I have always enjoyed crafting money and prosperity oils. They bring about a feeling of abundance and light that cannot be duplicated at any other time. Working with the Law of Attraction when preparing these blends can also assist you in giving your potion an energy that is conducive to bringing you what you desire.
The Law of Attraction is pretty simple. It is the thought that Like Attracts Like. While making money oils—or any magical working, for that matter—the Law of Attraction can be the difference between failure and an extremely potent potion!
Simply think about what you desire your blend to do for you while crafting it. Block out all negative thinking. If you have to, stop working and come back to your work later if negative thinking is creeping into your work.
Believe in yourself, and the infinite possibilities that you can create by just keeping a positive outlook, and you will be able to make it a reality.
Here is a situation that will help you understand how the Law of Attraction will work for you:
You place a pot of water on the stove to boil. You have enough water in the pot and the heating element is turned on. You can then walk away, knowing the pot on the stove will boil. Again, you know it will boil. It may take time, but it will happen.
Magic is that simple too! Believe in yourself and what you are doing. Make your intent known to the universe; it will work, and you know it will.
The oils that follow will assist you in manifesting what you need. Remember that nothing is written in stone. If you need to adapt an oil to suit your situation, feel free to do so. Just remember to write it down, so if it works for you, you can make it again the next time you need it.
Abundance Oil
⅛ part Spruce
⅛ part Myrrh
⅛ part Patchouli
⅛ part Cassia
⅛ part Orange
⅛ part Clove
⅛ part Ginger
⅛ part Frankincense
To draw plenty and riches of all sorts.
As You Please Oil
⅓ part Neroli
⅓ part Musk
⅓ part Cinnamon
The use of this oil will bring success in almost any endeavor, as it is formulated to overcome the objections of others to your plans. Just before you present your idea or plan, apply this oil to the fingertips, soles of the feet, and the throat, and others will be willing to go along with your proposal.
Astral Bank Oil
¼ part Neroli
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Tonka
¼ part Honeysuckle
Use when you need to make a withdrawal from the “Astral Bank” to make ends meet.
Bankrupt Oil
2 tablespoons powdered Devil’s Shoestring
2 ounces Olive Oil
Optional: add one small piece of Devil’s Shoestring to each bottle of oil made
Said to force an enemy to go broke, it is used in rituals designed to force someone to spend their money. This oil can be anointed on charms made to bring bad luck, and placed in a business to make the business go bankrupt.
Bayberry Oil
22 drops Bayberry fragrance oil
2 ounces carrier oil
Attracts spirits of prosperity and will aid the wearer in claiming debts owed.
Bayberry Blessing Oil
¾ part Bayberry
⅛ part Orange
⅛ part Cinnamon
Brings money to the pockets and blessings to the home of those who daily anoint their wrists with this legendary scent.
Bergamot Mint Bouquet
½ part Lemon
½ part Lemongrass
Peppermint, a few drops
Bergamot has a minty-lemony fragrance, and it is used in money and prosperity oils. There are a great many synthesized versions out there that should not be used. Instead, make this bouquet.
Calling Abundance Oil
⅓ part Chamomile
⅓ part Cedar
⅓ part Patchouli
Clove, a few drops
You can use this oil to anoint candles. Place a small amount on the right-hand corner of dollar bills and place them in your wallet. Or keep a stone anointed with the oil to bring abundance into your life.
Cavern Treasure Prosperity Oil
½ part Sandalwood
½ part Myrrh
Allspice, a few drops
Cinnamon, a few drops
Not quite a “money draw” oil, this helps the wearer to have a sense of well-being and wealth. It also decreases anxiety over money matters and one’s lifestyle.
Collect Debts Oil
¾ part Bayberry
⅛ part Vetiver
⅛ part Apricot
To get help returned to you from those you have helped before.
Commanding Oil
⅛ part Patchouli
⅛ part Myrrh
¾ Sandalwood
Commanding Oil is dabbed on uncounted coins, which are then left in the light of a Full Moon as a statement that money is required.
Compelling Oil
4 ounces clear base
Add equal parts of the following:
Gain power for yourself. Use this oil to change things so they go in your favor. It will compel others to give in to your desires. To induce someone to pay you money that is owed to you, write the name of the debtor and the amount of money due on a piece of parchment. Place it beneath a purple candle, which you have dressed with Compelling Oil. Burn the candle for 15 minutes daily until the debt is repaid.
Crown of Success Oil
⅓ part Sunflower carrier oil
⅓ part Orange
⅓ part Allspice
Ambergris, a few drops
Gold glitter added to bottle
Used to attract the favor of the gods and their aid in all aspects of your life.
