As you start to go within and begin to make some changes in the way you look at life and how you spend your time, you may begin to hear teasing remarks from family and friends who haven’t yet begun to explore the inner levels. For the most part, they mean no harm. Simply smile, and ignore them.
Don’t let this be a difficult thing for you. You know the changes that are taking place in your own mind and heart and soul. And even though you may not have entirely figured out the mysteries of the universe, don’t let others who don’t have a clue distract you. The only thing you have to answer to is your own growth.
If you find yourself in situations where people are needling you a bit, there are a number of things you can do.
If possible, avoid them. A good friend of mine used to spend time with a couple she knew. The husband could seldom pass up the opportunity to poke fun at anyone who ventured to explore anything he considered off the beaten path. Even though my friend recognized that his comments were without malice, his closed-mindedness became limiting for her. She gradually stopped seeing them.
If that’s not feasible, keep your sense of humor. Make a lighthearted comment to diffuse any heavy energy. You can also ignore them, or just listen, and figure out what these people have to teach you.
Above all, keep your own counsel (#72), and remember there may have been a time in the not too distant past when you were a skeptic, too.