
NB. This bibliography includes references to the works cited in the present volume along with references to some supplementary literature our reader may find useful.

Additional Editions or Translations of Spinoza

Spinoza, Baruch. Court Traité [c. 1660–1662]. In Baruch Spinoza, Œuvres, Tome 1: Court traité, Traité de la réforme de l’entendement, Principes de la philosophie de Descartes, Pensées métaphysiques, translated by Charles Appuhn [1st edn 1907], based on the Van Vloten and Land edition of Spinoza’s works [1st edn 1882–1883], then the Gebhardt edition [1925] for the 2nd edn. Reprint 2nd edn. Paris: Flammarion, 1966.

Spinoza, Baruch. Éthique [1st published Latin edn 1677], Latin text from the Gebhardt edition [1925], with a translation by Bernard Pautrat. 4th edn. Paris: Seuil, 2010.

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Spinoza, Baruch. Œuvres I: Premiers écrits [c. 1660–1662], Dutch and Latin texts edited by Filippo Mignini, introduction by Pierre-François Moreau, translations by Michelle Beyssade [TIE] and Joël Ganault [KV]. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2009.

Spinoza, Baruch. Œuvres III: Traité théologico-politique [1st published Latin edn 1670], Latin text edited by Fokke Akkerman, bibliography, index, introduction, and translation by Jacqueline Lagrée and Pierre-François Moreau. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1999.

Spinoza, Baruch. Œuvres V: Traité politique [1st published Latin edn 1677], Latin text edited by Omero Proetti, bibliography, index, introduction, and translation by Charles Ramond, with supplementary notes by Alexandre Matheron. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2005.

Spinoza, Baruch. Opera posthuma [1677], photographic reprint edn, edited and translated by Pina Totaro. Macerata: Quodlibet, 2008.

Spinoza, Baruch. Short Treatise on God, Man, & His Well-Being [c. 1660–1662], edited and translated by Abraham Wolf [1910]. Reprint edn. New York: Russell & Russell, 1963.

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Spinoza, Baruch. Traité théologico-politique [1st published Latin edn 1670], translated by J.-G. Prat [1872], with a postface by Bernard Pautrat. Paris: Allia, 2015.

Other Works from before the Twentieth-Century

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