money and manpower 劳民伤财 láomínshāngcái S1C4
wave; shake huàng S4C6
wear dài S2C6
wear (ponytail) 梳 (辫子) shū (biànzi) S3C8
wear an air of 一副…模样 yí fù…móyàng S2C5
wear and tear 磨损 mósŭn S3C1
welcome (a traveler); help wash off the dust 洗尘 xĭchén S3C1
wet; damp 打湿 dăshī S3C8
what is the need; there is no need 何须 hé xū S3C6
whereabouts 着落 zháoluò S1C5
whisper 咬耳朵 yăoĕrduo S1C3
whiz; scream 呼啸 hūxiào S4C7
whoosh! cēng S2C1
why S2C3
widow 寡妇 guăfù S1C3
willful; recklessly 恣意 zìyì S4C8
win a prize in a lottery 中奖 zhòngjiăng S1C9
wipe (away) shì S2C2
wipe (clean) 揩 (干) kăi (gān) S3C1
wipe one’s eyes; weep 抹眼泪 mŏ yănlèi S2C6
wipe out 扫荡 săodàng S1C5
with…all over one’s face 一脸…气 yīliăn…qì S1C4
with all one’s heart 心甘情愿 xīngānqíngyàn S3C3
with great difficulty 好容易 hăoróngyì S3C1
with great dignity 威风凛凛 wēifēnglǐnlǐn S1C1
with nothing left 精光 jīngguāng S1C1
with tears in one’s eyes; tearfully 含泪 hán lèi S2C6
with utmost care 小心翼翼 xiăoxīnyìyì S1C2
without any ill feeling 无冤无仇 wúyuānwúchóu S2C9
without exception jūn S4C5
without permission 私自 sīzì S2C5
wittily; lively and delightful 俏皮 qiàopí S3C8
wording; diction 措辞 cuòcí S1C8
work (as an editor) 干(编辑) gàn (biānji) S2C5
work as a farm laborer on yearly basis 扛长活 kángchánghuó S2C1
work from dawn to dusk 起早贪黑 qĭzăotānhēi S3C4
worn S1C2
worry 发愁 fāchóu S1C4
worry 犯愁 fànchóu S1C3
worry about; take pains 操心 cāoxīn S4C2
worship 崇拜 chŏngbài S2C4
Wouldn’t…be sufficient? 不就行了 bújiùxíngle S1C4
wring; twist nĭng S1C3
wrinkled; crumpled 皱巴巴 zhòubābā S4C8
wrinkles 皱纹 zhòuwén S4C6
write (an IOU) 打 (借条) dă(jiètiáo) S2C8
yet; on the contrary (反)倒 (făn)dào S3C1
young (of animals) zăi S2C2
young man 后生 hòusheng S2C2