Hexing, Banishing
& Uncrossing

The witches of old were often in demand for their ability to hex and curse murderers, rapists, child molesters, and other unsavory sorts. Witches and root-workers were often the only healers to be found in the villages of old. Their knowledge of herbs, roots, minerals, and other natural remedies was legendary. Use these oils when all else fails and justice must be done. Curses don’t have to be the dark deeds of magical villains. They can be the common negative energy that ordinary psychic vampires bombard us with daily. Here I have a list of oils that should do the trick if you should have to do a little work on the “dark” side.

Agarbatti Chandan Oil

½ part Lavender

½ part Hyssop

To overcome adversity, hexes, and bad luck.

Banishing Oil

½ part Frankincense

part Rosemary

part Bay Laurel

part Angelica

part Basil

To banish anything unwanted in your life.

Banishing Oil II

part Carnation

part Basil

part Rue

Should you have unwanted visitors from time to time, and your cool reception has not discouraged them, write their names on a small square of parchment paper. Anoint each corner of the paper with this oil and bury the charm on the pathway to your doorway. Those whose names are scribed on the talisman will soon cease their unwelcome visits.

Banishing/Exorcism Oil

3 whole Cloves

2 cloves Garlic

¼ Basil mixed with carrier oil

This works wonderfully on neighbors whom you would like to move. Just rub some of the oil on their doorknobs. If neighbors are of the spiritual nature, place dabs of oil on all mirrors in the home. Let the cloves of garlic sit in the carrier oil for six weeks. Shake the mixture every few days. Strain through a coffee filter and bottle tightly.

Bat’s Blood Oil

¾ part Magnolia

¼ part Peppermint

Used in practice of black arts to create discord, tension, and havoc; used on voudoun fetishes.

Bat’s Eye Oil

part Myrrh

part Dragon’s Blood

part Bayberry

Use with a real bat’s eye when working with evil spirits to hex someone who has wronged you; highly dangerous to the operator. Use with caution.

Bend Over Oil

½ part Rose

¼ part Frankincense

¼ part Honeysuckle

Vetiver, a few drops

Makes other people do your bidding. Use to break any hexes and to order evil spirits to return to their sender. Said to be extremely potent.

Black Arts Oil

¼ part Myrrh

¼ part Patchouli

part Cinnamon

part Gum Mastic

part Galangal

part Vetiver

Sage, a few drops

Special crossing oil used only for placing hexes on hated competitors. Use with extreme care.

Black Arts Oil II

One double boiler

Grape Seed or Olive Oil

2 teaspoons Mullein Herb

1 teaspoon Wormwood Herb

1 tablespoon Patchouli Herb

3 Blackberry Leaves

1 teaspoon Mandrake

1 tablespoon Myrrh Resin

Graveyard Dirt (optional)

Put water in the bottom part of the double boiler and the herbs and about a cup of oil in the top part of the boiler. Boil the water and let the herbs steep in the oil for approximately ten minutes. When the oil is well scented with the herbs, strain thoroughly and put in a bottle or jar. Add 9 drops of 190-proof alcohol (Everclear) to the brew to preserve it. Note: You can use the above direction to make any type of oil from herbs.

Black Arts Oil III

½ part Patchouli

½ part Black Pepper fragrance oil

Pinch of Valerian Root

Pinch of black poodle dog hair

Pinch of Black Mustard seeds

Pinch of Spanish Moss

Pinch of Mullein

Pinch of powdered Sulphur

9 whole Black Peppercorns

Blend into ½ ounce carrier oil, such as Almond. For all works of hexing, banishing, and cursing. Works extremely well to rid yourself of a person or situation that you cannot rid yourself of in any other way.

Black Devil Oil

¼ part Bay

¼ part Frangipani

¼ part Lavender

¼ part Cinnamon

Pinch of Sugar or Salt

Mixed with sugar and salt to stop a married man or woman from playing around. It should be carefully sprinkled on their undergarments while they sleep.

Compelling Oil

part Clary Sage

part Lavender

part Pine

3 Calamus Roots or use (Marigold leaves) in master bottle

Optional: Roll a candle in Mugwort and/or Nutmeg blend; swirl and anoint candle in spell. Wear near the person from whom you want the truth. They do not stand a chance of lying.

Confusion Oil

To 2 ounces of base oil, add contents of one vitamin E capsule and:

½ part Coconut

¼ part Lavender

¼ part Violet

¼ part Black Pepper

2 drops Ginseng

Will help to confuse others who are working against the wearer or user; an aid in breaking hexes, it will work better when a hex is fresh, but will also work for older curses.

