There are those who say that once we get far enough in our inner journey, we’ll know everything we need to know from a deep awareness of our own experience.
In the meantime, for those of us who are still plodding along, the appropriate books are an invaluable source of information, inspiration, courage, insight, advice, and confirmation that we’re headed the right way.
Keep a suitable selection of books on your bookshelves, by your desk, in the glove compartment of your car, next to your favorite easy chair, and anywhere else you find yourself on a regular basis.
Whenever you start to worry, or feel sorry for yourself, or feel lonely or depressed, or find that you’re judging others, or thinking negatively, or feeling anger or resentment, pull out a relevant book.
The list of soul-nourishing literature is almost endless. At the back of this book I’ve included a list of some of the works I’ve found helpful.