Hand on Heart

I insist on driving. If Ronan is paying for lunch, then it’s the least I can do.

Pushing back the passenger seat as far as it will go, he settles himself in and I suppress my laughter. He’s rather broad-shouldered and has long legs, but once he gets comfortable, he seems fine. Our shoulders knock from time to time whenever I drive over a bump in the road, but I love these little cars.

‘The steering wheel’s a bit small. Not sure I’d get on too well with that, but it’s zippy, I’ll give it that,’ Ronan comments.

‘This is my dream car,’ I reply. I’ve always longed to buy a cabriolet in two-tone, black on white; with the soft top rolled back it’s utter heaven.

It’s clear that Ronan is now the one who is struggling to keep a straight face. ‘Your dream car? I’m impressed. There are women who spend more on a handbag than the cost of a car like this,’ he jests.

‘I like what I like. It doesn’t have to cost the earth to make me happy. The one I drive at home isn’t as new as this, but Betty has seen me through a couple of good years. At some point I’m going to have to swap her in for a newer model, but she’s always been reliable. We’ve had some great little trips out on a Sunday with Maisie, and on our once-a-month girls’ day out.’

Even thinking about those jaunts puts the biggest smile on my face.

‘I totally get it. Big isn’t always best. Look at me, rattling around in that house all alone. It’s a waste, really. Mum’s trying to convince me to move back to the UK. She rang again last night for another of her little chats. She isn’t about to give up.’

I’m stunned. I can feel him watching me, but the traffic is building up and I daren’t take my eyes off the road. The satnav is heading towards an industrial zone and there are as many lorries as there are cars, all of them towering over us like hulking great metal monsters.

‘How do you feel about that?’ His voice looms up, sounding hesitant, and the tone tells me it’s a serious question.

My heart skips a beat. Ronan’s plans were firmly centred on Versailles and suddenly he really is contemplating a big upheaval. I gulp. Is he asking me what I think he’s asking me?

‘The question I want to ask is what do you think about it?’ I decide to turn the tables on him.

‘I think that I would miss Versailles and my grandmother’s house, but it could be amazing.’

‘Amazing,’ I repeat. That was the last thing I was expecting him to say and I’m temporarily thrown.

‘Like you think it would make my mother very happy?’ Now he sounds disappointed.

‘Yes, but it would make me very happy too, of course it would.’ My heart is literally leaping with joy at the thought and I say a silent thank you to Eve.

There’s no point in pretending that with each passing day I’m not conscious it’s one day closer to us having to say goodbye. But it’s a topic we’ve been avoiding and we both know that, because there isn’t a simple solution.

‘You’re serious about that? I mean, I’ve been worrying about how we were going to take this forward. And how I was going to cope on my own without you, after you fly back. Dreading it, actually.’

Damn it! That’s our turning, by the look of it, and this is a conversation we so need to have, but without any distractions.

‘What was the name of the place again?’ I ask, slightly irked that the journey isn’t a longer one.

Ronan pulls out his phone. ‘Les Images. Unit 56. There’s a big white roller shutter, which I assume is a loading bay, next to the service unit. There’s a sign over the door but it’s not huge.’

It’s a massive complex and it isn’t easy to cruise around slowly with a steady stream of lorries turning and exiting the various car-parking and delivery areas.

‘Do you think we’re in the right place?’ I query, slowing the car as this is a dead end and I’m looking for somewhere to turn around. ‘Oh, there it is!’

Tucked into the corner, the sign doesn’t exactly jump out at you, but I guess they’re unlikely to attract passing trade. This is for the specialist commercial market only. Annoyingly the car park is full and there are two vans queuing, totally blocking the entry.

‘I’ll grab the kit and jump out here. I can head inside and get the paperwork done while you try to find somewhere to park. It shouldn’t take long, so don’t worry too much if you can’t find a spot. Hopefully we’ll soon be able to escape the chaos.’

