Every morning for the next week before you start your day, go to your bedroom, close the door, and pile all your pillows in the center at the head of the bed. Kneel on the bed with the pillows in front of you. Bow gently to your inner self and to the universe. Then start beating the living daylights out of the pillows.
Do this as a spiritual exercise. Use either your fists, or another pillow, or a plastic baseball bat. Do it for five to ten minutes, or longer if that feels appropriate.
When the time is up, fall into a heap on the bed and breathe deeply until you catch your breath. When you’ve come back to your center, get up, kneel on the bed as before, and bow again to yourself and the universe. Then go about your day.
You won’t believe the incredible feeling of lightness you’ll have after doing this. There are so many messages waiting to come to us, but they can’t easily move through the negativity of anger and the bad feelings we frequently carry with us.
Get in touch with how you deal with anger. Do you clam up? Do you harbor burning thoughts? Do you take your anger out on others? Whenever you find yourself reacting in these or any other counterproductive ways of denying anger, go to the pillows and beat the living daylights out of them for at least five minutes, or as long as it takes. Teach your kids to do this, too.
If you have any anger you’ve been carrying around, or if you even suspect that you might, this will be one of the most powerful and liberating things you can do.
You may have to replace your pillows frequently. But that’s probably preferable to having to replace your stomach lining, or a heart valve.