
All index entries shown here correspond to the page numbers within the printed edition only. Within this digital format these page numbers allow for cross referencing only.

adopted sonship, as analogy 176-87

adoption, Eckhart on 177-8, 179

Aertsen, J.A. 9

Albert of Cologne

Aristotle, dissemination of 41-2, 44

De divinis nominibus, lectures on 51

master of theology 41

Albigensian Crusade 28

Alexander of Hales 37


adopted sonship as 176-87


Eckhart, differences 10-11

in Summa theologiae 102, 147-51

art of 13

Christian life as 193-203

and Creator-creature distinction 11, 14-22, 17, 65, 157

dialectical 12

doctrine as 168-87

Eckhart’s use of 12-13, 17, 157-68, 181-2

meaning 147

of proportion 150

reverse 11

as silence 187-9

Trinity as 172-6

types of 11

see also language-use

Ancelet-Hustache, Jeanne 56, 57-8, 58

Anselm, St

definition of God 107, 109

Meditationes 33

Orationes 33

Proslogion 107

Aquinas, Thomas, St

Artistotelianism 9

first principles notion 78

Dominican Order, influence on 44-56


comparison 8-10, 13, 27-8, 161

influence on 60-62

exegetical style 45

on human intellect 164

on knowing about God 4

on knowledge 76-7

Platonism, appropriation of 51


contribution to 55

popularity 59

Psalms, significance of 52

science, understanding of 71-2, 77

studies 44

teaching, San Domenico 52

theology, negative approach to 101

Torrell on 63-4


Johannine commentary 46-7

Scriptum super libros Sententiarum 37, 55

Super Isaiam 45, 46

see also Summa theologiae

Ardley, Gavin 148


Albert of Cologne, dissemination by 41-2

first principles, notion 78

influence on Dominican Order 40


De animalibus 41

Ethica 41

Atistotelianism, Aquinas 9

Augustine, St

Confessions 1, 2, 4, 33

“restless heart” journey 3, 66

Rule 29-30, 45, 62, 63

Boyle, Leonard 47, 68

Burrell, David viii, ix, 10, 13

Cantor, Peter 39

Cavalcanti, Aldobrandino 55

Chalcedon formula (hypostatic union) 145, 154, 176, 177, 185

charity, and the will 88-9

Chenu, Marie-Dominique 74, 79

Christian life

as analogy 193-203

contemporary developments 198-201

liturgy 198-201

and knowing God 203

in late Middle Ages 196-8

Christian message

protection of 153

transmission 153


and Neoplatonism 154

pagan religions, difference 16

Colledge, Edmund 59, 60


Heilige Kreuz convent 41

studium generale 44, 57

Comestor, Peter, Historia scholastica 32


notion of 67

as study 7, 45-6, 51, 56, 62, 63, 67, 87

Creator-creature relationship

analogy 11, 14-22, 17, 65, 157

causality 21-2

distinction 11, 14-22, 148, 160

Eckhart 11-12, 93-4, 158-9, 159-60, 181-2, 192-3

efficient causality 131

and existence of God 109-10

goodness 133

identification 93-4, 184-5, 192

inquantum principle 185-6

likeness 132-3, 162


master/exploding 169-71

ordinary 169

non-contrastiveness 90, 97-8, 160

nothingness of creature 173-4, 180, 186

proportioning 144, 146, 161, 162, 167

Creed, Nicene-Constantinople 153

de Libera, Alain 9, 12

de Mello, Anthony

Sadhana, A Way to God vii

The Way to Love vii

detached intellection, Eckhart’s use of 7, 157, 161, 172, 181, 185, 193, 194

disputation (quaestio)