Confusion Oil II

2 parts Rue Herb

1 part Guinea Pepper

Add 2 tablespoons of this to 2 ounces of oil and steep for a few weeks in a dark place, or over low heat for about an hour. Then cool and strain through cheesecloth.

Conquering Glory Oil

¼ part Sandalwood

¼ part Bayberry

¼ part Tonka

¼ part Orange

To kick ass in any contest and gain power over others, no matter what the purpose.

Conquering Glory Oil II

¼ part Sandalwood

¼ part Bayberry

¼ part Tonka

¼ part Orange

To gain power over others, write their names on parchment and place the paper beneath a purple candle that you have anointed with the oil. Light the candle and repeat this little chant seven times quickly:

(Name), (Name), do as I say,

For I know what’s best for you.

(Name), (Name), this I pray,

Follow me to Timbuktu.

Controlling Oil

¼ part Clove

¾ part Vetiver

1 part Calamus Root in master bottle

Keep a piece of licorice root in a master bottle for the energies this blend needs. Use to anoint all spell items.

Controlling Oil II

part Clove

part Vetiver

part Storax

Particularly useful with love rituals. Use on a red male figure candle. Also effective when mixed with voudoun doll stuffing herbs.

Controlling Oil III

2 tablespoons Calamus

2 ounces Olive Oil

Place three drops of this oil on another’s shoe. To have better control over a situation or person, write the situation or the person’s name on a piece of paper, place the paper under a purple candle dressed with this oil. Burn daily until the candle is consumed, and your dominance over the situation or person should be established.

Crossing Oil

Mix equal parts:



Put 2 tablespoons of mixture into 2 ounces of Olive Oil. You may add a small piece of Ivy Root to each bottle of oil to enhance its power. Use on candles or charms used in rituals designed to curse another.

Curse-Breaker Oil

¾ part Sandalwood

part Bay

part Bergamot

Anoint a black candle and burn for seven nights during the Waning Moon to assist you in breaking a curse.

Do as I Say Oil

part Patchouli

part Musk

part Lotus

For self-control, self-mastery, and self-confidence, one should wear this daily. It imparts assuredness that others bend to the will of the wearer without even being aware they are under another’s spell.

Domination Oil

½ part Patchouli

¼ part Vetiver

part Lime

part Frankincense

Keep a piece of Calamus Root in the master bottle. Use in all ways of domination. Anoint seals, mojo bags, candles, etc.

Domination Oil II

½ part Cinnamon

¼ part Allspice

¼ part Vanilla

Anoint your body with this oil to make others do as you wish. You will have the ability to dominate a situation with power and confidence.

Double-Cross Oil

¼ part Myrrh

¼ part Mimosa

¼ part Jasmine

¼ part Patchouli

Clove, a few drops

A magical blend that spans the disciplines of different traditions of folk magic. Double-Cross Oil was created to turn back any negative magic and undo the hex of an adversary practitioner.

Double XX (Hexing Oil)

Lemon Oil

Plus all other odds and ends from spent bottles of blended formulae

Confuses enemies. Wear behind your knees and ankles, and inside your elbows. Use at business meetings with unethical people; it will turn the situation in your favor.

Dragon Protection Oil

¼ part Amber 

¼ part Dark Musk (plain Musk may be substituted)

¼ part Rue

¼ part Almond

Mix oils, then add 1 pinch of sea salt and 1 or 2 small pieces of Dragon’s Blood Resin and a small piece of Amber. Wear as a personal oil to enhance your powers and to call on the dragon’s power, protection, and wisdom.

Dragon’s Blood Oil

½ part Musk

½ part Myrrh

Dragon’s Blood Resin (optional), a few grains

This oil is for getting rid of evil and dark magic.

Druid’s Curse Oil

part Dill

¼ part Galangal

¼ part Anise

¼ part Myrrh

Hyssop, a few drops

To kick ass in any contest and gain power over others, no matter what the purpose.

Escaping Oil

part Cedarwood

part Cypress

part Rosemary

To get anything to go away or to get out of a negative situation, no matter what. When used on a doll to represent a person, it will remove that person from your life.

Espanta Muerta Oil

½ part Peppermint

½ part Lavender

The name means “ghost chaser” in Spanish. If you are experiencing a haunting, try this blend. It gets rid of negative magic, which many believe is brought about by evil spirits, demons, or malefic ghosts who are condemned to roam the Earth. The cleansing properties of the mint and lavender combination is awesome.

Evil Eye Oil

part Rose

part Heliotrope

part Musk

Used to get rid of a hex or curse, or put the “evil eye” on someone else. Aids the user in averting evil when rubbed on the hands for seven days; the protection can last up to a year.

