Years ago I studied hatha yoga with a wise woman who taught the art of receiving. We learned to take the time necessary to complete each yoga position, and then to take the time it took to receive the benefits of it. It was an invaluable lesson, and one we can incorporate into every area of our lives.
Get in the habit of receiving the benefits of the things you do. When you come in from your walk, take a few moments to absorb the contribution the exercise and the fresh air have made to your day and to your life.
When you finish a meal, sit still for a moment and be conscious of the benefits the food brings to your body.
When someone pays you a compliment, instead of shrugging it off, accept it fully into your being, even revel in it. When you do something thoughtful for someone else, enjoy not only the pleasure they may derive from it, but the satisfaction it gives you to perform a good deed.
When you complete a project, take some time to acknowledge your accomplishment before you rush off to begin the next one.
So many extraordinary things happen to us throughout the day and throughout our lives. We often either ignore them or make light of them as though they were unimportant. They are important. Take the time to notice them.
The little things may take only a moment or two to acknowledge. All you have to do is stop for a couple of minutes, and receive. You’ll know when you’ve taken it in completely, and when it’s time to move on.
For the bigger things, like the completion of a work transaction or the achievement of a major goal, schedule whatever time you need to totally embrace the contribution you have made and receive the benefits of it.
Now that you’ve simplified your life, you have the time to assimilate into your being the synchronicities, the beauty, the love, the joys, and the work of your day. As they happen, let their beneficence pour over you and penetrate every fiber of your being.
In a very real sense, these daily events make you what you are. Indulge yourself. Enjoy them. Receive all the amity they have to offer.