In modern Pagan religions, people feel drawn toward many of the ancient gods. While this is by no means a complete list, it’s a good place to start. Other gods and goddesses are sprinkled throughout the book, according to their powers.
Anubis Oil
¼ part Cinnamon
¼ part Low John
¼ part Cedar
¼ part Orris
Myrrh, a few drops
To invoke or worship the Egyptian god of the Underworld; to get rid of unwanted things. Also for protection of canine companions and their place and belongings; helps in any undertakings involving travel to the Underworld.
Arianrhod Oil
⅓ part Cedar
⅓ part Grape Seed
⅓ part Honeysuckle
Silver glitter
Warm all ingredients (except the glitter) in an enamel pan on low heat. Allow to cool; add the glitter and place in a pretty clear bottle. Arianrhod is the Welsh goddess of reincarnation, and the goddess of the astral skies. Use this oil to anoint your third eye when traveling in the Astral Realm.
Artemis Oil
¼ part Lemon
¼ part Rose
⅛ part Violet
⅛ part Narcissus
¼ part Ylang-Ylang
Carnation, a few drops
To worship or invoke the goddess. Use to attain goals, and for luck in sports, especially for female athletes.
Astarte Oil
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Rose
⅛ part Orange
⅛ part Jasmine
To invoke or worship the Phoenician goddess. For works of fertility, love, or war.
Athena Oil
¼ part Honeysuckle
¼ part Carnation
¼ part Neroli
¼ part Musk
To invoke or worship the Phoenician goddess. Use to civilize a situation and to achieve goals.
Baphomet Oil
½ part Vetiver
¼ part Cypress
¼ part Patchouli
Rub this ritual-spell oil on items relating to Baphomet.
Blodeuwedd Oil
⅓ part Lily of the Valley
⅓ part Violet
⅓ part Honeysuckle
Lemon Balm herb in bottle
To invoke or worship the goddess. Use to civilize a situation and achieve goals.
Cerridwen Oil
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Rose
⅛ part Jasmine
⅛ part Orange
⅛ part Patchouli
⅛ part Civet
Camphor, a few drops
To invoke or worship the goddess. This oil induces inspiration, aids in shape shifting and acquiring occult knowledge.
Danu Oil
½ part Dragon’s Blood
½ part Vervain
Danu is the principle of birth and beginnings, of generation and fertility. Danu is the prime mover, she who came before everything else. As an aspect of the Great Mother, she encompasses both light and dark, both giving and receiving. Use this oil to help wash away discord and bring back balance into your life.
Dark Huntress Oil
½ part Jasmine
¼ part Verbena
¼ part Dragon’s Blood
Use to aid you in binding spells.
Demeter Oil
½ part Myrrh
¼ part Vetiver
¼ part Oak Moss Bouquet
Anoint candles or other items to attract money and for the successful completion of your protections and dreams. Also wear when planting, tending, harvesting, or working with herbs and plants to ensure a fruitful yield. Helps you tune into the energies of the Earth.
Diana Oil
Equal amounts of all:
To invoke or worship the goddess; used in accomplishment of goals. This is a good all-purpose lunar ritual oil. It is also good for anyone working with animals.
Egyptian Oracle Oil
⅛ part Acacia
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Patchouli
⅛ part Cinnamon
Authentic 2,000-year-old recipe very typical of its time. It is used to raise vibrations.
Egyptian Protection Oil
⅓ part Amber
⅓ part Civet
⅓ part Frankincense
Juniper, a few drops
Ambergris, a few drops
Use this blend for daily protection, especially when doing magic pertaining to Ra, the Sun God.
Egyptian Temple Oil
¼ part Myrrh
¼ part Frankincense
¼ part Lotus
⅛ part Mimosa
⅛ part Ambergris
This is an exotic blend especially for use as an anointing oil or as an incense for practitioners of the Egyptian magical arts.
Elegua Oil
¼ part Honeysuckle
¼ part Coconut
¼ part Cinnamon
⅛ part Sandalwood
⅛ part Vetiver
Elegua is the ruler of our paths in life. He is the keeper of the keys to the gates of destiny. He opens roads and gives great success where it is warranted. He is a protector of your path. If your road is closed, then use this oil on white candles to open your path or tell you why it is closed so that you may learn the lesson and grow from your experience.
Forest Lord Oil
¼ part Patchouli
¼ part Cedar
¼ part Dark Musk
¼ part Violet
Lemongrass, a few drops
Sandalwood, a few drops
For working with the Dark Lord and The Hunt.