Dominican education 37-8, 63

in Summa theologiae 38, 63


as analogy 168-87

etymology 76

purpose 168

Dominic, St 28, 30

Legenda 29

Dominican education 28, 30-32, 33-43

contemplation as study 45-6, 51, 56, 62, 63, 67, 87

conventual theological education 36-43

curriculum 34

disputation (quaestio) 37-8, 63

preaching 36, 38-40, 62

teaching of 39

repetition 63

schola 34, 36

repetition/review 38

sensus moralis, development of 36-7

studia artium 42, 47

studia generalia 35, 41, 48

studia naturarum 35, 42, 48

studia provincialia 34

studium artium 34-5

Summa theologiae in 53-6

theology schools, foundation 41

Dominican Order 4

Aquinas’ influence 44-56

Aristotelian influence 40

confession, importance of 39-40

establishment 28

mission 28-9, 63-4

novices, formation of 32-3

as preaching ministry 29, 30, 62

theology, syllabus 32

Dulles, Avery, Models of the Church 201

ecclesiologies, Vatican II (1962-65) 201-2

Eckhart, Meister

on adoption 177-8, 179

analogy 12-13, 17, 157-68

and Creator-creature relationship 157, 158-9, 159-60, 181-2


comparison 8-10, 13, 27-8, 161

influence of 60-62

background 56-60

Book of Sirach, commentary 157, 159, 163, 165, 166-7, 167-8

Counsels on Discernment 7

Creator-creature relationship 11-12, 93-4, 158-9, 159-60, 181-2, 192-3

deification language 162

detached intellection, use of 7, 157, 161, 172, 181, 185, 193, 194

detachment, recommendation 5-6

education 57

emanation language, use 6

exitus/reditus schema 52, 155, 156, 160, 172-3, 176-7

Forman on 61-2

on God as Intelligere 7


accusation of 59-60

defense 60-61

on human intellect 163, 164, 183

inquantum principle 185-6

John’s Gospel, commentary on 177, 179-80, 180-81, 183

living without a why 194-5, 198, 203

Master in Sacred Theology 57

metaphor, use 170, 172-3

metaphysics, metaphorical nature of 169

modes of speaking 12

Neoplatonism, use of 9, 155

“nothing” terminology, use of 156

On Detachment 181

as preacher 8

prior, Erfurt house 57

Provincial Minister of Saxony 58

scholarship on 8

sermons, on Ephesians 6-7

on silence 187-9

on thinking about God 6

and The Trinity 21, 156, 172-6

“universes of Discourse,” creation of 154, 157

“unknowing” 157

Vicar, Thuringia house 57

Vicar General of Bohemia 58

Vicar General of Saxony 58

on the Word 177-8

ecumenism, analogical nature of 202-3

Elders, Leo 104-5, 114, 120

equivocation, and univocation 132, 149, 151


concept, in Summa theologiae 139-40

and God 115-16, 123, 130, 139, 163

meaning 138

and time 20-21, 116, 139, 163

of the Word 20

The Eucharist



contemporary 198-9

Middle Ages 197

in the vernacular 200

and transubstantiation 196-7

evil, and existence of God 111

exitus/reditus schema

Aquinas 50, 51, 53, 68, 69, 70, 107, 122, 154

Eckhart 52, 155, 156, 160, 172-3, 176-7


belief, distinction 85

and certitude 83

and demonstration 86-7

in God 83-5

and the intellect 93

journey of 191

use of narrative 192

Marthaler on 99

and metaphor 99

nature of 81-2, 142

and reason 81-91, 101

dichotomy 75-6, 81

Forman, Robert, on Eckhart 61-2

Gilby, Thomas 76

Gnosticism 153


Anselm’s definition 107, 109

attributes 125-6

creation of world 174

as Creator 21

see also Creator-creature

and eternity 115-16, 123, 130, 139, 163

existence 70, 71-100, 103-22, 104-5, 108, 174-5

and Creator-creature relationship 109-10

and evil 111

and order of creation 120

see also Summa theologiae, “Five Ways”