Excalibur Oil

¼ part Lemon

part Orange

part Thyme

part Ginger

part Rose Geranium

¼ part Lavender

Will force others to do your bidding without question. Use with care.

Exodus Oil

2 ounces Safflower Base

1 ounce Patchouli

½ part Myrrh

½ part Narcissus

Keep Devil’s Shoestring Root in master bottle. Anoint a white candle and burn to receive help from the Holy Spirit. Anoint a doll representing the person you want out of your life with the oil to make them go away. Write the person’s name on a white piece of paper. Also write the following: “We both go to our higher good separately, in different directions, through divine power.” On a Sunday, wrap the doll in the paper. Every Sunday thereafter, take the doll out and anoint it once again. Continue until your nemesis finds fit to get out of your life.

Exorcism Oil

Take equal amounts of these oils:





Keep Hyssop Herb in the master bottle

Use to purge and banish any evil or negative energies in a place or surrounding a person.

Exorcism Oil II

¼ part Healing Oil

¼ part Blessing Oil

¼ part Sandalwood

part Bergamot

part Myrrh

Frankincense, a few drops

Lemon Verbena, a few drops

Use same as above.

Fast Action Oil

part Dragon’s Blood

part Lemon

part Rosemary

Cinnamon, a few drops

Add to any other oil to speed its effects.

Fiery Command Oil

¼ part Dragon’s Blood

¼ part Frankincense

¼ part Myrrh

¼ part Cinnamon

Will force others to do your bidding without question. Use with care.

Fiery Wall of Protection Oil

part Dragon’s Blood

part Frankincense

part Myrrh

Salt, a few grains in bottle

The added element of Fire, or Dragon’s Blood, will protect you even from a very strong attack.

Fiery Wall of Protection Oil II

part Amber

part Cinnamon

part Frankincense

While similar to Protection Oil, and used for the same objectives, this is an especially effective formula for instances when one feels unduly pressured by another person.

Flying Devil Oil

Black Pepper, a pinch

½ part Dragon’s Blood Oil

¼ part Cassia

¼ part Patchouli

A special voudoun uncrossing oil used to overcome the power of a strong Ouanga or hex. Very dependable and is said to work very quickly. Not to be worn.

Go Away Evil Oil

part Lilac

part Rose

part Ambergris fragrance oil

This is a deep-toned fragrance designed to drive away evil by its sheer power of wholesomeness, rather than making you smell overpowering as many Go Away Evil blends do. This oil repels negativity through grace, subtlety, and positive light.

Graveyard Oil / Goofer Oil

Patchouli Leaves

½ part Mullein

½ part Vetiver

You can use ordinary herbs/dust with this oil to create “graveyard dust,” a maximum healing mixture.

Gris-Gris Oil

½ teaspoon Sandalwood

½ teaspoon Bay

Asafetida, a pinch

Dill Seed, a pinch

¼ teaspoon Uncrossing Oil

2 teaspoon tincture of Benzoin

A voudoun recipe for all-purpose power. Use in any situation when added energy is needed.

Hell’s Devil Oil

¾ Capsicum

¼ Mustard

Black Peppercorns

One of the best oils for placing a hex on someone. Dress black candles to strengthen the hexs power to cause harm. Use with caution. Not to be worn.

Hindu Oil

See Van Van Oil on page 176

Hot Foot Oil

Chili Powder, a pinch

½ Red Sandalwood

Black Pepper, a pinch

½ part Cinnamon

Pinch of Sulfur

A hexing oil used when you wish to make an enemy uncomfortable. It doesn’t hurt anyone permanently and just causes temporary suffering. Not to be worn.

I Can, You Can’t Oil

¼ part Palma Christi

¼ part Rose

part Magnolia

part Narcissus

part Apple Blossom

part Wisteria

Use this oil when an enemy is trying to “diminish” you in any way (take away your job or lover, spread gossip about you, etc.). Sprinkle this oil upon an object she or he must touch. After the charm is set, spend no further thought or energy on the problem. It will be taken care of in its time and in a way that will be to your advantage and benefit.

I Tame My Straying Animal Oil

part Peppermint

part Clove

Onion Oil (optional, can be found in some botanicas)

This preparation, which originates in Mexico, is intended in keeping a wandering lover at home.

Inflammatory Confusion Oil

1 part Rue Herb

1 part Guinea Pepper

1 part Poppy Seeds

1 part Black Mustard Seeds

4 drops Capsicum Oil

½ ounce carrier oil

Use to cause confusion between lovers who are cheating. Stops infidelity when sprinkled on the altar, or a figure candle representing the one who is straying.

