This feature appeared in the 2001 Forbes 400 edition.

Robert L. Johnson

ROBERT L. JOHNSON HAS TRAVELED the classic American journey from modest origins to unimaginable wealth. The ninth of 10 children in a working-class family in small-town Illinois, he parlayed a $15,000 loan in 1979 into Black Entertainment Television, one of the cable industry’s richest franchises.

He took it public in 1991, took it private at a $1.3 billion valuation in 1998—and then sold it to Viacom for more than double that earlier this year, netting himself $1.5 billion in Viacom stock for his 63% stake. The deal set him up to build BET, now in almost 70 million homes, into the premiere medium for reaching the U.S.’ 35 million African-American consumers. It also makes him the first black billionaire, earning him the #172 slot on The Forbes 400 list of the richest Americans.

But for all his success, the 55-year-old executive is resented, even reviled, by some leading voices among the very audience he built his fortune catering to—black America. He has been denounced as a sell-out for striking the Viacom deal. Last March, when he fired low-rated talk show host Tavis Smiley, protesters blamed the move on the new “white” owners at Viacom. They dismissed Johnson as “a front man” and “the 2001 version of the dude who drove Ms. Daisy around.”

BET, treasured by some as the only channel devoted to black entertainment, is trashed by others for a lack of social conscience, a surfeit of off-color comedy and a predilection for music videos rife with flashy cars, abundant cleavage and gyrating derrieres. To many black Americans, BET is like an ill-mannered relative—dearly loved, but a little embarrassing.

“The problem is how BET represents black people,” says Thomas Joyner, a nationally syndicated radio host who has been pressing Viacom to improve the programming. “They’ve been running the same old stuff for 20 years. Shaking that booty in a video is fine, but you need a lot more than that.”

Is this all the love and admiration that Bob Johnson deserves? He bristles at the criticism and calls it misplaced. Johnson is a pawn for no one. His 1.6% stake in Viacom makes him the second-largest individual shareholder in the media titan, trailing only Chairman Sumner Redstone. “I make too much money to be a front man,” he says icily.

Johnson insists BET has done plenty to improve the lot of black Americans—and says that isn’t his job, anyway. His mission is to build a profitable business and run it at maximum velocity. That entails giving viewers what they want and doing it as cheaply as possible. If blacks can benefit along the way, so much the better, but that is a byproduct. “We are the only black network in town, so everybody has poured their burdens and obligations on BET,” Johnson says, “but we can’t solve everybody’s desires for BET. We have to be focused on running this as a profit maximization business.”

And focus he does. With 70% of BET’s lineup coming from free music videos supplied by the record labels, the channel musters pretax profit margins of 40%, far higher than for most cable channels. BET’s operating profit before interest, depreciation and amortization is expected to grow 20% this year to $115 million. And despite the current depression in ad spending, BET’s ad sales, which provide 60% of annual revenue, are up 18% this year.

Since Viacom closed the BET deal in January of this year, BET has added 2.5 million new subscribers, and ratings are up 23% over a year ago among its core audience of 18-to-34-year-old blacks. For the month of June, BET had the highest ratings in its history, drawing an average of almost 400,000 homes.

Johnson says that track record should begin to silence the sniping. His plaint raises a touchy issue for all companies at time when they are more preoccupied with the bottom line than at any other time in the past 20 or 30 years. At what point—if any—should a corporation’s raison d’etre go beyond creating value for shareholders and entail making the world a better place to live? But minority-run companies face harsher scrutiny on this score. It irks Johnson that compliments are heaped on Viacom’s MTV, which similarly thrives on a steady diet of pernicious programming; no one expects MTV Chairman Thomas Freston, who is white, to be a role model for his race.

“If people would just judge BET for what it is, instead of what they’d like it to be,” Johnson says wistfully. “But nobody will sing our praises.”

HIS ODYSSEY TO WEALTH BEGAN in 1979. Johnson had graduated from the University of Illinois and received a master’s from Princeton—he was the only one of his family’s 10 children to graduate from college. He was working in Washington as a lobbyist for the cable industry when he met John C. Malone, then chief executive of Tele-Communications Inc. Cable was spreading around the country and Johnson’s idea for BET was a perfect fit for Malone, who was competing for contracts in cities with large black populations.

