In the spiritual movement, the word chakra (pronounced “shock-ra”) often pops up. That’s fine if you know what chakra means, but is confusing if you don’t. The following is a short explanation of what the chakra system is about.
The human energy field, or aura, is an energetic, multidimensional field that surrounds, penetrates, and is the human body. It has rivers of energy called meridians that nourish every organ and cell in our bodies. These rivers are supplied by seven cone-shaped, spinning energy vortexes called chakras. These chakras, in turn, collect energy from the universal energy field that is all around us.
The seven chakras carry the colors of the rainbow spectrum. The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, carries the color red. The sacral chakra, our creative center, vibrates to the color orange. The solar plexus chakra, our self-centeredness, carries the color yellow. The heart chakra, our feeling center, resonates with the color green. The throat chakra, responsible for our expression, carries the color blue. The brow chakra, responsible for our dreams and questioning of spiritual things, radiates indigo. And the crown chakra, the highest vibrational rate in the spectrum, radiates a violet or white.
When things get out of whack, try this massage technique, which may help.
Blend the oils listed after the description of each chakra as follows:
Using essential oils: 3 drops per oil in a 10-ounces bottle of carrier oil (apricot or grape seed oil are best). Massage chakra area for at least twenty minutes before moving to the next chakra.
7th Chakra—Crown
This chakra is located at the top of the head, slightly to the back. It is associated with our feeling of “oneness” with the universe, our spiritual wisdom, a final understanding, and alignment with our true inner spirit. Physically, this chakra is linked to the pineal gland, the upper brain, and the right eye. This chakra is said to be your own place of connection to God/Christ/Buddha. A weak crown chakra can cause a feeling of disconnection with the vital flow of life, feeling uninspired, feeling misunderstood, and practicing self-denial. When overactive, the crown chakra may cause a disconnection with the earthly plane, being impractical, feeling disconnected with reality, over-imaginative.
½ part Myrrh
¼ part Lotus
¼ part Frankincense
A few drops Camphor
6th Chakra—Third Eye
This chakra is located just above your eyes, and at the center of your forehead. This chakra is used to question the spiritual nature of life. Our inner vision is contained here—inner dreams, gifts of clairvoyance, wisdom, and perception. The dreams of your life are held in this chakra. In order for the head chakra to work at its best, the heart chakra must also be strong and balanced. Physically, this chakra is linked to the nervous system, lower brain, left eye, ears, nose, and pituitary gland. When weak, this center may cause headaches, self-doubt, forgetfulness, or an inability to trust your instincts. If overactive, you may be oversensitive, spaced out, and experience psychic overload.
½ part Carnation
¼ part Lavender
¼ part Rosemary
5th Chakra—Throat
This chakra is located on the spine in the throat area, and is associated with our communication and expression abilities, right side of brain, speech, and hearing. Physically, it is linked to the throat, vocal cords, esophagus, mouth, teeth, thyroid and parathyroid glands, and upper lungs. When this chakra is weak, it may cause communication problems, an inability to express feelings and ideas, a tendency to withhold words and surrender to others. An overactive throat chakra may result in negative speech, criticizing, domineering words, hyperactive attitude, overreacting, and stubborn beliefs.
¼ part Cedarwood
¼ part Mimosa
¼ part Rosemary
¼ part Clove
4th Chakra—Heart
Located on the spine, in the area of the heart. This chakra is associated with our ability to give and receive love, to feel compassion, to reach out to others. The Asians say this is the house of the soul. It is the center of the chakras and can balance the activities of the seven energy centers. Physically, it is linked to the heart, lower lung area, circulatory system, thymus gland, and immune system. An important chakra for healing, when it is too weak, you may feel closed to others, experience low self-esteem, insecurity, jealousy, feel unloved, have a “poor me” attitude, and be self-doubting. When the heart chakra is overactive, you may experience the “martyr” syndrome, giving too much of yourself, and feeling overconfident, jealousy, and stingy.
½ part Violet
¼ part Vanilla
¼ part Ylang-Ylang
A few drops Eucalyptus
3rd Chakra—Solar Plexus
Located at the spine and just above the naval, this chakra is associated with the intellect and thinking process, personal power, anger, strength, and with the ability to take action. Your sensitivity is stored here. It is the seat of your emotional living. This is an important psychic center and where we experience “gut feelings” about someone or something. It is where emotional baggage gets stored. Physically, it is linked to the digestive system (pancreas, stomach, liver, and gall bladder). It helps the body assimilate nutrients. A weak solar plexus chakra can mean a mental slump, lethargy, feeling isolated and overcautious. When the solar plexus chakra is overactive, it can cause nervousness, mental bullying or unrest, digestion problems, mental overload, and a general feeling of disharmony.
¼ part Frankincense
¼ part Honeysuckle
¼ part Galangal
¼ part Lemon Verbena
2nd Chakra—Sacrum
This chakra is located on the spine in the lower abdomen, between the naval and the base of the spine. It is associated with sexuality, creativity, emotions, desire, and the ability to sense things on a psychic level. Physically, it is linked to the reproductive system and the gonads (endocrine gland). If this chakra is weak, you may feel unresponsive sexually and emotionally, antisocial, unoriginal, repressed. When overactive, it can make one feel lustful, selfish, arrogant, and overburdened by too many vibes and impressions received from others.
⅓ part Orange
⅓ part Oak Moss
⅓ part Sandalwood
1st Chakra—Root
This center chakra is located at the base of the spine. It’s the chakra closest to the earth, and it represents earthly grounding. Fear is felt in this chakra; it controls your sense of survival, or your fight-or-flight response. Physically, it influences the suprarenal glands, as well as the legs, feet, kidneys, bladder, and spine. When this chakra is weak, you may feel very tired, overly cautious, afraid of change, and cold from poor circulation. You may need someone to light a fire under you. When it is over-energized, you may feel aggressive, oversexed, reckless, too impulsive, or belligerent.
⅛ part Civet
⅛ part Muguet
¼ part Ambergris
¼ part Cinnamon
¼ part Musk
Chakra Balancing Oil
¼ part Lemon
¼ part Orange
¼ part Lavender
¼ part Myrrh
A few drops Clove
Use this oil to balance any of your chakras or whenever you feel out of sorts.