
No book is ever the work of one person or, in this case, two people. This book is no exception. We would like to thank the other principals at Buckingham Asset Management and BAM Advisor Services, Susan Shackelford-Davis, Paul Forman, Steve Funk, Bob Gellman, Ed Goldberg, Ken Katzif, Mont Levy, Vladimir Masek, Irv Rothenberg, Bert Schweizer III, and Stuart Zimmerman for their support and encouragement. We especially thank Vladimir for his valuable insights and editorial suggestions.

We also thank Wendy Cook, Jared Kizer, and especially Laura Latragna for their contributions. Laura contributed many ideas that we hope have made the book an interesting as well as educational one. In addition, we thank Shannon Beam and Harold Walton of the fixed-income team at Buckingham Asset Management for their help. Any errors are certainly our own.

We are also greatly appreciative of the invaluable advice and suggestions made by Jackie Rosen of United Missouri Bank, St. Louis, Missouri.

Sam Fleischman, our agent, made many valuable suggestions. We cannot imagine a better relationship between authors and agent.

Larry adds the following: I would like to especially thank the love of my life, my wife, Mona, for her tremendous support and understanding for the lost weekends and the many nights that I sat at the computer well into the early morning hours. She has always provided whatever support was needed, and then some. Walking through life with her has truly been a gracious experience.

Joe adds the following: I would especially like to thank my mother and best friend, who was always there for me, had my best interests in mind, and provided inspirational guidance throughout my life. She has my lifelong love and appreciation. In addition, every book needs at least one person who is going to like it un-conditionally.