Some years back i asked one of the teachers I’d met along the way to give me some advice on food. What I wanted was a computer printout that said now, and for the rest of your life, you can eat this and this and this. And you must avoid this and this and this. It would be so simple. With such a list, I’d never have to be concerned about what to eat, and I could just get on with my spiritual quest.
I was mildly annoyed when he said he couldn’t do that. He suggested I learn to listen to how my body responded to what I ate, and figure out for myself the foods that would be best for me.
I was into immediate fixes at the time, so I moved from one supposedly miracle dietary plan to the next. After years of doing this, I’ve finally come to the conclusion that he was right. We each have different nutritional needs, not only at different times in our lives, but at different times throughout the year. Seldom is there one simple program that will always have all the answers for our particular needs.
If your body is not functioning at its best, if you regularly have headaches, muscle aches, stomach problems, or any number of other health issues, take a look at what you’re eating and drinking that might be contributing to your discomfort.
A while back I started eating mostly raw vegetables, thinking it would be better for my health. After a few months I began having digestive problems and then muscle aches that developed into bursitis. I thought at first it was simply advancing years, but when I examined it further, I began to make the connection between my supposedly healthful new diet and the way I felt. I finally figured out that my body wasn’t able to assimilate the nutrients from raw foods. I started lightly steaming the veggies and my problems cleared up practically overnight.
Of all the health books I’ve read over the years, one of the best in my opinion is Perfect Health by Deepak Chopra. This book is a very readable introduction to the ancient science of ayurveda. It provides a coherent explanation of various body types and explains why and how our food needs differ from person to person and from season to season. It is an excellent guide for maintaining health and balance in your dietary as well as in your physical and spiritual life.
When it comes to specifics, the best way to figure out what we should be eating is to listen. This takes time and patience, and experimentation. But the more you pay attention to your body’s responses, the clearer will be the messages that help you decide what the optimum foods are for you.