faith in 83-5

immutability, and change 3-4, 112, 163

incomprehensibility 19, 65, 102, 110, 111, 128, 133-4, 141-51

and grace 143

independence of the world 15-17

indistinction 173, 174, 175-6

image as 179, 180

knowing 143-7

Aquinas on 4

and Christian life 203

and sacred doctrine 107

nature of, and Scripture 68

Oneness 173

Scripture, author of 96-7

speaking about

analogy 147-51

anthropomorphism 124

autobiographically 4

and Christian life forms 65-6

and knowing God 22-6, 66

intrinsic connection 142

and metaphor 99

and preaching 64

purpose 2

and Scripture 91-100

and speaking to 1-2

and knowing God 2

necessity for 3

thinking about, Eckhart on 6

transcendence-in-immanence 17-18, 21, 25, 102-3, 127, 129, 153-4, 159, 160, 175

Wisdom of 164-5

see also Creator-creature relationship


and God’s incomprehensibility 143

and human intellect 164

Haas, Alois 169

Hankey, W.J. 106, 122

Hugh of Fouilloy, De claustro animae 33

Hugh of St-Cher 45

Hugh of St-Victor 37

Didascalicon 33

human intellect

Aquinas on 164

Eckhart on 163, 164, 183

and grace 164

Humbert of Romans 29

hypostatic union see Chalcedon formula (hypostatic union)

Jenkins, John 47

Jesus Christ

human condition, identification with 185

immanent-yet-transcendent 177

John of St Albans 36

John of St Giles 36

John XXII, Pope, ‘In agro dominico’ 59-60

Kelley, Carl Franklin 9

Kenny, Anthony 105, 111-12, 113

Klubertanz, George 21

knowing, personal 191, 193


Aquinas on 76-7

nature of 76

as potential 77

and sacred doctrine 93

Köbele, Susanne 169

LaCugna, Catherine Mowry viii


analogical 14-15

non-contrastive 15, 17-22, 65, 102, 127

role 141

Scripture 95-6

in Summa theologiae 99-100, 102

see also analogy

living, without a why, Eckhart 194-5, 198, 203

Logos see Word

Lohr, C.H. 42, 43

Lombard, Peter

Sentences 32, 36, 44


commentary on 37, 48, 50-51

dissatisfaction with 53

organization 37

as textbook 37

Lossky, Vladimir 12

Luther, Martin 197, 197-8

McGinn, Bernard 12, 13, 169

Maimonides 110

God’s attributes 125-6

negative theology 123-6

Marthaler, Berard 84-5, 89

on faith 99

Merton, Thomas, Zen and the Birds of Appetite vii


Creator-creature relationship 169-71

Eckhart’s use 170, 172-3

and faith 99

and God, speaking about, and knowing 99

potential 98, 99

purpose 98, 168-9

and Scripture 92, 93, 94

Summa theologiae 92, 93, 94


sacred doctrine, distinction 101

Summa theologiae as 71, 82, 104

Moevs, Christian viii, ix

Mojsisch, Burkhard 11

Mulchahey, M. Michèle 35, 50, 53

“First the Bow is Bent in Study” 28

on preacher training 39

Naples, studium generale 44

Neoplatonism 153

Aquinas’ appropriation of 51

and Christianity 154

Eckhart’s use 9, 155

participation notion 161

pagan religions, Christianity, difference 16

Paris University, St Jacques school 32, 34, 36

theological pre-eminence 30


sacred doctrine, distinction 75

theology, split 43


Aquinas’ contribution to 55

in Dominican education 36, 38-40, 62

Dominicans as preaching ministry 29, 30, 62

and faith 1

new way of 55-6

salvation through 27-8, 29, 33, 49, 64, 67

and speaking about God 64

training for 39

Preller, Victor 75-6, 89, 105, 106, 114, 121


Elementatio theologica 49

Liber de causis 51


Aquinas’ borrowings from 101

De divinis nominibus 49-50, 50-51

Albert of Cologne’s lectures on 51

reason, and faith 81-91, 101

dichotomy 75-6, 81

Rogers, Eugene 78, 79, 80

Roland of Cremona 31, 35

sacred doctrine

aim 107

first principles 79

revealed 81

undemonstrability of 80

and knowing about God 107

and knowledge 93

metaphysics, distinction 101

philosophy, distinction 75

purpose 93

and Revelation 86

and salvation 103

as science 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 81

scope of 73

Summa theologiae 75

theology as 73, 194

and wisdom 85, 85-6, 88


and sacred doctrine 103

through preaching 27-8, 29, 33, 49, 64

and Scripture 67

Sansedoni, Ambrogio 55

science (scientia)

