
Writing this book was a kind of challenge I hadn’t previously faced, but one that I enjoyed very much. I couldn’t have done it without the counsel and support of a great many people.

I’d like to thank my husband Tim for always cheering me on, and for reminding me that this book was the hardest project I’ve completed yet. Thanks go to Niall and Eagan for believing in my world and helping me hash out story questions during our walks. I’m grateful for the support I’ve received from Pete and Jen, and my parents Eileen and Michael.

I’m deeply grateful to Deborah Ross for her continuing mentorship, love, and support. I also appreciate all of the people who chatted with me and gave me advice, worldbuilding details, or just a sounding-board. These include Misha, Lydia, Janice, Lillian, Tonya, Marsha, Anna, and many others, but three people deserve particular mention.

I’m pretty sure this book would have taken months longer if it weren’t for Kimberly Unger, who was super generous with her time and always willing to discuss, read, cheer, and push me when I needed it. This book would not have become the book that it is without Kate Johnston, who, despite enormous demands on her time, gave me her insightful perspective on the social interactions, plot, and key relationship elements. Sarah Wheeler advised me on the relationships, and helped me with some unique logistics of the fight choreography.

Special thanks go to Cliff Winnig-sensei for advising me on aikido, and also to seni Steve Mix, who advised me on how Arissen would handle their weapons. Seni Sean Grigsby kindly told me about the bugle devices on firefighter rank insignias, which helped me when I was working on the Division. I deeply appreciate Dr. Marjorie Alpert for advising me on medical details for this book.

These acknowledgments would not be complete without a huge thank-you to my agent, Kris O’Higgins, for his hard work and staunch support. My sincere thanks also go out to my amazing team at DAW: Sheila Gilbert, whose insights helped make this book the best it could be, Adam Auerbach, who created the mind-blowing cover, and to Alexis Nixon, Josh Starr and Shoshana Seid-Green.

Lastly, I’d like to thank my readers, without whom Varin would still be a world inside my head.