Magical oil blends can assist you in acquiring the everlasting wisdom of our Guides and Ascended Masters for making your life abundant, prosperous, and fulfilling. Visualization is the art of creating mental images. Pictures—not words—are involved. Form a mental image in your mind of what you desire; what is necessary for the needed change. Hold that image until you live that image through your five senses. This makes the image real. Record any messages or visions you receive in a journal, so you don’t forget them. The oils gathered in this section are for dream work, meditation, astral travel, and working on your clairvoyance.
¼ part Jasmine
¼ part Rose
¼ part Frankincense
¼ part Cinnamon
2 to 3 drops Lemon
The formula for this is a closely guarded secret by those who know it, but a few occult shops do carry it. While it obviously has connotations of heterosexual and homosexual love variations, it can be used by anyone who is facing a decision of choice. Apply to the forehead just before going to sleep, and a dream or vision may help you decide which way to move in your situation.
African Ju-Ju Oil
9 drops Galangal
½ ounce carrier oil (see carrier oils to find which one resonates with your intent)
Piece of Galangal Root in bottle
When applied to the brow area, facilitates and enhances psychic experiences and makes the wearer more intuitive; can be used as a crossing oil.
Ancient Shrines Oil
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Frankincense
¼ part Lotus
¼ part Narcissus
A few drops Cinnamon
A traditional mixture. Helps to clarify muddled thinking and promote telepathic faculties. Rub on the forehead during any ritual to protect against counter forces.
Arabian Bouquet
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Musk
¼ part Myrrh
¼ part Allspice
A special oil designed to cleanse the spirit before calling on the good spirits. This oil will also protect against hexes.
Astral Projection Oil
½ part Sweet Orange
½ part Anise
5 drops Jasmine
5 drops Eucalyptus
5 drops Wintergreen
⅛ cup Sweet Almond oil as a carrier oil
Facilitates astral projection.
Astral Travel Oil
¼ part Frankincense
¼ part Myrrh
¼ part Cypress
¼ part Jasmine
Assists in facilitating astral travel.
Astral Travel Oil II
½ part Patchouli
½ part Sandalwood
Cinnamon, a few drops
Anoint the stomach, wrists, back of the neck, and forehead. Lie down and visualize yourself astral projecting.
Astral Travel Oil III
1 part Lime
1 part Frankincense
1 part Myrrh
Travel the realms and visit the past and future; unfold the greatest mysteries of all time.
Astral Travel Oil IV
¾ part Sandalwood
⅛ part Ylang-Ylang
⅛ part Cinnamon
Anoint the body prior to an astral projection session.
Astral Travel Oil V
¼ part Orange
¼ part Lemon
¼ part Frankincense
¼ part Myrrh
Anoint the stomach, wrists, back of the neck, and forehead. Lie down and visualize yourself astral projecting.
Astral Voyage Oil
¾ part Sandalwood
⅛ part Ylang-Ylang
⅛ part Cinnamon
Facilitates astral travel and assists in out-of-body experiences. Very good for lucid dreaming exercises.
Aum Oil
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Orris
¼ part Mastic
¼ part Cinnamon
A special mixture designed to give off vibrations necessary for meditation and other spiritual work.
Black Star Oil
⅓ part Opium fragrance oil
⅓ part Musk
⅓ part Narcissus
For psychic revelation and, yes, for seduction too.
Blue Angel Oil
½ part Lavender
½ part Sandalwood
Holy Water, a few drops
Spring Water, a few drops
For love and invoking Spirit’s aid. Use the oil with pink candles to attract friendship; anoint your astral candle or personal protection.
Clairvoyance Oil
¼ part Heliotrope
¼ part Honeysuckle
½ part Sandalwood
Wisteria, a few drops
A powerful blend for stimulating inner sight and clairvoyance.
Conjure Oil
¾ part Frankincense
⅛ part Myrrh
⅛ part Clove
Ambergris, a few drops
Spirits find this fragrance very appealing. Anoint candles before lighting them to attract those spirits necessary to accomplish the intention you seek.
Conjure Oil II
⅓ part Frankincense
⅓ part Sandalwood
⅓ part Lotus
Works like a genie in a bottle. This oil will help manifest anything you need into reality. Creative visualization is vital when using this oil.
Crystal Temple Oil
⅛ part Frankincense
⅛ part Orris
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Lotus
Used for meditation and yoga.
