
Normally I start by thanking readers, but as I sit here writing this, we are in the middle of the Covid-19 global pandemic. So instead, it feels fitting to start by thanking all the NHS workers, supermarket staff, teachers and essential workers who risked their lives during Lockdown to keep us going. Without them, we would have all been lost.

I want to thank the readers, bloggers and reviewers, because without you there would be no books! I’d like to say thank you so much for taking the time and energy in these difficult times to read this one.

Thank you to Camilla Bolton, the best agent in the world, for your faith in this book and for championing DC Alana Loxton and for all of your advice. To Jade Kavanagh for the encouragement and puppy pictures! And thank you to everyone at Darley Anderson for their continued support in the most trying of times.

Thank you to my incredible editor, Bethan Jones, for the brilliant title and for making this book so much stronger. To Victoria Godden, my copyeditor, who once again did a fantastic job. To Jessica Barratt for your hard work and for so successfully spreading the word about this series. And thank you to everyone at Simon & Schuster for your endless enthusiasm and expertise, despite everything that is going on in the world.

To my police colleagues in the Met Police, it was a privilege to work alongside you, and thank you for all the hard work you do every day.

Thanks to my teachers on the City University Master’s course where it all began for me: Claire McGowan, Laura Wilson, William Ryan and my mentor, Alex Marwood.

I’m so grateful to the other writers on the City Crime Writing MA I got to meet who have become firm friends, but especially to: Finn Clarke, Vicki Jones, Jane Phillips, Paul Durston, Fraser Massey and Sian Williams. Thank you for our virtual writing get-togethers that have kept me sane in these strange times.

To all of my friends and family (you know who you are), for your patience, encouragement and support. But especially to: Andy Niewiarowski (Grammar Panda), Tom Chambers, James Rollinson, Lucy Howard, Joanna Glenn, Elly Savin, Kalynda Bradley, Pete Bradley, Adrian Wallett, Sheila Wallett, Alan Frost and Bernard Wallett for spreading the word about the book. And to Rosie White, Mel Wilson, Lauren Koegler and Alison Niewiarowska for still being the best cheerleaders a girl could wish for.

To my mum and dad, Sylvia and Charles Richard Bradley, for all the sacrifices you made for us and for passing on your love of reading.

And last but not least, thank you to my husband, Mike. For all of your encouragement, patience and humour in Lockdown and for being a great co-worker (even if you did steal my writing office). And for making every day with you amazing; I couldn’t have gone on this writing adventure without you.