Ronan is right; I’m still cruising up and down the road when he appears, waving to attract my attention.

‘What did they say?’ I ask as he settles himself into the seat next to me.

‘The guy fiddled with it and just said he’d be in touch later this morning. He knows Elliot, so that’s good. I impressed upon him that it’s rather urgent.’

‘Thanks. Right, where’s this wonderful place you’ve found?’

Ronan taps his phone.

‘Okay. Retrace your steps and you have no choice but to turn left to get back out onto the main road. Then straight up to the roundabout and take the fourth exit. It’s not far, but it’s in the opposite direction.’

It’s a relief to be driving away from the queues streaming into central Paris. Ronan continues to give me directions and eventually I pull into a car park in front of what looks like a modern version of an old wooden lodge. It stands on solid concrete pillars and its beautiful cladding helps it to blend in among the trees. As I follow the arrows and drive further into the sizeable grounds, there in front of us is a glorious old water mill.

‘That’s incredible,’ I remark.

‘I knew you’d like it.’ Ronan looks pleased with himself.

‘Why the frown?’

‘It’s lovely here. I just found myself thinking about my brother, for some obscure reason.’

Ronan looks at me quizzically.

‘It’s difficult.’ I sigh.

‘Well, we have at least an hour before lunch to walk and talk. You can tell me all about it. If I’m going to end up moving back to the UK, then you’ll need to let me in on what happened, sooner rather than later.’

‘There’s not a lot to tell,’ I reply as I manoeuvre the car into a parking bay.

There is no way I’m going to risk spoiling a relaxing day out by having this conversation and I’m pretty sure Ronan will pick that up from my tone of voice.

‘I get the message. Come on, I don’t want to put you in a bad mood.’ His grin is a forgiving one.

We head towards the reception and Ronan confirms our lunch reservation. The woman behind the desk is very welcoming and hands us a map, leaning over it and talking very fast as she points out various landmarks. Ronan thanks her and checks his watch as he holds the door open for me.

‘We’ll take the river walk. It’s the blue track here,’ he adds, stabbing his finger on the map. ‘We need to cross that bridge up ahead.’

Stepping off the gravelled path and onto the soft grass, it’s satisfyingly springy beneath our feet. There’s a gentle swoosh of cars driving at speed along the busy road, but the further we walk, the less noticeable it becomes. The sound of water flowing over rocks and the birdsong from the tall trees either side of the river ahead begin to take over.

I take in a deep breath, savouring the sweet air. After the unpleasant fumes from idling traffic, the contrast couldn’t be greater. A huge swathe of beech hedging, sporting the tiny, fluttery bright foliage of a new year’s growth, lines the approach to the hand-hewn wooden bridge. The span extends about forty feet, but it’s only three feet wide. We stop in the middle of it to lean on the handrail.

‘The river runs directly under the lodge,’ Ronan points out.

The lodge is four storeys high, and every bedroom facing this way has a balcony overlooking the river. It’s a huge building, easily spanning the width of the water and extending well beyond the edges of the banks.

‘This is obviously a very popular place,’ I reflect, noting how full the car park is from this viewpoint. It’s only Thursday too, which is a good sign as it isn’t just full of long-weekenders.

‘I asked George to recommend somewhere a bit special.’

I turn to look at him.

‘You’ve talked to George in the last couple of days?’ I ask, rather nervously. I hope George hasn’t mentioned that he’s been in touch with me directly.

Ronan gives a wry smile. ‘I ring him every now and again to remind him I’m around. I wanted him to know that I’m pressing ahead with the final book in the series. He didn’t say anything, and I left it at that. He’s had his chance and it’s George’s decision not to talk to me. But this restaurant was a good suggestion and I’m grateful to him.’

‘Your research here is coming to an end, then?’

