1900 |
b. June 29, Magdeburg. |
1921–25 |
Studies at Bauhaus, Weimar; travels to Berlin, Hamburg, Leipzig, Köln, Düsseldorf. |
1926–29 |
Spends time in Dresden; more than a month-long visit at Dessau Bauhaus; travels to Essen. |
1929–30 |
Ascona. |
1930–32 |
Berlin; more than a month traveling in the Gardasee. |
1932 |
Late fall: Travels to Mainz and Frankfurt/Main. |
1933 |
March 31: Takes train across the border to France; settles in Paris; loose contact with Breton, Dali, Eluard, Ernst; October: exhibits paintings in Salon des Indépendents. |
1936 |
October 1: Leaves Paris for Switzerland. |
1936–37 |
Ascona. |
1937–38 |
Positano. |
1938 |
Returns to Germany: Essen, Mulheim/Ruhr, Magdeburg, Berlin. |
1939 |
Early in the year: settles in Worpswede. |
1940 |
Conscription and military service. |
1945 |
American imprisonment and release. |
1945–62 |
Worpswede. |
1951 |
Marries Hedwig Rohde. |
1953 |
Travels to Paris. |
1962 |
Moves to Porteholz bei Hameln. |
1964 |
Karl-Ernst-Osthaus-Preis der Stadt Hagen; other prizes. |
1965 |
Nomination as full member to Academy of Art, Berlin. |
1980 |
Dies, May 27, in Porteholz. |