To help make notation easier to read, the flags of eighth notes and notes of smaller value are joined together. For example, this rhythm:
An example of grouped notes
is much easier to read than this one, even though they sound the same:
The same rhythm without grouping
Grouping means that the flags of the notes become beams–horizontal lines that join the notes. In fact, another word for grouping is beaming
. The rule for grouping notes is simple: group together notes that make one beat.
Here are some examples. This one is in four-four:
Notes that make 1 beat in the meter are grouped together
In two-four:
Example of grouping in two-four
In six-eight:
Example of grouping in six-eight
And three-four:
Example of grouping in three-four
There are some nuances to beaming that make notation even easier to read. Here’s a list of suggestions to follow; there’s no need to memorize them. Just use this list as a guide.
1. When the first and/or last two beats in four-four meter consist of eighth notes only, they are grouped together:
Eighth notes filling the first or last two beats in four-four meter can be joined
2. At the same time, beams never exceed the value of a half note (in four-four meter).
3. Note values that are smaller than the eighth note are normally beamed in groups of one quarter note at a time:
In four-four, note values that are smaller than the eighth note are grouped as one quarter note (one beat) at a time
4. Beams always begin on the stronger (or strongest) beat unless the group is preceded by a dotted note or a rest:
Beams begin on the stronger beat unless preceded by a dotted note or a rest
5. If eighth notes fill a measure of two-four, three-four, or three-eight time signatures, they are normally beamed as shown:
Standard eighth note beams, clearly beginning on the strongest beat of the time signature