Crown of Success Oil II
⅓ part Sandalwood
⅓ part Neroli
1∕₁₆ part Orange
1∕₁₆ part Honeysuckle
5 drops Clove
Stops vicious gossip and envy and brings the user the success he or she seeks.
Customer Attraction Oil
¼ part Rose
¼ part Patchouli
¼ part Cedarwood
¼ part Orange
Elderberries added to bottle
Used both to bring customers and to stabilize business. Anoint green candles and burn in the place of business. Or make an incense, spray mist, or floor wash from the scent.
Easy Times Oil
⅔ part Lilac
⅓ part Clove
Piece of cut-up one-dollar bill in master bottle.
Will aid the wearer in getting anything desired more easily, whether it be money, material goods, affection, or __________________?
Fast Money Oil
¼ part Patchouli
¼ part Cedarwood
¼ part Vetiver
¼ part Ginger
Wear, rub on the hands, or anoint green candles to bring money. Also, anoint money before spending to ensure its return!
Fast Money Oil II
½ part Basil
¼ part Ginger
¼ part Tonka
Use the same as directed above.
Fast Money Oil III
¼ part Oakmoss
¼ part Cedarwood
¼ part Patchouli
¼ part Ginger
This is a Scott Cunningham recipe. It’s amazing; it smells like money! You can anoint candles with it and concentrate on your need for money or resources, or you can anoint cash before spending it, or in a charm to have money return to you.
Fast Money Oil IV
½ part Honeysuckle
¼ part Mint
¼ part Vervain
Rub this on your hands or your money to attract financial prosperity!
Follow Me Boy Oil
½ part Jasmine
½ part Rose
Vanilla, a few drops
Piece of coral
Gold glitter
The traditional version of this product also contains a piece of coral and gold glitter. It was favored by New Orleans prostitutes to ensure they would make plenty of money through the appreciation of their passions.
Follow Me Boy Oil II
½ part Jasmine
½ part Opium
A great oil to wear if you work for tips!
Ganesha Oil
½ part Sandalwood
¼ part Coconut
⅛ part Honeysuckle
⅛ part Ambergris
Ganesha is the Hindu god of success and wealth who removes the obstacles that bar your way to attaining your dreams.
Gold and Silver Oil
½ part Honeysuckle
½ part Jasmine
Coconut, a few drops
Use as a daily perfume to entice fun and excitement into your home and life.
Gold Buddha Oil
⅛ part Frankincense
½ part Heliotrope
¼ part Cinnamon
⅛ part Bay
Use to aid you in prosperity spells. When mixing these oils, focus on confidence and success.
Goona-Goona Oil
⅓ part Nutmeg
⅓ part Orris
⅓ part Rose
Patchouli, a few drops
Used to create an atmosphere of trust and understanding, to reduce tensions when dealing with difficult people. It’s also good for those working in retail situations.
Has No Hanna Oil
½ part Rose
½ part Gardenia
An open safety pin in a bottle
Used to keep the wearer from losing things, especially love or money.
Has No Hanna Oil II
¼ part Apple Blossom
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Cinnamon
This New Orleans voudoun formula for luck has been around for quite a long time.
Hetep Oil
⅓ part Myrrh
⅓ part Allspice
⅓ part Cinnamon
To attract success and prosperity.
High Conquering Oil
High John Root in bottle
½ part Vetiver
½ part Bergamot
A very powerful means of attracting wealth, prestige, love, and health. Use generously when changes are desired. Works rather quickly. One of the best oils for good work.
High John the Conqueror Oil
½ part White musk
¼ part Bayberry
¼ part Sandalwood
Verbena, a few drops
Patchouli, a few drops
Keep a Jalep Root in master bottle. This oil makes you unstoppable and enables you to accomplish anything. It is strong good-luck oil and very effective when gambling. Rub your palms with the oil before engaging in games of chance. To obtain money, love, and health, anoint a green candle with High John the Conqueror Oil and burn it completely. This ritual works best if you start on a Sunday and repeat daily for seven days.
Horn of Plenty Oil
½ part Apple Blossom
¼ part Cherry
⅛ part Vanilla
⅛ part Lime
Khus Khus, a few drops
Rub on forehead and body to force a change of fortune. This oil helps the practitioner overcome poverty and brings him or her much wealth and prestige.