Crystal Woodlands Oil
¼ part Fir
⅛ part Pine
¼ part Juniper
Communication with astral/animals. Assists in helping you find totem or spirit animals and guides.
Déjà Vu Oil
½ part Sandalwood
¼ part Orris
¼ part Cinnamon
Mastic, a drop or two
Used to remember past lives and/or to become more aware of them.
Divination Oil
¼ part Musk
¼ part Ambergris
¼ part Vetiver
¼ part Violet
Lilac, a few drops
Divination oil is intended to open up the psychic facilities for clarity and increased eyesight. It is often used to anoint the forehead (third eye) and the temples.
Divination Oil II
½ part Camphor
¼ part Orange
¼ part Clove
An oil to open the Eye of Sight and see that which is cast in shadow. Whether you are using Tarot cards, runes, tea leaves, or witch balls, this oil is created to assist in seeing the patterns of what was, is, and will be.
Divination Oil III
½ part Lotus
⅛ part Clove
⅛ part Orange
¼ Sandalwood
This oil makes the perfect aid for rituals and spells if you are seeking information. Whether you’re using it to anoint tools and candles for rituals or drip into a scrying bowl, it is designed to enhance and empower spells when you seek to divine the future, seek out lost information, or otherwise improve your wisdom concerning the world around you.
Divination Oil IV
⅓ part Myrrh
⅓ part Sandalwood
⅓ part Bay
This oil is used to anoint and consecrate a tarot deck or other divination tools before using them for divination. It can also be used to anoint the diviner’s third eye before the divination tools are consulted and read.
Divination Oil for the Full Moon
⅓ part Myrrh
⅓ part Lotus
⅓ part Jasmine
Wear to increase and deepen your psychic powers during a Full Moon.
Divine Oil
¾ part Sandalwood
¼ part Orange
Wear to increase accuracy and perception during the divination process.
Divine Protection Oil
½ part Rose
¼ part Lavender
⅛ part Hibiscus
⅛ part Mint
This oil is for warding off evil. Wear the oil when you feel in any kind of danger, physical or spiritual.
Dragons Oil
¼ part Opium fragrance oil
¼ part Allspice
¼ part Cinnamon
¼ part Amber
To help invoke dragons for good luck, wealth, protection, and other positive uses.
Dream Oil
½ part Rose
¼ part Jasmine
⅛ part Chamomile
⅛ part Violet
To cause a prophetic or instructional dream.
Dream Oil II
¼ part Marjoram
¼ part Mugwort
¼ part Chamomile
¼ part Sandalwood
Add a sodalite stone to the bottle
½ ounce carrier oil (see carrier oils to find which one suits your intent)
Use to cause a prophetic or instructional dream. Use essential oils only for this blend.
Dream Chaser Oil
⅓ part Lavender
⅓ part Violet
⅓ part Sandalwood or Rosewood
Lemon, a few drops
Lemongrass, a few drops
Helps with achieving lucid dreaming and keeping negative forms out of the dream state.
Dreamer Oil
½ part Rose
¼ part Jasmine
¼ part Chamomile
Prepare this blend by pouring the oils in a 10-ounce bottle and then adding organic vegetable oil to fill. Anoint the third eye, sacrum, and solar plexus. Pour a few drops into the palm of your hand and inhale deeply; may use in the bath as well.
Dream Potion
½ part Jasmine
½ part Nutmeg
Clary Sage, a few drops
Not for internal use. Anoint dream pillows and/or third eye upon retiring for bed.
Dreamtime Oil
⅓ part Carnation
⅓ part Sandalwood
⅓ part Vanilla
This oil is for peaceful, healing sleep and creative dreaming. Use it in a diffuser, or make it into incense.
Dreams/Visualization Oil
Equal amounts of all:
Sandalwood Blue Tansy
Bergamot Tangerine
Ylang-Ylang Black Pepper
Juniper Anise
Use for prophetic and divinatory dreams. Write your special wish on a candle before you retire; burn the candle for fifteen minutes nightly for seven nights.
Energy Oil
⅓ part Vanilla
⅓ part Musk
⅓ part Lemon Verbena
To increase emotional and physical energy and endurance.
Energy Oil II
½ part Orange
¼ part Lime
¼ part Cardamom
Wear when feeling depleted, when ill, or just to strengthen your own energy reserves. Especially useful after magical rituals to recharge your bodily batteries.