Aquinas’ understanding of 71-2, 77

Aristotelian, and Revelation 72

meaning 69

sacred doctrine as 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 81

theology as 73, 74-81

as way of knowing 77


and contemplation as study 67

God as author of 96-7

literal sense 97, 98-9

mediating role 5

and metaphor 92, 93, 94, 167

narrative 67-9

and nature of God 68

and speaking about God 91-100

theology, source of 67, 70, 71-100, 73, 91-2, 96, 107

Second Vatican Council (1962-65) vii, 196, 198

Dogmatic constitution on the Church 201-2

ecclesiologies 201-2


analogy as 187-9

Eckhart on 187-9

Sokolowski, Robert 14, 15-16, 17, 18, 141

Soskice, Janet Martin 97-8, 98, 99

Staensby, Alexander 36

study, contemplation as 45-6, 51, 56, 62, 63, 67, 87

and Scripture 67

Summa theologiae (Aquinas) viii, 4, 5, 21, 28, 33, 37, 43, 47

analogy, use of 102, 147-51

audience, intended 47, 68

disputation 38, 63

in Dominican curriculum 53-6

eternity, concept 139-40

exitus/reditus schema 50, 51, 53, 68, 69, 70, 107, 122, 154


and certitude 83

and demonstration 86-7

and the intellect 93

and reason 81-91

the “Five Ways” 104, 106, 110-22, 194

act and potency 112

cause and effect 112-14

design 105

governance of the world 120-21

gradation 116-20

and inquiry about God 121

motion 111-12

possibility and necessity 115-16

God’s existence 70, 71-100, 103-22, 104-5, 108

as Creator 109

and essence 106, 107, 108, 132, 163

goodness 129, 130

immutability 123, 138-9, 140

limitlessness 123, 134-6, 139

manner of 123-41

measure of all things 129

oneness 140-41

perfection 123, 129, 130-31, 132, 147

simplicity 123, 126

unity 123, 126

language-use 99-100, 102

as metaphysics 71, 82, 104

narrative, use of 192

non-contrastiveness 69-71, 74, 82, 87, 156, 161, 192

as pedagogical work 71

as philosophical treatise 71

prima pars 31, 44, 48, 50, 69, 70

prima secundae 146

purpose 53

sacred doctrine

metaphysics, distinction 101

and Revelation 86

and salvation 103

as science 75, 77, 81, 103

and wisdom 85-6, 88


language-use 95-6

and metaphor 92, 93, 94

narrative 67-9

source of theology 70, 71-100, 107

secunda pars 48

secunda secundae 40, 48

sources 49-50, 71

structure 49, 50, 51, 70, 192

tertia pars 52

theology as science 74-8

Tanner, Kathryn 18, 18-19, 20, 25, 101, 141, 160, 193

Te Velde, Rudi 119

teaching, medieval method 76


atonement, contrastiveness 196

etymology 91

nature of 72-3

negative 167

of Maimonides 123-6

philosophy, split 43

purpose of 4-5, 23-4, 63-4, 73, 92, 101, 141

as sacred doctrine 73, 194

as science 73, 74-81

Scriptural source 67, 70, 73, 91-2, 96

time, and eternity 20-21, 116, 139, 139-40, 163

Tobin, Frank 9

Torrell, Jean-Pierre 38, 39, 44, 45, 46, 51

on Aquinas 63-4

Toscanella, Aldobrandino da 55


contrastive interpretations 197

and The Eucharist 196-7

non-contrastiveness 199-200

origins 196

The Trinity 145, 154

as analogy 172-6

and Eckhart 21, 156, 172-6

economic 156, 163, 172, 179

Turner, Denys 151

universities, medieval 42-3

univocation, and equivocation 132, 149, 151

Vatican II see Second Vatican Council (1962-65)

Weisheipl, James 46

White, Victor 71, 77

the will, and charity 88-9

William of Moerbeke, translation

Aristotelian corpus 40-41

Elementatio theologica (Proclus) 49

William of Tournai, De instructione puerorum 32


dwelling in 194

meditating on 188

and sacred doctrine 85, 88

Wolfson, Harry Austryn 125

The Word (Logos)

creation, role in 182

Eckhart on 177-8, 182

eternity of 20


and God’s Idea 184

and God’s revelation 183

and redemption 181

meaning 179, 180-81

Zum Brunn, Emilie 11, 12, 175