
There in the garden is Jack and the witch. They are walking around looking at all the weird mechanical creatures. The woman is carrying the basket.

As Billie watches, Jack puts his hand into it and pulls out a lolly.

Billie blinks and looks again. But there is nothing wrong with her eyes. Jack is really walking around the garden with the strange witchy lady – eating lollies!

At that moment, Jack turns around. He sees Billie’s face pressed against the hole in the fence.

‘Billie?’ he calls. ‘What are you doing there?’ He jogs towards the side gate to let Billie in.

Billie stands at the gate, her eyes wide and her mouth open.


‘What…?’ she stammers.

Jack grins. ‘You weren’t worried about me, were you?’ he whispers.

The woman in black swoops over. ‘Sorry to keep you waiting, love,’ she says. ‘I was just showing Jack some of my sculptures.’

She swings her arms wide, pointing at the strange metal objects all around the garden. ‘Oh, and excuse me for eating your lollies. I just couldn’t resist them! But I’ll give Jack’s mum some money for them when I see her next.’

The woman puts out her hand for Billie to shake. When Billie stands frozen, she looks down at her red splotchy fingers. ‘Oh, the paint’s dry, love. It just won’t wash off! I’ve been painting my new sculptures red.’

‘More sculptures?’ asks Jack. ‘Cool. You have so many!’

‘Yes! They’re inside, if you want to see them? I’ve covered them with sheets for now so they don’t get dusty. Grinding metal and sawing wood creates such a lot of mess!’

Billie blinks. All the words she has in her head get stuck in her mouth.

‘I think we’d better get going, actually,’ Jack says. ‘Billie’s mum is waiting for her basket. Maybe we can drop in and see the rest of your sculptures another day, Mrs Wellington?’

‘Oh, please. Call me Andrea,’ she says. ‘Mrs Wellington makes me feel so old! All right then, kids. Do drop in any time. And thanks for the lollies!’

Jack waves goodbye to Andrea at her gate. Her yellow teeth gleam in the sunlight as she waves back.