Goddess of Evil Oil
Iron filings
22 drops Galangal
Pinch of Black Horsehair
2 ounces carrier oil
Let this sit from one New Moon to the next New Moon (approximately twenty-eight days). Strain and bottle. Protects the wearer from all bad spells and allows him or her to cast hexes on others; use on a voudoun doll for bad intentions.
Green Man Oil
¼ part Cedar
¼ part Citronella
¼ part Spruce
⅛ part Patchouli
⅛ part Vetiver
Cinnamon, a few drops
Orange, a few drops
To invoke and work with the Lord of the Forest.
Hecate Oil
¾ part Myrrh
¼ part Cypress
Patchouli, a few drops
1 dried Mint leaf
Mix the essential oils in a base of sesame oil. Add the dried mint leaf to the blend. Wear during rituals of defensive magic. Also wear during the Waning Moon in honor of Hecate, goddess of the fading crescent.
Hecate Oil II
⅛ part Rose
¼ part Myrrh
½ part Patchouli
⅛ Lotus
Use to worship or invoke the goddess, or to work in any of her attributes
Hecate Oil III
½ part Vetiver
½ part Jasmine
Myrrh, a few drops
She is the mother of the Underworld, goddess of magic and mystery. Invoke her powers for counsel and wise wisdom. When there is a problem that is too difficult for you to handle, ask her guidance and protection from harm.
Heka Oil
¼ part Musk
¼ part Myrrh
⅛ part Olibanum
⅛ part Benzoin
⅛ part Balm of Gilead
⅛ part Cassia
Lotus, a few drops
Used to invoke or worship the magical and holy aspect of the goddess Hecate.
Hermes Oil
⅓ part Lavender
⅓ part Mastic
⅓ part Cinnamon
Use to invoke or worship the god. It aids in the development of concentration and creativity.
Hermes Oil II
½ part Sandalwood
¼ part Cinnamon
¼ part Rose
Other names for Hermes are Mercury, Thoth, Ganesha, Elegua, and Eshu. He is the god of merchants and new inventions.
Horned God Oil
¼ part Frankincense
¼ part Cinnamon
⅛ part Bay
⅛ part Rosemary
¼ part Musk
Wear to invoke and worship the Horned God.
Horus Oil
⅓ part Frankincense
⅓ part Myrrh
⅓ part Heliotrope
Lotus, a few drops
Orange, a few drops
Used to invoke or worship the god; brings qualities of radical change.
Ishtar Oil
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Rose
¼ part Orange
¼ part Jasmine
Wear to honor the goddess during rituals.
Ishtar Love Oil
¼ part Sesame Seed
¾ part Sandalwood
To invoke or worship the goddess, or work with the qualities of love and war combined.
Isis Oil
¼ part Lotus
¼ part Cypress
¼ part Frankincense
¼ part Rose Geranium
Helps increase determination, will power, and the ability to concentrate.
Isis Oil II
¼ part Lotus
¼ part Frangipani
¼ part Musk
¼ part Black Narcissus fragrance oil
The purpose of this oil is to invoke the goddess Isis in Circle.
Jezebel Oil
⅓ part Ylang-Ylang
⅓ part Jasmine
⅓ part Rose
Rose Petals, in bottle
Red Jasper, in bottle
Used by a woman to control a man. It can cause people to offer you things that you need.
Jezebel Oil II
⅓ part Frankincense
⅓ part Frangipani
⅓ part Heliotrope
A secret formula used by women who wish to have their way with any man, as it can cause males to do their bidding without question.
Jezebel Oil (Do as I Say/Man Tamer)
½ part Palma Christi
¼ part Bergamot
¼ part Ginger Blossom
Dark Musk, a few drops
Like Jezebel Oil II, this oil is used by women to ensure men do their bidding.
Kali Ma Oil
⅓ part Patchouli
⅓ part Musk
⅓ part Amber
⅓ part Lotus
⅓ part Patchouli
⅓ part Musk
Optional ingredients (small pinches may be added to individual bottles): cemetery dirt, grains of paradise (Guinea pepper), Black Pepper, Dragon’s Blood, a few drops of red wine, and sulfur.
Goddess Kali Ma is known as the “slayer of demons.” Petition Kali Ma in times of danger, when all other attempts at protection have brought no results. She will defend you against all harms and crush the evil in your life and those who would strongly oppose your ability to live freely. She is the great mother of wisdom and the slayer of the ego. It is said that she will slay those whose egos unjustly oppose yours.