He nods. ‘It is, I think. The first draft is almost done, but it needs a good tidy up as it’s not going to be as anecdotal as the first two in the series. I found myself focusing on the effects of the two big storms in 1990 and 1999. It’s an interesting story, because the first storm did a lot of damage, but the second storm was so devastating that it shut the park for a week. It was a battlefield of fallen trees, but it also left others unsafe. While the damage to the buildings was significant, having to close the park suddenly made everyone sit up. Once word got out about the full extent of the damage, everyone was in uproar. Making it safe was going to cost money, and a considerable amount.’

‘But money has always been an issue, going way back. So, what changed?’

‘When the first photographs began appearing in the papers they were received with shock and horror. The state had drafted in the military and the work began to make the park safe. Donations started to come in, not just from the established friends of Versailles and patrons, but from around the world. It was soon clear that it wasn’t going to be enough. More men were needed, more equipment, and the costs were spiralling. So, the decision was made to let it go on record. Giving the press free access was an unprecedented step, but it worked.

‘Continued coverage around the world attracted more wealthy patrons, people who are prepared to dig deep to support a cause they feel is worthy. For the first time in the history of the palace, I do believe the park and gardens became the focus of Versailles. And there ends my story.’ He sounds content and I’m pleased for him.

‘So, it is a cause for celebration, then.’

‘I suppose it is, in a way. But today isn’t about work, it’s about us. The restaurant is located in the old mill. The first floor is a bar and café, the second floor is where we’re going to eat. Stunning views, according to George.’

As we stand shoulder to shoulder, our gaze is drawn beyond the mill, towards the foamy white water heralding the point at which it flows beneath the huge waterwheel.

‘This must have been amazing when it was working. What type of mill is it?’

Ronan indicates for us to begin walking again.

‘Grain. According to the map most of the area over there, extending for miles, is mainly farmland and pasture. There’s a campsite here too, and individual log cabins in a forest.’

As we stroll along the riverbank together, I can’t recall ever feeling as thrilled as I do right now about the future and what’s to come.

‘I’m so happy that Eve approves of us.’

Ronan draws to a halt, his eyes searching mine.

‘She’s relieved to think I’m in safe hands,’ he declares. ‘She took me to one side and told me how lucky I am and that I shouldn’t drag my feet.’

He catches up my hands in his, lovingly, and I can see he’s in a happy place. Gone is the edginess that was dampening his spirits a little and it’s a release. He can stop worrying about her and focus on his own life.

‘We both have loose ends to tie up before we can be together, don’t we?’ Ronan doesn’t sound concerned, but accepting of the fact.

‘Everything is going to be a first as we move forward. That’s heady stuff but we’ll work it out, somehow.’ I stand on tiptoe to plant my lips on his and he lets out a soft groan.

My whole being is buzzing at the thought of having Ronan in my life permanently and what it will mean. Yes, it’s a little scary stepping into the unknown, but it’s also exciting.

With the warmth from the sun overhead taking the edge off the playful breeze, this is one of those moments in life. A memory I will recall and look back on fondly, knowing that the man in my life wants me as much as I want him.

‘I wish I could fly back with you. I have no idea how long it will take to sort everything out. I’m a little nervous about meeting your family, to be honest.’ His frown shows me he’s serious.

‘Hey, there’s nothing to worry about. I’ve kept it simple, but they know me so well and it’s more about what I haven’t told them, than what I have actually decided to share. I’ve told them you’re special and you are. It will be easier when they can see us together and really get to know you.’

‘I understand.’ Ronan scoops me into his arms, giving me a lingering hug.

‘Planning a new future takes time. I simply have to be patient, but it isn’t going to be easy.’ He gazes over my shoulder.

‘Look, we have company!’ Ronan releases me, pointing to a swan on the river in front of us. It glides easily, head erect and proud as it scans around attentively. ‘See that little island in the middle of the river? Just to the right of that bush there’s what looks like a pile of moss, old leaves and twigs. If you look closely, I think that’s a nest. Yes, look, his partner is looking after their clutch of eggs. It won’t be long before they have a bevy of cygnets.’