Johnson borrowed $15,000 in seed money. TCI invested $500,000 for a 35% stake and never sold it, transferring ownership later to its sister unit, Liberty Media, which Malone still controls. When Johnson sold BET to Viacom, that stake brought Liberty $800 million in Viacom stock. That amounts to an average annual return of 42% on the original investment.

Early on, BET ran a mix of old movies, gospel, black college sports, infomercials and a few music videos. But Johnson soon recognized that MTV, which started a year after BET, was finding fast success by focusing on pop and rock music—and it ignored black acts entirely. This left the door open for BET to carry rhythm and blues, soul and the then-fledgling genre of rap.

To sign up cable operators and undercut the perception that the new channel would appeal only to blacks, Johnson shed the original name—Black Entertainment Television—calling it simply BET. Still, to build audience loyalty Johnson emphasized that this was a channel for black people, operated by black people. BET’s salespeople visited black civic and social organizations across the country, urging community leaders to lobby their cable operators to carry the channel.

As cable operators obliged, the new channel generated enormous excitement in black America just as hip-hop culture, with its swaggering multimillionaire entertainers and athletes, was emerging. BET became the center stage where black America could witness this profound cultural shift on a daily basis. Viewers began to regard BET as their very own outlet.

“Everywhere we went, that feeling was conveyed. The outside world saw us as holding an heirloom for them,” says Jefferi Lee, who joined the network in 1982 and rose to executive vice president. He quit, rich, in 1999.

As urban markets wired up for cable, BET exploded. From 1990 to 1998 it added about 4 million subscribers a year, twice the number that Johnson had been predicting. BET’s 1991 initial public offering brought unprecedented national attention, as it became the first black-owned company to trade on the New York Stock Exchange.

History was also being made inside the company. A whole generation of black executives, producers and on-air talent held jobs that blacks had never filled elsewhere. “When I first walked into BET I saw a sea of black people doing the same jobs that I had always seen only whites doing elsewhere,” says Curtis Gadson, BET’s head of entertainment programming. “I was almost in tears. The playing field was all of a sudden equal.” (Today 96% of BET’s 290 employees are black; 52% of management jobs are held by women.)

Johnson’s relentless focus on profits and tapping the equity markets created value for more people than just himself. Several BET executives became instant millionaires in 1998 when Johnson took the company private and their stock options vested. In fact, based on Viacom’s purchase price of $2.9 billion (including assumed debt), Johnson created an average of $150 million in additional value each year at BET. It was the highest price tag ever placed on the black consumer market.

Says Keith Clinkscales, a partner of Johnson’s in Vanguarde Media, a magazine publisher: “Bob utilized the power of black culture to build one of the greatest entrepreneurial distributions systems ever, and he got paid at market rates for it.”

It has allowed Johnson to amass a personal fortune that includes seven hotels recently purchased from Hilton for $95 million; restaurants in Washington, Maryland, Las Vegas and Orlando (all but the Orlando site have since been sold); and a minority stake in Vanguarde. Johnson had planned to invest $200 million to build an airline from assets that were to be discarded in the proposed merger of United Airlines and US Airways, until the government rejected the merger. Now he looks to buy more hotels and acquire the ultimate rich guy’s toy, a professional sports franchise.

But even one of America’s richest people is subjected to the same daily slights as the average black guy. On Johnson’s 163-acre farm in Virginia’s hunt country, where he lives with his wife and two children, a neighbor once mistook him for a stable hand. And one day, as he sat behind the wheel of his Jaguar outside of Washington’s Four Seasons Hotel, a white woman jumped into the backseat, assuming he was her driver.

As Johnson and his team built BET, the naysayers weighed in. Because he didn’t produce original sitcoms and dramas, Johnson was accused of failing to provide a platform for black writers, actors and producers—as if that were his responsibility. And although BET hosted a generation of young comedians on its cheesy stand-up showcase, Comic View, big-time comics like Richard Pryor and Jay Leno ridiculed Johnson for paying low appearance fees. Last year, when the movie The Original Kings of Comedy was released, director Spike Lee quipped that he did not seek BET backing “because we didn’t want to be paid in sandwiches.”

“The criticism comes, and it’s usually addressed to Bob personally, saying ‘How dare you run a profitable business,’” says Johnson’s second-in-command, Debra Lee.

Aware that John Malone owned a piece of BET, “People would say, ‘Aren’t you all just fronting for the white man?’” Jefferi Lee says. Malone confined his role to behind-the-scenes adviser, and Johnson was only too happy to make use of Malone’s connections. When Viacom’s Sumner Redstone first expressed his interest in BET, the first call he placed was to Malone.

