20 Stephen Greenblatt, Hamlet in Purgatory (Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 2001), 16. Greenblatt briefly discusses Henry’s words quoted above on p. 21, and in his endnotes, at 268 nn. 27 and 28.
21 In Stripping of the Altars Duffy does note, though, that many testators did include language in their wills to indicate that the prayers said for them should also include some reference to ‘all Christian souls’. See, for instance, the discussion of John Estbury, cited earlier.
22 Sanford Sternlicht, ‘The Making of a Political Martyr-Myth: Shakespeare’s Use of the Memory of Richard II in 1 & 2 Henry IV and Henry V, in Ball State Univ. Forum 12:2 (Spring 1971), 26–38, especially 37–8 on Henry V.