Household gods are another manifestation of the human desire for the sacred. The Romans were enthusiastic hosts to household gods, which also appear in other spiritual traditions. The real deities behind the idols may be imaginary—or wishful thinking—but that does not stop people from having shrines to their household gods—shrines in which the offerings will be kept fresh, sanctifying that space most would wish to sanctify: the home. Of course the requests made of household gods may be presumptuous and too much for any minor deity to accomplish—but people are optimists, and will still try.

household gods

Household gods, though you are asked

Too frequently to perform the task

Of blessing, I still would plead

In charity you’ll intercede

On our behalf, grant private wishes

Optimistic and auspicious:

Bless eggs, omelettes, and potatoes,

The gatherers of herbs and cultivators,

Bless morning brightness and the night,

The darkness and the warming light,

The gentle winds, the patient land,

The mountains and the desert sand;

Bless those I love and those who may

Listen to what I have to say.

Bless those who in each other’s arms

Find haven from all ill and harm.

Dear household gods, I’ve not got through

The list of things that you should do;

But remember me, if you can

And explain the ways of gods to man;

I, at least, will then believe

How it is you can relieve

The pain we feel, in our being

Our simple selves; while you, all knowing,

Will help us in our daily growing.

We turn to you, as to a friend,

And light a candle to that end.