As BET’s profile increased, the scrutiny intensified. Trying to respond to the demand for better fare, Johnson spent money on old reruns like Benson, Amen, and 227, but it resulted only in more carping. “People loved these shows when they were on the networks,” Johnson says, but once they were on BET, critics dismissed them as hackneyed material. Nickelodeon, another Viacom property, “has a whole network of these old shows,” he observes. “When they’re on the white networks they’re called classics. When they’re on BET, they’re called ‘tired ol’ reruns.’”

Eventually it became de rigueur in some black circles to carp at BET. People still joke that it stands for Bad Entertainment Television, and a young black syndicated cartoonist, Aaron McGruder, lampoons Johnson and BET on a regular basis in his daily comic strip, The Boondocks.

But there is plenty of love for BET among recording artists. At the cable network’s inaugural awards show, held recently in Las Vegas, Beyonce Knowles, lead singer of the red-hot group Destiny’s Child, summed up the sentiments of many performers: “Thanks BET, for playing our videos when nobody else would.”

Still, even music executives have a love-hate relationship with the network. “We spend a lot of money creating a sexy, classy image for a singer, and then we put her on a BET show, and the set looks cheap,” says one label executive. “But BET is vital for us because its viewers are very active record buyers.”

Through it all Johnson kept himself and his executives focused and undeterred by the critics. “We understood that we were not running a popularity contest for Hollywood, and we were not trying to be socially redeeming for black intellectuals,” he says. “We had the right to run our business the same way that MTV and HBO run theirs.”

NOW, WITH VIACOM’S DEEP POCKETS, the expectations for better programming have increased. BET has lost the “black ownership” cachet that it had among its viewers, but Johnson and Viacom President Mel Karmazin are careful to ensure the network retains its cultural identity. A key to the deal, Karmazin says, was keeping not only Johnson in place for five years, but also Chief Operating Officer Debra Lee, 47, Johnson’s heir apparent. “I don’t think you’ll see any cultural change, just positive change,” Karmazin predicts. “We have the resources to grow this business.”

Johnson sees Viacom’s ownership as an opportunity to enhance program quality and the entire company. BET is pushing spinoff music channels, which focus on jazz, gospel, classic soul and hip-hop, for digital cable and satellite systems. A small BET production company is developing projects with Viacom’s Paramount studio. is the Web’s most popular African-American-oriented site. And with its presence in nearly 70 million homes, BET has valuable real estate.

“That distribution can be used for anything,” says Johnson. “It’s like having a small boutique on Fifth Avenue. You can always change it, but you’re still going to be on Fifth Avenue.”

Any upstart rival channel will learn how difficult it is to build that real estate. One recent entrant, New Urban Entertainment, has languished despite backing from former AT&T broadband honcho Leo Hindery and music producer Quincy Jones. The core market for such channels, however, continues to expand; from 1998 to 2000, black households with cable grew from 11.7 million to 12.2 million, according to Nielsen Media Research.

BET executives claim market research shows that their viewers like some of the network’s new shows, such as 106 & Park, a daily live music-video countdown, but they still want more variety in the lineup. This fall BET is adding a news magazine, Inside Studio 2. BET also is in talks with Viacom’s pay-TV channel, Showtime, about carrying popular productions such as the series Soul Food and the movie Bojangles. The two channels are also working with Earvin (Magic) Johnson’s production company to create a movie and a series about the hip-hop industry.

Still, as Johnson goes about blending his BET into Viacom, he grapples with a delicate process. He recently announced that Viacom’s CBS News division would begin providing daily reports on BET’s news shows, using correspondents from CBS-owned stations around the country. It’s a synergistic, cost-effective way to make BET a true national news operation, but BET executives worry that many news stories will be covered by white correspondents.

“We’re very sensitive to that,” admits Nina Henderson Moore, head of news and public affairs. “You will see a sensitivity, culturally, but we can’t have reverse discrimination going on, either. If I have a story break, I’d love to get it covered by an African-American, but I can’t guarantee that.”

If BET’s faithful resent seeing white correspondents on the network, they will surely let Bob Johnson know. Another scenario: Johnson’s many critics will reverse course and sing his praises for succeeding at his real job—building the business and creating wealth for himself, his employees and his shareholders. That would be awfully nice for him, but, alas, it’s all too unlikely. For now, such satisfaction will have to come from within himself. F


Ruth Parasol

$1.8 billion. Online gaming. Gibraltar. 38. Married, 2 children.