Lilith Oil
⅓ part Lily of the Valley
⅓ part Jasmine
⅓ part Lotus
Used to invoke or worship the goddess, or kick your enemy’s butt from here to kingdom come.
Merlin Oil
¼ part Vetiver
¼ part Pine
¼ part Green Forest
¼ part Oak Moss Bouquet
Cypress, 5 to 6 drops
Rose Geranium, 5 to 6 drops
Clove, 2 to 3 drops
For wisdom and clarity when working in the magical realms. Helps with understanding and working with sigils.
Merlyn’s Might Oil
½ part Dragon’s Blood
¼ part Vanilla
¼ part Ginger
To boost your magical powers and protection in all magical endeavors.
Morrigan Oil
½ part Lavender
¼ part Cypress
¼ part Apple Blossom
Pinch of Dragon’s Blood Resin
1 hawthorn berry
Used to invoke or worship the goddess. Morrigan can aid you in battle, overcoming enemies, prophetic efforts, and Waning Moon and banishing magic.
Obeah Oil
⅓ part Jasmine
⅓ part Violet
⅓ part Orange
Wintergreen, a few drops
Much prized by sorcerers and voudounists, who use it in magical rites and rituals. To remove any evil spirit, have the bewitched one wear a piece of Burdock Root in a bag around the neck. As you place the necklace on the person, anoint the crown of the head with the Obeah Oil and have the jinxed one count from 50 to 1. As the jinxed one is counting backwards, you count from 1 to 50 in the usual order. This spell should banish any curse, and its effectiveness should last for 50 days, after which it can be repeated if necessary.
Obitzu Oil
⅓ part Jasmine
⅓ part Violet
⅓ part Citronella
Use to keep away evil. This general protective oil is made according to an ancient and very secret recipe. Use the oil in a sub-ritual within a major uncrossing ritual to add efficacy.
Oshun Oil
½ part Jasmine
¼ part Rose
¼ part Neroli
5 drops Cinnamon
5 drops Anise
(Honeysuckle can be substituted for any one of the oils above)
The number five is the sacred number of the goddess Oshun, the Santerian goddess of love and marriage. She is the African Aphrodite. This blend celebrates beauty, pleasure, and dancing.
Osiris Oil
¼ part Lavender
¼ part Lemon
¼ part Violet
⅛ part Orris
⅛ part Cardamom
Used to worship or invoke the god. Brings luck; helps those involved in agriculture of any kind; enhances the understanding of resurrection and rebirth.
Pan and Astarte Oil
¼ part Bayberry
¼ part Musk
¼ part Rose
¼ part Ylang-Ylang
Fertility oil; perfect to wear to your favorite rites of spring.
Pan Oil
⅔ part Patchouli
⅓ part Juniper
Pine, a few drops
Oak Moss Bouquet, a few drops
Cedarwood, 2 to 4 drops
Wear to be infused with the spirit of Pan. Ideal for magical or ritual dancing, music making, singing, and so on. Also for attuning with the Earth.
Pomona Oil
⅓ part Frankincense
⅓ part Strawberry
⅓ part Cardamom
Tangerine, a few drops
To invoke or worship the goddess of cultivation. It helps the wearer to see plans to fruition and will provide a priest to anyone who invokes this goddess.
Rhiannon Oil
½ part Dragon’s Blood
½ part Rue
1 pinch Paprika
Piece of Rose Quartz
For working with the goddess of the magical arts, birds, and the Underworld.
Rites of Isis Oil
½ part Rose
¼ part Camphor
¼ part Blue Hyacinth
Tincture of Myrrh, a few drops
Blend the oils of Rose, Camphor, and Blue Hyacinth during the Waxing Moon. Bottle and keep till the Moon wanes. Add the Myrrh at that time.
Sekmet Oil
¼ part Verbena
¼ part Galangal
¼ part Peppermint
¼ part Rue
Cinnamon, a few drops
To worship or invoke the goddess while protecting the wearer.
Seven African Powers Oil
Equal amounts of all:
Traditional voudoun mixture; invokes the seven archetypal forces of African mythology.
Star of the Sea Oil
⅓ part Rose
⅓ part Lily of the Valley
¼ part Ambergris
To honor and invoke the goddess of the sea, Aphrodite.
Strega Oil
½ part Vetiver
¼ part Juniper
¼ part Lavender
Honey, a few drops
This ancient oil is from an authentic Italian recipe and is used in witchcraft. It represents matriarchal power and strength.