
It takes a great deal of inspiration and support to write a book, and I have been blessed to have both. I have had the good fortune of having numerous mindful leaders in my life who have each been an inspiration in their own way.

I would like to thank a number of people who supported the creation of this book. They include:

My husband, Gaetano Geretto, who is one of the most mindful leaders I have ever met. He is an inspiration to me. I am deeply grateful for his constant support, advice, encouragement, and meticulous proofreading. I am blessed to share my life with a bodhisattva. He is one of those rare people who exhibits deep grace regardless of circumstance and who inspires others to greatness. His insights about leadership have been invaluable. Without his unwavering support this book could not have been written.

My mother, Alvarina Gonzalez, who has exhibited more personal leadership throughout her life than anyone I have known. She is the first bodhisattva I ever knew. I am deeply grateful for her strength, encouragement, compassion, and support. This book would not have been possible without her.

Peanut has been my loyal and constant companion during the entire writing process and has taught me a great deal about wisdom, compassion, and pure love.

Joshu Sasaki Roshi, who has shown me ultimate potential. He sets the highest of standards, and I am deeply grateful for his teaching; it has been invaluable. In his 105th year of life he exemplifies mindful leadership in every breath.

My teacher, Shinzen Young, for his skillful coaching, support, and infinite patience. He is a gifted teacher and mindful leader who makes the incomprehensible comprehensible and simple, but, of course, not too simple. His innovative mindfulness techniques have made the 2,500-year-old science of the mind accessible to our contemporary culture. Several of Shinzen's teachings are contained and cited in Chapter 2 and some of his techniques are described in Chapter 3. You can visit his website at and view him on YouTube on the Expansion and Contraction channel.

Diana Byron, for her flawless editing, support, and skillful eye. Every book requires a great editor, and she is unparalleled. This book could not have been published without her.

Peter Pacini has made possible the Mindful Leadership blog, newsletter, and audio recordings of guided meditations that accompany this book. His support has been invaluable. He is a pleasure to work with and has enthusiasm, compassion, and a can-do attitude like none other.

Susan Smith, for her research, presence of mind, compassion, and ongoing support.

Janet Martin, for her insights on leadership. She is a mindful leader in her own right.

It has been a pleasure and privilege to coach hundreds of business leaders and professionals, as well as those who have participated regularly in my classes, workshops, and retreats. Their dedication to living and working mindfully has been an inspiration for this book.

The entire team at Wiley. Particular thanks go to Karen Milner, executive editor, for her enthusiasm, flexibility, and encouragement throughout the process and for her support for this project; she immediately understood the value in the message. And to Jennifer Smith, vice president and publisher, for her foresight in believing in this project. Once again, she understood that these times require out-of-the-mainstream thinking applied to the mainstream in order to help us move forward, and she knew that it would benefit readers to hear the message.