‘That’s so lovely to see. It’s peaceful here; not too commercial considering it’s also a campsite.’

‘There’s another bridge further down and what looks like an information board. Come on, let’s wander down and take a peek.’ Ronan yanks on my hand playfully. ‘This is perfect, isn’t it?’

‘Simply perfect,’ I repeat, but really what I’m thinking is that he’s perfect.

I love his natural sense of curiosity and how inspired he is by the things around him.

‘This looks interesting,’ Ronan says as I try to slow the thoughts tumbling through my mind.

The river diverts to the other side of the mill, the main part heading off to the right and a smaller, shallower arm wending its way beneath a stone bridge. We stop to read the story and discover that a hefty grant a few years ago allowed the site to be developed in sympathy with the surroundings.

‘It sort of restores your faith in human nature, doesn’t it?’

‘Money makes the world go around, I suppose, but it’s wonderful when organisations can work together. This is a beautiful spot and it hasn’t been spoilt.’

Ronan turns to look at me, leaning against the trunk of an old oak tree.

‘France is in my blood; it always will be. But spending time with you has made me realise that the only thing that really matters is being together, Lexie.’

I had assumed he’d been walking along just taking in the view, but clearly his mind is still preoccupied too. The look on his face makes me draw closer to him and he throws open his arms, pulling me into a tight embrace.

My days here are numbered and now it’s beginning to hang over us, ominously.

‘I feel that way too, Ronan,’ I half whisper. ‘A part of me wants to stay here forever, even though I know that’s not possible. No matter how hard it’s going to be to leave you, I simply don’t have a choice in the matter. Aside from my work commitments, I have to be close to my family as we’ve always been there for each other. Well, most of us have.’

‘Come on, let’s head inside for a pre-lunch drink and you can tell me the whole story. It’s time I found out what I’m about to get myself into, don’t you think?’

Although I was hoping to avoid this conversation today, I can’t put it off any longer. Or pretend that what’s in my past hasn’t given rise to trust issues.

Ronan stoops, his lips softly touching mine, and I’m confident that we have a real shot at this. For two people with complicated lives and backgrounds, it’s going to be a test. And, yes, making a commitment is scary, admittedly, but this feels right and nothing is going to get in our way. As I told Maisie, one day someone will come along who will be a keeper, and now that time has come for me, at last!

I sip my half a glass of white wine slowly, in between downing probably the sweetest-tasting water that I’ve ever sampled, which is drawn from the local well.

‘Is this amazing, or what?’ Ronan enthuses.

We both plumped for the palourdes au gratin, which turns out to be baked clams in garlic butter and breadcrumbs.

‘These are deliciously sweet, offset by the richness of the garlic.’ I find myself reaching for my wine glass, then decide that I don’t want to overpower the flavours in my mouth.

‘Okay, time to tell me all about this brother of yours. You said he was successful?’

‘Yes. If you think having lots of money in the bank, a huge house – which is now in the UK, I might add – an American wife and twin boys is the benchmark for having made it. I’d say Jake has ticked off most of his life goals. World domination next.’

The minute I stop speaking I realise how that sounds, but I wasn’t being sarcastic. Not having met Jake, Ronan wouldn’t understand that, of course. I wouldn’t want Jake’s lifestyle; it’s simply not me.

‘Sorry. Let me backtrack a little.’

I lean my knife and fork against the plate for a moment.

‘Jake was a director of a big production company and he offered me a job as an assistant producer. I jumped at it, but then he knew I would, as that was my dream. I had a falling out with my boss, who spoke to Jake, and Jake fired me without even asking for my side of the story.’

I have no intention of letting this spoil my lunch, so I resume eating, waiting for Ronan’s response. He finishes the last mouthful on his plate, wipes his mouth on the linen napkin and sits looking at me for a moment or two.

‘Maybe there was more to it and it was a case of the politics behind it. Obviously, I don’t know him, or the details, but you’re his sister and the fact that he didn’t listen to you seems a little bizarre.’