Faerie Enchantment Oil
⅔ part Rose
⅓ part Thyme
Evening Primrose in master bottle
This oil will aid in opening up your third eye so that you may view the Savage Garden (the Faerie Realm). If the Fae permit it, that is.
Faerie Fire Oil
1 Garnet crushed
1 part Dragon’s Blood
1 part Coriander
Coriander Seeds
For seeing the Faerie Realm and working with them. A fabulous oil for learning art and creative divination techniques.
Faerie Fire Oil II
½ part Peach
¼ part Ylang-Ylang
⅛ part New Mown Hay
⅛ part Dark Musk
⅛ part Chamomile
⅛ part Poppy
Dragon’s Blood, a few drops
Garnet in the master bottle
Useful in contacting Faeries connected with the Fire element: Will o’ the Wisps, Flame Dancers, etc.
Faerie Flower Oil
½ part Elder Flower
½ part Lavender
Dried Rosebuds
For working with flower devas, and for learning how to listen to the messages that different plants and their devas offer you.
Faerie Magic Oil
⅛ part Lemon
¼ part Gardenia
⅛ part Jasmine
¼ part Violet
1∕₁₆ part Lavender
1∕₁₆ part Lemongrass
1∕₁₆ part Rose geranium
1∕₁₆ part Ylang-Ylang
Useful for working with Faerie magic. Wear it on Midsummer’s Eve to increase chances of Fae encounters.
Faerie Oil (Elemental Water)
½ part Camphor
¼ part Lavender
¼ part Lemon
Primrose, a few drops
Rose Geranium, a few drops
Use this oil when contacting Faeries connected to the Water element, such as Undines, Naiads, Sirens, etc.
Faerie Spirit Oil
¼ part Oak Moss
¼ part Rosemary
¼ part Cypress
¼ part Patchouli
To use when working with the Fae.
Faeries Oil
⅛ part Mimosa
⅛ part Lily of the Valley
¼ part Vanilla
¼ part Peach
This recipe is for the sweet, beguiling Faeries that charm and enchant all who come within their realm. If you wish to create a magical, enchanted Faerie atmosphere in your home, use this oil in a diffuser.
Faerie Ring Oil
¼ part Elderflower
¼ part Lavender
¼ part Musk
⅛ part Lilac
⅛ part Frankincense
Myrrh, a few drops
For use in Faerie Circles.
Grant me your favors, Fair Ones I pray
Your tales I shall tell, your songs I shall play!
With harm to none, no secrets betray,
Lend me the might of your talents today!
So Mote It Be!—author unknown
To enhance beauty and musical/artistic skill. Beware of its enchantment!
Far-Sight Oil
⅓ part Acacia
⅓ part Cassia
⅓ part Anise
Bergamot, a few drops
Wear to aid in seeing your past lives. (Caution: rest this oil first; it may irritate your skin.)
Fire of Azrael Oil
⅓ part Sandalwood
⅓ part Cedar
⅓ part Juniper
Bergamot, a few drops
A scrying oil based on a 500-year-old recipe from ancient England.
Flower Faerie’s Fancy
⅔ part Rose
⅓ part Clary Sage
Jasmine, a few drops
Flying Oil
You will need at least a 1- or 2-ounce bottle to blend this oil, as there are many ingredients.
Use equal parts of the following:
Flying oil was designed to assist and protect during astral travel. After blending the oil, wrap in a dark cloth, and hide it in a secret place for nine days. Unwrap it and let sit in the moonlight for thirteen nights. Best to start twenty-four hours after the New Moon so it will be finished right before the Full Moon. You can put it out under the Full Moon’s light for the intuitive blessings of Mother Moon. Then it will be ready for the astral projection of your choice.
God Fire Oil
⅓ part Pine
⅓ part Musk
⅓ part Cinnamon
Awakens the higher spiritual aspect of the earth gods.
Good Luck Mystic Oil
½ part Sandalwood
¼ part Musk
¼ part Gardenia
This oil is designed to attract mystic guides for further psychic development.
Gypsy Magic Oil
¾ part Peppermint
¼ part Thyme
½ ounce Borage Seed carrier oil
Simple yet effective divination oil. Use this oil to anoint your third eye prior to any divination or spellwork.
