
  1. part one
  2. solve the right problem
  3. introduction
  4. what’s your problem?
  5. chapter 1
  6. reframing explained
  7. part two
  8. how to reframe
  9. chapter 2
  10. getting ready to reframe
  11. chapter 3
  12. frame the problem
  13. chapter 4
  14. look outside the frame
  15. chapter 5
  16. rethink the goal
  17. chapter 6
  18. examine bright spots
  19. chapter 7
  20. look in the mirror
  21. chapter 8
  22. take their perspective
  23. chapter 9
  24. move forward
  25. part three
  26. overcome resistance
  27. chapter 10
  28. three tactical challenges
  29. chapter 11
  30. when people resist reframing
  31. conclusion
  32. a word in parting
  33. appendix: recommended reading
  34. notes
  35. index
  36. acknowledgments
  37. about the author