1900 b. June 29, Magdeburg.
1921–25 Studies at Bauhaus, Weimar; travels to Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig, Köln, Düsseldorf.
1926–29 Spends time in Dresden; more than a month-long visit at Dessau Bauhaus; travels to Essen.
1929–30 Ascona.
1930–32 Berlin; more than a month traveling in the Gardasee.
1932 Late fall: Travels to Mainz and Frankfurt/Main.
1933 March 31: Takes train across the border to France; settles in Paris; loose contact with Breton, Dali, Eluard, Ernst; October: exhibits paintings in Salon des Indépendents.
1936 October 1: Leaves Paris for Switzerland.
1936–37 Ascona.
1937–38 Positano.
1938 Returns to Germany: Essen, Mulheim/Ruhr, Magdeburg, Berlin.
1939 Early in the year: settles in Worpswede.
1940 Conscription and military service.
1945 American imprisonment and release.
1945–62 Worpswede.
1951 Marries Hedwig Rohde.
1953 Travels to Paris.
1962 Moves to Porteholz bei Hameln.
1964 Karl-Ernst-Osthaus-Preis der Stadt Hagen; other prizes.
1965 Nomination as full member to Academy of Art, Berlin.
1980 Dies, May 27, in Porteholz.

(Adapted from Richard Oelze 1900–1980: Gemalde und Zeichnungen, hrsg. Wieland Schmied [Berlin: Akademie der Künste und Autoren, 1987], p. 185.)