Heather Oil
¼ part Mastic
¼ part Frankincense
¼ part Cinnamon
¼ part Lavender
Bay, a few drops
Helps to bring forth psychic power. Wonderful for clairvoyance. Anoint forehead while in ritual. Use in your bath before retiring to secure prophetic dreaming.
Hindu Grass Oil
¼ part Cinnamon
¼ part Coriander
¼ part Sage
¼ part Patchouli
Curry, a pinch
A special oil designed to heighten psychic, clairvoyant, and meditation powers.
Holy Trinity Oil
⅓ part Rose
⅓ part Gardenia
⅓ part Lotus
This oil is for powerful guidance, spiritual resources, and protection.
Indian Spirit Guide Oil
½ part Neroli
¼ part Bayberry
¼ part Cedarwood
Calamus, a few drops (if available) or Calamus herb (optional)
This oil blend is great for psychics, mediums, and those who just need some spiritual guidance.
Inner Journey Oil
½ part Frankincense
¼ part Cedar
¼ part Lemon
Great for meditation and past-life regressions.
Invocation Oil
¼ part Jasmine
¼ part Rose
¼ part Myrrh
¼ part Frangipani
An all-purpose invoking essence that is nice to always have on hand.
Kindly Spirit Oil
⅓ part Frangipani
⅓ part Carnation
⅓ part Musk
Clove or Allspice, a few drops (optional)
To summon an unearthly being to your side for aid in accomplishing your tasks, write your requirement on paper and place the petition beneath a pink candle, which has been anointed with this oil.
Kundalini Oil
¼ part Saturnian
¼ part Ambergris
¼ part French Musk
⅛ part Civet
½ part Valerian
Cinnamon, a drop or two
Raises the energy of the kundalini. Place oil at the heart, throat, and behind the ears.
Lucid Dreaming Oil
½ part Valerian
½ part Lavender
Clary Sage, a few drops
To cause a prophetic or instructional dream.
Lucky Mystic Oil
⅓ part Basil
⅓ part Lavender
⅓ part Orange
Silver glitter (optional)
Attracts good spirits and aids in honing clairvoyant skills.
Lucky Prophet Oil
¼ part Frankincense
¼ part Juniper
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Rose
This is a formula that can activate inborn clairvoyant powers so this gift can be developed to its full potential.
Maa-Isa Oil
⅛ part Myrrh
⅛ part Vetiver
½ part Frankincense
⅛ part Civet
⅛ part Styrax
Myrtle, a few drops
Orange rind, in master bottle
Ancient Egyptian blend which means “the truth of Isis.” Used by the Priestesses of Isis to aid in counsel, to seek the truth in a matter, or for works of divination.
Magnolia Bouquet
¼ part Neroli
½ part Jasmine
⅛ part Rose
⅛ part Sandalwood
Just as with Lotus oil, no genuine Magnolia oil exists. An excellent addition to meditation and psychic awareness oils, as well as love mixtures. Use compound Magnolia oil or make your own. Try to have a fresh flower nearby so that while mixing you can try to duplicate the scent. You can use this mixture whenever a recipe calls for Magnolia. And remember, it’s okay to use fragrance oils, too.
Meditation Oil
¼ part Frankincense
¼ part Cedarwood
¼ part Tangerine
¼ part Chamomile
Facilitates meditative work, also tends to be very good at attracting spirits. Use in protected environment.
Meditation Oil II
½ part Sandalwood
¼ part Orris
¼ part Mastic
Cinnamon, a few drops
A special mixture designed to give off vibrations necessary for meditation or other spiritual work. Especially good for psychic endeavors. A strong Spirit attractant tends to add success to any ritual.
Meditation Oil III
½ part Frangipani
¼ part Musk
¼ part Narcissus
This carries a strong mystical aura and should be used only while meditating, praying, or doing psychic work.
Merddin Bath Oil
¼ part Lilac
¼ part Violet
¼ part Narcissus
⅛ part Wisteria
⅛ part Ambergris
Use to aid your prophetic spells. Place 6 drops in bathwater and soak for twenty minutes.
Mimosa Magic Oil
⅓ part Acacia
⅓ part Yellow Rose
⅓ part Lilac
Bay, a few drops
Rub all over the body before sleep to produces prophetic dream. Anoint a blue or white candle for the same effect, or use in the bath or bed to permit good—and only good—dreams to come true.