Horn of Plenty Oil (Cornucopia)
½ part Vanilla
⅛ part Anise
⅛ part Apricot
⅛ part Peach
⅛ part Orange
For great wealth and other awards and esteem, carry a design known as the Second Pentacle of Jupiter with you at all times. This is one of the many magical seals of Solomon that can be found in the Greater Key of Solomon. The design is “proper for acquiring glory, honors, dignities, riches, and all kind of good, together with great tranquility of mind.” It is also used to discover treasures and chase away the Spirits that preside over them. Anoint the talisman every Sunday to keep its power potent. Protect it by keeping it in a clean white cloth.
I Can, You Can’t Oil
¼ part Palma Christi
¼ part Rose
⅛ part Magnolia
⅛ part Narcissus
⅛ part Apple Blossom
⅛ part Wisteria
Use this oil when an enemy is trying to “diminish” you in any way (take away your job, lover, or is spreading gossip about you, etc.). Sprinkle this oil on an object she/he must touch. After the charm is set, spend no further thought or energy on the problem. It will be taken care of its time and in a way that is to your advantage and benefit.
Inspiration Oil
¼ part Pine
¼ part Lily
¼ part Hyacinth
¼ part Clove
Sprinkle on someone who needs a boost in morale. It builds confidence and inspires someone to do good deeds. It also causes the wearer to become more optimistic and creates a festive atmosphere.
Interview Oil
½ part Ylang-Ylang
½ part Lavender
Rose, a few drops
Wear to interviews of all kinds to calm you. Helps make a favorable impression.
Inspiring Oil
⅓ part Hyacinth
⅓ part Ambergris
⅓ part Vanilla
Are you in need of a mystic muse? Someone to inspire you when you feel your creativity is being blocked? Wear this oil when you’re tackling a job that seems overwhelming.
Instigation Oil
¼ part Allspice
¼ part Vanilla
¼ part Orange
¼ part Clove
This oil will aid in causing others to become motivated to begin new projects. It also aids in the accomplishment of difficult endeavors. This oil has mild commanding and compelling qualities have positive effects, but use caution.
Invigorating Oil
¼ part Grapefruit
¼ part Mandarin Orange
¼ part Tangerine
¼ part Geranium
To increase your strength and endurance both emotionally and physically. Helps to bring out, focus, and amplify your best qualities.
Jyoti Oil
½ part Galangal
½ part Patchouli
Nasturtium seeds (powdered)
Use while trying to overcome the hex of an enemy and to gain financially. Purifies and protects when sprinkled or rubbed around the premises.
King Solomon Oil
⅓ part Solomon’s Seal
⅓ part Hyssop
⅓ part Rose
Brings forth wisdom and intuitiveness. Makes the user more psychic than before. Draws wealth. Use in a ritual where your faculties are to be called into play.
King Solomon Oil II
Solomon's Seal (a few drops) or herb (1 to 2 leaves)
½ part Rose
½ part Frankincense
This blend is for gaining the wisdom that results in improved wealth.
Millionaire’s Dream Oil
⅓ part Sandalwood
⅓ part Bayberry
⅓ part Cinnamon
Peach, a few drops
If you want to be the one—and are willing to take the necessary steps to gain that goal—start with the following prosperity chant each morning and anoint the temples with a drop of oil.
For silver and gold, I now pray,
Send me my needs, do not delay.
More and more, I now request
For this reward I’ll do my best.
Piles of money at my feet,
Oh, blessed be, it is so sweet.—Lady Rhea
Money Oil
¼ part Frankincense
⅛ part Heliotrope
⅛ part Bay
⅛ part Orange
⅛ part Cinnamon
¼ part Sandalwood
To use in any financial situation to increase fortune. Use to anoint green candles to bring money into the home.
Money and Luck Oil
¼ ounce Olive Oil
⅓ part Nutmeg
¼ part Oak Moss
¼ part Bergamot
9 drops Earth
9 drops Tonka
6 drops Clove
8 Dill Seeds
Draws money and luck. It is important that this recipe be followed in the order listed. Be sure to have your mind in the right place when formulating this blend.
Money-Drawing Oil
¼ part Patchouli
¼ part Cedar
¼ part Vetiver
¼ part Ginger
This is the classic oil for drawing money to you.
Money-Drawing Oil II
½ part Honeysuckle
¼ part Hyacinth
¼ part Lotus
Sandalwood, a few drops
Rub on the inside of your wallet each day and anoint the four corners of all bills in your possession once a week.
Money-Drawing Oil III
⅓ part Marjoram
⅓ part Lemon
⅓ part Eucalyptus
Gypsies roll their bills rather than keeping then flat. Smearing the outside bill with this oil is believed to attract cash.
Money Fast Oil
½ part Patchouli
¼ part Cedarwood
¼ part Vetiver
Ginger, a few drops
Wear, rub on the hands, or anoint green candles to bring money. Also anoint money before spending to ensure its return.
