Chapter Seven

Castle Caerlaverock stood tall with the huge gatehouse near the Solway Firth. The equilateral triangle of stone impressed Catrione. The Maxwells may be barbarians, but they were cunning as well. They forged a broad moat to keep the enemy out and with the east tower and the south curtain wall, they would have the advantage of spotting an approaching raid party.

Catrione knew there was no escape, but still she held onto the hope her father would come for her and end the miserable wolf’s life.

Waylon Maxwell was a barbarian, of the worst kind. Kidnapping a defenseless woman proved the worst offense. Well, maybe she wasn’t completely defenseless, but that was beside the point. The Devil’s Wolf hadn’t known she could defend herself when he came to claim her.

She thought back to when she first laid eyes on him. Holy mother, he had set her knees shaking when he burst into the chapel demanding she throw down her weapon. She knew him to be a fierce warrior who had battled much. She heard her father’s men talk. The Devil’s Wolf came with blood on his hands. He appeared invincible, like a god come down to wreak vengeance. When he leveled his stormy gray eyes on her, she feared fire would spew from their depths, eliminating her where she stood.

A chill ran through her even now at how his thunderous stance made her quake.

In the chapel, when he discovered he fought a woman, his gaze turned murderous at her deceit. His hand gripped the sword tighter as if he readied for the deathblow, but something curious shifted in his gaze. However, before she could decipher the meaning, his hand seized her arm. He shoved her at one of his men as if she were nothing more than plunder acquired from his reiving. “Reid Halliday,” she uttered the man’s name beneath her breath like a curse. His hair matched his given name, red as a fire’s flame. He will suffer at her father’s hand along with the Devil’s Wolf.

As soon as they arrived at Castle Caerlaverock, the Devil’s Wolf dismounted and dragged her along behind him. The Devil’s Wolf ordered Reid to bring her to this room, placing her under guard.

Here she stayed, not knowing of her people’s fate. Questions aplenty plagued her. The Devil’s Wolf had secured Castle Lochwood to kidnap her, but to what purpose? Were the people of Lochwood allowed to live?

Reivers were unpredictable. She knew this first hand since her father saw fit to raid himself. Quarter was given at the reiver’s whim.

Frankly, she didn’t care one way or the other who held what lands or cattle. She only cared that the violence stopped. She wanted peace and to know her people would have food and safety.

Brave men lost their lives when the Devil’s Wolf brought his force with him to her home, but she had no way of knowing how many perished. She’d been locked in the tower all day, waiting to hear her own fate.

Surprisingly, she wasn’t mistreated. She’d been given plenty of food and was allowed to bathe. She had removed the battle garb she had worn when she fought, replacing the attire for a gown one of the ladies brought up to her.

The room was sparsely decorated with only a bed, two chairs and a table. The tub she’d used to bathe had been removed after she was through with it. There was one slit window that gave her a view of the mote below and endless land beyond.

She should have killed the Devil’s Wolf when she had the chance. Now as a prisoner, she could only hope he would grant her a swift death.