Moon Oil
½ part Jasmine
½ part Sandalwood
Wear to induce psychic dreams, to speed healing, to facilitate sleep, to increase fertility, and for all other lunar influences. Also wear at the time of the Full Moon to attune with its vibrations.
Moon Oil (Planetary)
¼ part Nutmeg
¼ part Myrrh
⅛ part Anise
⅛ part Clary Sage
⅛ part Wintergreen
⅛ part Eucalyptus
For any work with lunar intention. Intensifies clairvoyance and psychic vision.
Moonlight Grove Oil
¾ part Jasmine
⅛ part Lemon
⅛ part Frankincense
A lunar oil with romance in mind. Brings psychic visions of those you love and wish to be with.
Moses Oil
⅓ part Solomon’s seal
⅓ part Hyssop
⅓ part Rose
Usually called the Oil of Moses, this is a holy oil, used during séances by those attempting to talk to the spirits in the other worlds, and for consecrating altars, utensils, and tools.
Mystic Hermit Oil
⅛ part Allspice
½ part Ylang-Ylang
⅛ part Cinnamon
¼ part Galangal
For spiritual growth, looking inward, and being able to listen to the “voice within.”
Mystic Veil Oil
⅛ part Cinnamon
½ part Sandalwood
⅛ part Clove
¼ part Myrrh
This is used for pathworking, psychic endeavors, or to break through the astral plane.
Nirvana Oil
¼ part Coriander
¼ part Sage
¼ part Patchouli
¼ part Cinnamon
Used in the pursuit of deep meditation. Soothes emotional states so that mental work can take place.
Olympian Oracle Oil
⅛ part Cinnamon
¼ part Myrrh
½ part Vetiver
⅛ part Clove
This oil helps to open the spirit to vibrations from other planes so they can communicate with this plane.
Oracle Oil
¼ part Cinnamon
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Clove
Myrrh, a few drops
Use to aid in prophetic magic.
Orange Mist Lace Oil
½ part Bergamot
¼ part Orange
⅛ part Neroli
⅛ part Cinnamon
This light, ethereal oil helps to cause a higher vibration of energy in yourself or your environment.
Papyrus Oil
½ part Sandalwood
¼ part Orris
¼ part Mastic
Cinnamon, a few drops
To aid in meditation.
Past Lives Oil
⅓ part Clove
⅓ part Sandalwood
⅓ part Orange
Aids in past life meditations; helps recall past lifetimes clearly and without emotional entanglement.
Peaceful Thoughts Oil
⅓ part Lavender
⅓ part Rosemary
⅓ part Wintergreen
Anoint forehead and temples with this oil before meditating.
Prayers Oil
½ part Frankincense
½ part Myrrh
Vanilla, a few drops
For help with prayer and spellwork; great for meditation, too.
Prophetic Dream Oil
½ cup Olive Oil
Pinch of Cinnamon
Pinch of Nutmeg
1 teaspoon Anise
Put herbs in Olive Oil and heat until warm, but not hot. Strain herbs and then bottle. Store bottle in a dark place. Write the question you want answered on a piece of paper and place under your pillow. Apply oil to forehead and temples before sleep. Do this for three nights in a row.
Psychic Attack Protection Oil
¼ part Bergamot
¼ part Dragon’s Blood
¼ part Rue
¼ part Frankincense
Piece of High John Root
Activates and increases the wearer’s psychic abilities.
Psychic Oil
¾ part Lemongrass
¼ part Yarrow
Wear to increase psychic powers, especially when working with rune stones, quartz crystal spheres, and other such tools.
Psychon Oil
¼ part Cinnamon
¼ part Galangal
¼ part Cedar
¼ part Orris
Myrrh, a few drops
Helps the wearer to open up the third eye.
Purple Wisdom Oil
¼ part Violet
¼ part Vanilla
¼ part Lilac
¼ part Lotus
This oil can help you open the doorways to your intuition that may be lurking within you. It can also help you gain wisdom and psychic insight.
Quieting Oil
⅓ part Lemon
⅓ part Lavender
⅓ part Balm of Gilead
Sugar, a few grains
Salt, a few grains
An intoxicating voudoun mixture that helps to induce a deep meditative state before rituals or other meditation work.
Sacred Light Oil
¾ part Sandalwood
⅛ part Nutmeg
⅛ part Cinnamon
Use to safely assist the spirit in letting go of the body to travel to other planes.
