In addition to maintaining good health, inner simplicity also demands a high level of energy. Low energy can bring with it myriad problems such as frustration, boredom, inertia, depression, and a sense of overwhelming futility, any one or all of which can make it impossible to move forward on your spiritual journey.
Start to become aware of the situations and people that drain your energy.
Look at noise sources such as radios, stereos, television, shoot-’em-up movies, traffic, and raucous gatherings. Eliminate these and other disrupting aural intrusions from your life, and notice how your energy goes up.
Do you sense that certain people leave you feeling listless and off-balance? On the surface, someone you spend time with may seem perfectly pleasant, but somehow you always feel worn out after they’ve gone, as if they took your energy with them. As much as possible, avoid them.
Allowing yourself to become tired, overworked, overly hungry, or overexposed to sun and weather can drain your energy. So can idle gossip, personal confrontations, and so-called news reports.
Sometimes you can find yourself completely deprived of energy for no apparent reason. It’s important at those times to examine what you’ve been doing, talking, or thinking about, or what you’ve been eating or drinking, so you can eliminate as much as possible not only the obvious energy drains but the subtle ones as well.
While you’re becoming aware of what gets you down, keep your eyes and feelings open for the situations and the people and the happenings that raise your energy, lift your spirits, and make you feel terrific. Train yourself to actively avoid the energy drains, and to make a point of including the things that make you feel good.
The more negative energy you can rout out of your life, and the more positive energy you can bring into it, the easier it’ll be to connect with your soul.