Jinx-Killer Oil

½ part Lavender

¼ part Frankincense

part Rose

part Rue

This formula brings luck when one become convinced that a destructive force has descended on his or her home or person.

Jinx Oil

part Clove

part Cyclamen

There are different varieties of this oil: Black Jinx is used to ward off evil and break hexes, to purify an altar, or for any ritual of cursing; Green Jinx is used to gain financial wealth and success in any endeavor; Purple Jinx increases clairvoyant powers and makes the wearer more deeply psychic; Red Jinx is used to attract potential marriage partners and new lovers.

Jinx-Removing Oil

½ part Carnation

½ part Sandalwood

Myrrh, a few drops

Powerful in overcoming ill effects from the most horrible curses. For all those in a crossed condition, rub on the temples every day until the situation is improved.

Jockey Club Perfume

¼ part Cinnamon

¼ part Carnation

¼ part Clove

¼ part Bay

Piece of tanned leather in bottle

A strong hex breaker. Used only for uncrossing purposes. Can be depended upon to protect against all evil-doings.

Lost and Away Oil

½ part Mistletoe fragrance oil

¼ part Orris

¼ part Sage

One of the most powerful recipes for getting rid of an unwanted person or enemy.

Love-Breaker Oil

part Vetiver

part Patchouli

part Lemongrass

To spoil any love affair or marriage. To be used in a spell against one’s own mate to cause a split if desired, or to rid oneself of undesired attention.

Magus Oil

part Lemon

part Orange

part Frankincense

Sandalwood, a few drops

Vetiver, a few drops

For protection and power. Anoint a purple candle with this mixture.

Mandrake Perfume

part Galangal

part Hyssop

part Dill

Licorice, a few drops

Musk, a few drops

Piece of Mandrake in the bottle

Combines a hexing and protection formula. Seldom used except by the very experienced, as it tends to be highly reversible. The ingredients invoke elementals and must be used with extreme caution.

Mint Bouquet Oil

¾ part Rose

¼ part Mint

¼ part Rain fragrance oil

A love uncrossing oil. Also helps to change one’s luck.

Mogra Oil (Sheik)

part Sweet Pea

Then add equal amounts of each:







Musk, a few drops

An old authentic Persian mixture used to command others to do your will.

Most Powerful Hand Oil

½ part Sandalwood

part Lily of the Valley

part Jasmine

part Mimosa

part Musk

Use this oil against the dark arts and for judgment against those who would do you harm.

Pentatruck Oil

¼ part Myrrh

¼ part Bay

¼ part Clove

¼ part Cinnamon

An uncrossing and protection blend from New Orleans.

Purification Oil

½ part Frankincense

½ part Myrrh

Sandalwood, a few drops

This oil can be placed in a diffuser or worn to help negativity and bad influences stay away. Very nice blend for Circle work.

Purification Oil II

¾ part Rose

¼ part Rosemary

Frankincense, a few drops

This oil purifies an object, place, or person.

Quitting Oil

½ part Nutmeg

½ part Cinnamon

½ ounce Apricot

Will cause a married member of the opposite sex to leave the wearer alone and can be used to stop others from hexing the wearer.

Reveal Truth Oil

¼ part Patchouli

¼ part Honeysuckle

¼ part Sage

¼ part Balm of Gilead

This oil assists in removing the veil of deceit and illusion so the truth can be known.

Reversing Oil

½ part Eucalyptus

½ part Lemongrass

Rock Salt in bottle

Helps reverse the effects of a spell that you have done in error, or that another has done against you. Use essential oils for best results.

Reversing Oil II

part Lavender

part Rose

part Cinnamon

This oil can protect against attack and return it to sender.

Root Oil

½ part High John

½ part Galangal

Adam and Eve Oil, 8 drops

A general-purpose, hex-breaking blend.

Separation Oil

part Vetiver

part Sandalwood

part Black Pepper

Clove, a few drops

Causes a couple or partnership to separate. Use to liberate yourself from a bad situation.

Seven-Day Uncrossing Oil

part Hyssop

part Verbena

part Pine

Basil, a few drops

Clove, a few drops

An excellent blend to use in overcoming a particularly strong curse. Must be sprinkled on the hexed person’s head for seven days. (I place some of the blend in a bottle of shampoo.)

Shut Up Oil (Tapa Boca)

part Vetiver

part Patchouli

part Bay

Lime Oil, 3 drops

In Spanish, tapa boca means “shut up.” This is a great blend that stops gossip, back stabbers, and people mumbling vicious spells against you.