Serenity Oil
½ part Cucumber
½ part Lavender
5 drops Cinnamon
Calm, soothing, quiet tranquility, and peace can be had when using this oil. Wonderful oil for meditation and massage work.
Seven Chakras Oil
1 part of each oil:
Rose (base)
Bergamot (sacral)
Lemon (belly)
Benzoin (heart)
German Chamomile (throat)
St. John’s Wort (head)
Lavender (crown)
½ ounce base oil (select a carrier oil from the list that will best suit your intent)
An oil designed to assist in balancing the chakras and aura. Perfect for massage, or to have in a diffuser.
Sleep Oil
¾ part Rose
¼ part Mace
Anoint the temples, neck, pulse of both wrists, and soles of the feet. It brings on natural sleep. Essential oils are recommended, but not mandatory. If you do decide to use essentials, place in 1 cup of carrier oil.
Sleep Oil II
½ part Rose
¼ part Jasmine
¼ part Chamomile
Anoint the temples, neck, pulse of both wrists, soles of the feet. It brings on natural sleep.
Smudge Blend Oil
½ part Sage
¼ part Lavender
¼ part Amber
This oil is like having a liquid smudge stick at your disposal. When the smoke from a smudge stick is too much for people, just place a few drops of this in your diffuser.
Song of the Elder Gods Oil
⅓ part Sandalwood
⅓ part Musk
⅓ part Wisteria
This oil is for communicating with your own personal muse for any work that requires inspiration and creativity.
Spirit Oil
¼ part Sandalwood
¼ part Violet
¼ part Crocus
¼ part Gardenia
Assists in communicating with deceased friends and relatives. Sprinkle on ground or use as incense or to anoint white candles. Never wear the oil on your body.
Spiritual Healing Oil
⅛ part Frankincense
⅛ part Orris
¼ part Sandalwood
½ part Lotus
To cause a higher vibration of energy in yourself in order to perform healing sessions. Great oil for chakra work.
Spiritual Vibration Oil
½ part Sandalwood
¼ part Heliotrope
⅛ part Magnolia
⅛ part Frankincense
An enchanting oil designed to strengthen and enhance the individual’s power for spellwork and psychic ability.
Star Daughter Oil
½ part Rose
½ part Lilac
Verbena, a few drops
A beautiful blend designed to help you request a personal spirit guide and establish sensitivity to communications with your guide.
Sweet Repose Oil
½ part Rose
¼ part Lavender
¼ part Magnolia
This is a relaxing, sleep-inducing blend which helps to develop inner peace and tranquility.
The Phoenix Oil
⅓ part Lemon
⅓ part Lavender
⅓ part Bay
A blend to safely assist the Spirit in letting go of the body to travel to other planes.
Tiger Perfume
Wintergreen, a few drops
¼ part Gardenia
¼ part Rose
¼ part Peppermint
¼ part Bay
A voudoun recipe that awakens psychic power and clairvoyance.
Vibrance Oil
½ part Orange
½ part Ginger
Spanish Moss, a few drops
Vibrance Oil brings about a sense of well-being while working on cleansing the aura.
Vision Oil
¼ part Magnolia
¼ part Rose
½ part Apple Blossom
Anoint yourself with this oil before any psychic workings.
Vision Oil II
¼ part Bay
¾ part Lemongrass
Nutmeg, just a few drops
Anoint forehead to produce psychic awareness. Very good for tarot readers.
Vision Seeker Oil
¼ part Vanilla
¼ part Gardenia
½ part Violet
This blend assists you in opening up your psychic awareness.
Visionary Dreams Oil
⅓ part Patchouli
⅓ part Lavender
⅓ part Ylang-Ylang
Use this oil to increase the depth and perception of your dreams.
Wishbone Oil
½ part Patchouli
¼ part Musk
¼ part Jasmine
This oil can bring luck, grant wishes, and aid in psychic development. Place a few drops of this oil in a water bowl before you retire for the night, and pray to receive psychic information through your dreams, or pray over the water to have your wishes granted. In the morning, just dispose of the water down the drain.
Zorba Perfume
⅛ part Mastic
¼ part Frankincense
¼ part Cinnamon
⅛ part Lavender
⅛ part Bay
Helps to bring forth psychic power; wonderful for clairvoyance. Anoint forehead while in ritual. Use in your bath before retiring to secure prophetic dreams.