

As I traipse around the country speaking to investing groups, or just stay in my cage writing my articles, I’m often accused of “disempowering “ people because I refuse to give any credence to anyone’s hope of beating the market. The knowledge that I don’t need to know anything is an incredibly profound form of knowledge. Personally, I think it’s the ultimate form of empowerment. You can’t tune out the massive industry of investment prediction unless you want to: otherwise, you’ll never have the fortitude to stop listening. But if you can plug your ears to every attempt (by anyone) to predict what the markets will do, you will out-perform nearly every other investor alive over the long run. Only the mantra of “I don’t know, and I don’t care “ will get you there.

—Jason Zweig, series writer for Money magazine

If you want to see the greatest threat to your financial future, go home and take a look in the mirror.

—Jonathan Clements,financial columnist for the Wall Street Journal

we have completed our journey through the world of fixed income investing. Now that you are an informed investor you should be able to avoid being exploited by those who might take advantage of the lack of knowledge the general public has about fixed-income investing. You should also be able to avoid many of the mistakes individual investors make. Informed investors generally make far better investment decisions.

Hopefully, you now recognize that while the world of fixed-income investing is filled with complexity, the winning strategy is actually quite simple. To summarize, the winning strategy is to:

Hopefully, you have enjoyed the journey through the world of fixed-income investing. It is now time for you to write, and sign, your IPS. As you go through that process we urge you to carefully consider these words of wisdom: “The inconvenience of going from rich to poor is greater than most people can tolerate. Staying rich requires an entirely different approach from getting rich. It might be said that one gets rich by working hard and taking big risks, and that one stays rich by limiting risk and not spending too much.” 2

In closing, we offer these words of caution from legendary investor Pogo: “We have met the enemy and he is us.” Do not take more risk than you have the ability, willingness, or need to take.