Spell Breaker Oil

½ part Lavender

½ part Rose

Garden Mint, a few drops

Orange, a few drops

To break a spell, whether your own or someone else’s.

Spell Weaver Oil

½ part Dragon’s Blood

¼ part Myrrh

part Pine

To confirm and anchor magical workings.

Spider Oil

½ part Egyptian Musk

¼ part Rose Geranium

¼ part Rose

A dark essence used in workings of destruction or binding. Helps in situations calling for manipulation.

Squint Drops

part Clove

part Allspice

¼ part Mullein

¼ part Sage

Deer’s Tongue herb in the bottle

Will help the wearer to discover if a partner has been unfaithful.

Stray No More Oil

Mix 2 parts Spikenard

1 part Lavender Flowers

1 part Herba Mate

2 tablespoons to 2 ounces carrier oil

Optional: A small piece of Magnolia Root is put in each bottle of oil made

Said to keep a lover or spouse faithful. Use in your mate’s bathwater, anoint on soles of your lover’s shoes, or sprinkle on bed sheets.

Tar Perfume (not to be worn)

½ part Molasses

¼ part Castor

¼ part Turpentine

Pinch Bitter Aloes

Creosote in bottle

Specially designed to create strife. Use only when you wish to cause problems for others. A blend that borders on the very negative. Think carefully before using.

Tipareth Oil

¼ part Pine

¼ part Myrrh

¼ part Dragon’s Blood

¼ part Patchouli

Can be used for good or evil purpose, either to break or cast a curse or hex. Also can draw Solar good fortune or health.

Truth Oil

2-dram clean Amber or Cobalt vial

Sweet Almond Oil

½ part Violet Leaf

¼ part Lemon

¼ part Rosewood

1 drop Heliotrope

1 drop Patchouli

Add the essential oils to the bottle and swirl them gently in order to blend. Add any crystals (make sure they are clean) and then add your base oil to top the bottle off. 

Unbinding Oil

¾ part Peach

¼ part Cucumber

This oil was created to release one who is bound to another, or is obsessive over something that seems unreasonable. Wear this blend as anointing oil whenever you are stressing over your given situation.

Uncrossing Oil

part Lemon

part Rose

part Lily

Bay, a few drops

Rids the wearer/user of bad luck and hexes.

Uncrossing Oil II

¼ part Cedarwood

¼ part Clove

½ part Vetiver

Same as above.

Uncrossing Oil III

½ part Rose

¼ part Bay

¼ part Clove

Carnation, a few drops

This is a very powerful uncrossing blend that will remove any hex or spell.

Uncrossing Oil IV

part Sandalwood

part Patchouli Leaves

part Myrrh

Pinch of Five Finger Grass (Cinquefoil)

Add 2 tablespoons of this to 2 ounces Olive Oil. Put a pinch of blessed salt and 8 drops household ammonia in each 1-ounce bottle of oil made. Shake well before use.

Uncrossing Oil V

¼ part Wisteria

¼ part Lilac

¼ part Verbena

¼ part Rose Geranium

Keep an amethyst in the master bottle.

This oil removes hexes and curses.

Uncrossing Oil VI

part Rose

part Lily of the Valley

part Lavender

To remove all types of hexes, curses, and crossed conditions, add nine drops to the bathwater for nine consecutive days.

Unfaithful Oil

part Garden Mint

part Rose

part Nutmeg

Sprinkle on an unfaithful partner to stop him or her from playing around. On the other hand, if you wear it, it could encourage your partner to be unfaithful, if that is what you desire.

Witchbane Oil

½ part Palma Christi

¼ part Verbena

¼ part Pine

Few drops Frankincense

Saint John’s Wort in master bottle

2 ounces carrier oil

Primarily used to break a hex, this blend can be used for banishing, or to reflect and return magic. Oil is enhanced when used during the Waning Moon.

X-Hex Oil

part Sandalwood

part Patchouli

part Myrrh

Few pinches of Cinquefoil

2 ounces Olive Oil

1 pinch Salt

16 drops of Ammonia

Combine dry ingredients and grind to a fine powder. Mix all of them together thoroughly. Add 2 tablespoons of powder to the oil and mix. Add salt and blend. Add ammonia and shake well. Divide contents between 1-ounce dark bottles for storing. Use remaining herb mix as incense in combination with oil if you desire.

Yuza Yuza Oil

½ part Myrrh

½ part Cypress

A dreaded mystical oil blend used for calling the spirits of the dead. Very dangerous. Never use in jest. Also for causing hexes.
