One of the exciting things about the culture and the times in which we live is that we can do almost anything we want to do. Our advancing technology makes it possible for us to have and do things that previous generations never dreamed of. We’ve gotten used to the instant gratification of our wants and desires. This makes being patient more challenging than it might be otherwise.
As we begin to go within and start to address the big issues (#73), as we learn to love (#100) and to forgive (#70), as we overcome our fears (#50) and learn to just say no (#54), it becomes easier to create happier, more fulfilling lives.
But there will still be hurdles to overcome. The technology is not yet available that would make it possible for us to conquer our demons overnight. The process of growth in any endeavor can often seem like one step forward and two steps backward.
Sometimes I’m disconcerted when I look at my list of things I’ve wanted to accomplish. Six months ago I may have checked forgiveness (#70) off my list, only to find now that it’s back in my life again as an issue I have to deal with. It seems as though I have to start all over. But as I begin to examine it, I see how much the things I’ve previously done have helped.
Use your journal as an ongoing means of gauging how far you’ve come in terms of tackling some of your personal challenges.
Learn to be patient with yourself. Enjoy the process of inner growth for what it is—an ongoing opportunity to become the best we can become at all levels of our life.
Don’t push the river. Just let it flow.