Dear Reader,
Thank you for purchasing a copy of Bear (Hades Abyss MC)! I hope you enjoyed the story and will take a moment to leave a rating or review at the retailer of your choice, Goodreads, or BookBub. Reviews/Ratings not only help other readers, but it also gives me insight into which types of stories you enjoy the most. And yes, I read the reviews on my books. Your support means so much to me.
Bear and Faith’s story didn’t have the same darkness as some of my books, but it did touch on hard subjects. I tried to focus more on the family dynamic with this one. I honestly struggled a little with this story. Not so much because of the plot or characters, but because of things I had going on in my life. There were days I wasn’t sure I’d finish on time. No matter how much I loved the characters, it was an uphill battle some days.
It’s my greatest wish that you’ll love Bear, Faith, and their kids as much as I do.
Until next time…
Bear is for those who have suffered at the hands of someone who should have loved them… you’re stronger than you think. Sometimes the worst scars are the ones we carry on the inside. When you look in the mirror, I hope you see a warrior, because that’s what you are.
Thank you to my Beta readers -- Carolina, Shelby, Andrea, Tami, and Dawn! I’m grateful for the insight you gave me on Bear’s book.
Thanks in advance to the ARC team and Wyldlings. You guys are amazing, and I appreciate you so much.
To Crystal -- the editor who deserves a halo because I’m probably one of the hardest people to put up with -- yet she does so with grace.
Thanks to Bryan Keller for another amazing cover.
And thank you to the staff at Changeling Press! It takes many hands (and sets of eyes) to take a book from rough draft to finished product. I know you all work hard, and I can’t thank you enough.