J. Russell DeLeon

$1.8 billion. Online gaming. Gibraltar. 39. Married, 2 children. Husband-and-wife team each own 16% of Internet poker site PartyGaming. Lawyer Parasol studied at U. of San Francisco, served as adviser for father’s phone-sex-chat business. Moved to Internet porn sites; litigation threats prompted switch to online gambling. Launched Starluck Casino 1997. With partners developed online casino software; enabled gamblers around the world to play one another in poker. Problem: 80% of customers live in America, where online gambling is illegal. Solution: don’t operate on U.S. soil; servers, employees based in Gibraltar, India, England, the Caribbean. Took public on London exchange in June; stock down 48% since Sept. 6 announcement of slower revenue growth and increased competition. But sales robust: up 1,900% in last 2 years. Parasol and DeLeon no longer active in management; still serve as consultants.

From the Forbes 400 2005 Issue

Milton Petrie

Milton Petrie

Petrie Stores. NYC and Southampton, N.Y. 82. Twice divorced, widowed, remarried; 3 children. Father came from Russia; ran pawnshop; went bust. Milt changed name from Petrovitzky; opened first clothing store Toledo 1927, others with 1930s federal loans; into bankruptcy 1937; out 1938. Big growth in shopping centers; also many acquisitions (latest: Miller-Wohl). Now chain over 1,300 women’s specialty stores; 1983 sales $626 million. Medium-priced; much for teens. “Those girls—they’ll live on hot dogs so they can spend their money on clothes.” Works mornings, still terrorizes staff; plays bridge afternoons. His 63% stake, huge dividends, other assets, worth at least $610 million.

From the Forbes 400 1984 Issue

Donald Worthington Reynolds

Publishing, cable TV. Las Vegas. 81. Divorced, twice widowed; 3 children. Peddled groceries in Oklahoma with father, hawked newspapers at 12. Worked through University of Missouri, journalism major. Took WWII shrapnel in head: “It got rid of my sinus problem.” Fired from several jobs; finally held $35-a-week newspaper position; always saved half of salary for investment. Built Donrey Media Group: 57 dailies, 75 nondailies, 3 radio stations, 1 television station, outdoor advertising company, stake in cable TV firm with friend Robert Howard, who will be executor of his estate. Children, not involved in business, will receive just $50,000 a year; foundation will inherit company worth an estimated $700 million.

From the Forbes 400 1987 Issue

Marc Rich

Marc Rich
Pincus Green

Trading partners. Zug, Switzerland. Both 51. Each married; Rich, 3 daughters; Green, 1 daughter. Rich, Belgian-born son of burlap sack maker, banker; family fled Nazis for U.S. WWII. Quit NYU got Philipp Brothers’ (not Phibro-Salomon) mailroom where befriended “Pinky,” longtime resident Flatbush (Brooklyn). Both climbed up ranks; helped build into world’s largest commodities trader; quit when company reneged on million-dollar bonus 1973. Marc Rich & Co. partners mainly hired away from, competed obsessively with, Phibro; now possibly world’s second biggest. Bought Iranian oil during hostage crisis, dodged $48 million tax. Fled U.S. 1983; withheld papers from government; 65-count indictment 1983; $150 million cash settlement 1984; denied tax writeoff on settlement. Wanted for racketeering, fraud, tax evasion. Meanwhile, Rich skis St. Moritz, Pinky monitors shipping rates. Each partner reportedly worth $200 million. Rich: “One day I will say everything.”

From the Forbes 400 1985 Issue

Pleasant Rowland

$700 million. Dolls. Madison, Wis. 57. Married, 3 stepchildren. Former kindergarten teacher, San Francisco TV reporter, textbook writer; father heavyweight at Chicago ad agency Leo Burnett. Dismayed by busty Barbie doll, conceived high-end, highbrow models for thinking girls. With husband, life savings, founded Pleasant Co. 1985. Sold “American Girls” line through catalogs—$88 dolls dressed in historic costumes, accompanied by fictional stories. “We were really the first people to take girls 7 to 12 seriously.” Added books, clothes, magazine (circulation 750,000). Sales $300 million. Found Barbie a lot less reprehensible after selling her company to doll’s parent Mattel for $700 million in June. “They stand in awe of our accomplishment.”

From the Forbes 400 1998 Issue