Money Fast Oil II
½ part Basil
¼ part Ginger
¼ part Tonka Bouquet
An oil to assist in drawing ready cash when you need it quickly for a necessity.
Money House Blessing Oil
¾ part Sandalwood
¼ part Neroli
Cinnamon, a few drops
To be rewarded with enrichments aplenty before the day is done, recite this small rhyme as you apply the oil to the nape of your neck and your wrists each morning after your bath or shower:
Fruit in the cupboard,
Bread in the house,
Money in the pocket,
Love and friends hereabout. ~Lady Rhea
½ part Patchouli
¼ part Pine
¼ part Bay
Use to aid you in prosperity spells. When mixing these oils, focus on confidence and success.
Money Mist Oil
¼ part Frankincense
¼ part Neroli
¼ part Sandalwood
1∕₁₆ part Vetiver
1∕₁₆ part Bay
Nutmeg, a few drops
Rub on your wallet to attract fantastic amounts of money and to protect the cash you do have on hand.
More Money Oil
¼ part Prosperity Oil (page 153)
¼ part Money-Drawing Oil (page 150)
¼ part Road Opener Oil (page 174)
¼ part Success Oil (page 162)
This is an all-purpose oil to wear when job hunting, gambling, or making decisions about important purchases. Use it to anoint your palms before work or a job interview. Also anoint your credit cards, lottery tickets, etc. Try to think of uses for it that will bring you money. And put a drop of the oil on each business letter you send.
Nine Indian Fruits Oil
Equal parts of the following:
Kiwi (or Lime)
This oil brings networking, prosperity, harmony, and new partnerships.
Oak Moss Bouquet
¾ part Vetiver
¼ part Cinnamon
Use to attract money. Dilute and wear or rub into cash before spending.
Pentacles Oil
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Amber
¼ part Clove
¼ part Lotus
In the Tarot, Pentacles stand for the material plane, money, possessions, and situations of satisfaction. This oil represents the wealth of the Earth. Use this oil to obtain unusual treasures and wealth.
Positive Energy Oil
½ part Dragon’s Blood
½ part Sandalwood
Frankincense, a few drops
A bit of Saffron
Used to increase energy in any situation. It also negates any bad influences from the area.
⅓ part Frankincense
⅓ part Sandalwood
⅓ part Myrrh
Allspice Berries added to the bottle
This oil is designed to bring ready cash.
Prosperity Oil II
¼ part Almond Fragrance Oil
¼ part Honeysuckle
¼ part Bayberry
¼ part Mint
Use this oil to anoint your wallet or purse.
Prosperity Oil III
⅓ Almond fragrance oil
⅓ part Bergamot
⅓ part Pine
Brings abundance, wealth, and success in whatever venture you wish.
Prosperity Oil IV
¾ part Heliotrope
⅛ part Cinnamon
⅛ part Bay
This oil draws riches and abundance on all levels.
Shaman Oil
⅓ part Lemon Verbena
⅔ part Rose
Cedar, a few drops
Use to aid you in prosperity spells. When mixing these fragrances, focus on confidence and success. Use in working shamanic magic.
Shi Shi Oil
⅓ part Clove
⅓ part Bay
⅓ part Angelica
Draws wealth and overcomes poverty. Alleged to work very quickly. Very helpful to those who need a stroke of fortune. Anoint a green candle and burn for seven nights for fifteen minutes. Can also anoint a dollar bill and keep it folded in your wallet.
Shi Shi Oil II
¾ part Carnation
¼ part Peppermint
Gives fast results in spells to overcome poverty or increase wealth; also can help uncross or draw things to you.
Showers of Gold Oil
¼ part Bay
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Frankincense
¼ part Myrrh
Cinnamon, a few drops
Benzoin, a few drops
Use when long-term wealth is desired.
Thrifty Oil
¾ part Lavender
¼ part Basil
Should you require the generosity of friends, relatives, or complete strangers, their willingness to part with their money can be increased if this oil is rubbed surreptitiously onto the back of their hands.
Tonka Bouquet
A few drops Vanilla tincture (extract)
This has been used for a long time in creating artificial vanilla, which was widely sold in the United States until it was determined that it was a health hazard. This warm, vanilla-like scent can be included in money recipes. Try creating your own scent with the above recipe.
Three Kings Oil
½ part Frankincense
¼ part Rose
⅛ part Myrrh
⅛ part Cinnamon
Many talents, endowments, and favors may come to those who use this perfume. Apply it to the temples for wisdom, to the throat so that you speak only kindly and with truth, and to the wrists so that the hands will be helpful to those in need.