
A note about the text

Notes on contributors

Introduction: Queer Shakespeare – desire and sexuality

Goran Stanivukovic

Part I Queer time

1‘Which is worthiest love’ in The Two Gentlemen of Verona?

David L. Orvis

2Glass: The Sonnets’ desiring object

John S. Garrison

3The sport of asses: A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Kirk Quinsland

4As You Like It or What You Will: Shakespeare’s Sonnets and Beccadelli’s Hermaphroditus

Ian Frederick Moulton

Part II Queer language

5The queer language of size in Love’s Labour’s Lost

Valerie Billing

6Locating queerness in Cymbeline

Stephen Guy-Bray

7Desiring H: Much Ado About Nothing and the sound of women’s desire

Holly Dugan

8‘Two lips, indifferent red’: Queer styles in Twelfth Night

Goran Stanivukovic

Part III Queer nature

9Queer nature, or the weather in Macbeth

Christine Varnado

10Strange insertions in The Merchant of Venice

Eliza Greenstadt

11Male femininity and male-to-female crossdressing in Shakespeare’s plays and poems

Simone Chess

12Held in common: Romeo and Juliet and the promiscuous seductions of plague

Kathryn Schwarz

13Antisocial procreation in Measure for Measure

Melissa E. Sanchez


Vin Nardizzi