I nod, fearing that already this mouthful of delicious food has lost a little of its appeal.

‘Business comes first over everything else in Jake’s life. It wasn’t solely about the fact he didn’t talk to me, but about the announcement he made implying that I was being let go because I wasn’t up to the job. It wasn’t just humiliating, it shut down so many avenues for me. I had to take the first thing I was offered just to be able to continue paying my bills. It was yet another job as a presenter and for me that was going backwards. Overnight my dreams fell apart and it’s taken five years of research, and every penny I have saved, to grab this opportunity. That’s why the project with Elliot is so important.’

I can see that Ronan is a little shocked by my revelation.

‘I knew this project was a big deal for both you and Elliot financially, but I hadn’t realised quite how crucial. I can see now why you’ve been so worried. But you said your brother went to the States?’

‘Yes, he’d already accepted a job and left for LA a week later. He was promoted to deputy CEO and put in charge of the American subsidiary of the company.’

Ronan frowns, raising the wine glass to his mouth and taking a sip. He glances at me over the top, looking distinctly uncomfortable as he can see how difficult it is for me, raking over old wounds. I put down my knife and fork, then take a sip of water. Talking about Jake is a mistake, but I’ve started, so I have to finish.

He looks at me pointedly, no doubt trying to piece together a motive. ‘It wasn’t down to something like a restructuring of the organisation, then?’

‘No, that would at least have excused his behaviour. It was personal. My boss knew I could do his job better than he could do it and he had Jake’s ear. He probably made up some stupid story about how I’d messed up and Jake was too busy to check it out. Jake didn’t even take a moment to pause and think about the impact it would have on my life, or my future, because he was too busy organising his move.’

‘What did the rest of your family say?’

I expel a rather lengthy sigh. ‘Mum still doesn’t know the full story. She thinks I just decided to move on. My sister knows the truth and we believe that’s the real reason Jake made no attempt to make contact with any of us after he left: he felt guilty. But Shellie has seen him twice in this last week and says he’s changed. Well, he has for sure, because he’s returned with a wife and twin boys that we knew nothing at all about.’

‘Wow.’ Now Ronan is beginning to understand. ‘Lexie, from what I’ve seen you’re a fighter. And you’re a very professional and capable person, so I’m sure it was obvious you could do the job justice. Why didn’t you fight back and make your voice heard before he left?’

I try my best not to let my body language give away how distressing I’m finding this and I straighten my spine, pushing back my shoulders.

‘I made a big mistake. My boss, who was the CEO’s nephew, invited me around to his house one night. I had no idea his wife wasn’t going to be there, and it seemed genuine enough as I’d been there before. We had an important meeting coming up and we were going to pitch an idea for a new project.

‘Something wasn’t right, and I sensed that the moment I walked through the door. He didn’t seem in a hurry to settle down to work and the longer he messed about sorting drinks and generally chatting, the more I realised he had another motive. Suddenly, he launched himself at me and in the ensuing tussle I ended up giving him a black eye. I couldn’t get out of there quickly enough, because, if I hadn’t fought back, I don’t know how far he would have taken it.’

Ronan reaches out across the table, grabbing my hand. His face is ashen and, the way he’s compressing his lips together, I can see how angry he is.

‘No man should ever treat a woman that way. But you never told anyone? Why?’

‘No. Until now. What was the point? It was my word against his and I know his wife. She’s lovely. I don’t think, I mean, I’m pretty sure it was a one-off. I went there of my own accord and how would it have looked, given that my own brother had immediately sacked me? No one would have believed my side of the story.’

Ronan shakes his head, a stony expression on his face.

‘Once is one time too many, Lexie. That was a tough decision to make, but I understand why you didn’t tell anyone. It’s sickening that men like that can get away with it, though.’

Taking a moment to consider his words, I know he’s right. I should have spoken up.

‘Even the next day, I was still in shock, to be honest. At the time I had to focus on getting a job. If I’d kicked up a fuss, then I risked making myself unemployable. Everyone I knew professionally was talking about it and I decided, rightly or wrongly, to keep quiet.

‘I didn’t have the energy to face the fallout and I know that’s an excuse, but it was a genuine concern for me at the time. I was scared that I’d start the process and not be able to see it through, which would have made it look even more like I wasn’t telling the truth. The guy is still with his wife and I guess I’ve appeased my conscience by telling myself that alone justified my silence. Maybe he learnt his lesson.’

Having never told anyone about the attack, even Shellie, now I hear my own words I shudder, wondering how I could have been so stupid. The guy made me a victim and that wasn’t fair. It left me doubting my own judgement of other people, because it hadn’t even occurred to me that I wasn’t safe around him.

‘These things happen all the time, sadly, because life isn’t always fair. Only those close to me would have known I would never make a false accusation. But those who only knew of me, or saw me from a distance – well, people are left wondering, aren’t they? And that’s the injustice of finding yourself in a situation like that.’

Ronan squeezes my hand, withdrawing it as the waiter approaches to take our plates.

‘I’m glad you told me, and I didn’t mean to make you feel bad, I just wanted to understand. You can’t change the past, but you should tell your brother the truth now he’s back. He made a horrible mistake and it’s come between you both for the wrong reason. He’d have to be a very hard person indeed to know the whole story and not regret his part in it.’

Desperate to change the subject, I move on to talk to Ronan about Mum and the new plans for the move, then about Shellie and her amazing little family. I want him to understand why my life in the UK means so much to me. I don’t want him to feel that he’s relegated to last place, but some choices are tough. Even though I know I’m hopelessly in love with Ronan, I can’t walk away from my old life.

As the waiter reappears, my appetite is back and the aiguillettes de boeuf aux girolles – or slices of lean, moist roast beef served with wild chanterelle mushrooms – is truly divine. I savour every little mouthful as I refuse to dwell upon old wounds.

While we await the crème brûlée flavoured with pungent Kafir lime, Ronan tells me a little more about his father and the time he spent working for him. He sounds like a man who has to control everything in his life and his aim was to distance Ronan from his mother. His father wanted him to leave that side of his past firmly behind him, asking Ronan to change his name one last time. But it’s clear he didn’t know his son at all. How could he expect Ronan to do that? The lure was the promise of an inheritance, which has since been withdrawn.

When the phone call comes, confirming that the camera won’t be ready until tomorrow, we don’t rush back. Instead, we linger on the terrace outside with coffee, overlooking the river; it’s relaxing to simply sit and chat for a while. Then we take another stroll through the grounds and on into the forest.

It’s weird how fate engineered this today, off the back of what I thought of at first as a nightmare situation. We badly needed this time away from everything, with no distractions and no threat of being interrupted.

Eventually, it’s time to head back to Versailles and we both take it for granted that Ronan will stay over for the night. We’ve reached the point where any lingering doubts about our future together have dissolved.

Wrapped in his arms, I have never felt as safe, or as protected, and it’s a feeling that makes my heart soar. Now we have bared our souls to each other, even our respective hang-ups that won’t quite go away don’t seem quite so draining, or problematic.

Dating can be fun, but it can also be a temporary lift and then a gutting realisation it’s time to move on. That feeling of loneliness remains and it can be isolating, making you feel vulnerable. But until you’re really with someone – that special someone – you have no idea what’s missing from your life, you are simply searching for something to fill the emptiness inside you. I had no idea how uplifting and complete it makes you feel to be loved and to love in return.

It’s all about trust. I never thought I’d share with anyone a scene I’d pushed way back into the attic of my mind. And now I’ve shared my worst experience, something that scarred me, with Ronan. In the intervening years I chose only to remember the satisfying moment when my fist hit the target and my assailant crumpled to the floor. I like to think that the shock of my instant reaction taught him a lesson he’s never forgotten.