Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
abstract formal patterns, 121
Achebe, Chinua, 117
“Actor and the Über-Marionette, The” (Craig), 188–189
actors, puppets and, 188–191
Adams, Rachel, 233–246
Aeschylus, 56
aestheticism, signature of, 23
“African Love Song, An,” 63
African mask, 176
African Romances, 63
“afro-asiatic allegory,” 180
Agamben, Giorgio, 36
Aldridge, Amanda, 62
Ali, Monica: Brick Lane, 208
“Alienation Effects in Chinese Acting” (Brecht), 24n3
anagnorisis of self, 36
“Analytical Language of John Wilkins, The” (Borges), 38
Anand, Milk Raj, 257
Anderson, Benedict, 81, 84; Imagined Communities, 75; The Spectre of Comparisons, 75
Andrade, Oswald de: “Cannibalist Manifesto,” 38
“Anecdote of the Jar” (Stevens), 114, 116
Anglo-American, 44–45
Anglophone modernism, 249–250
animals: classifications of, 38; as extreme subject, 34; genres of, 32; humanism through, 40; modernist tales of becoming, 34; Rentzou on, 29–41; totality of, 36
Animals and Their Men, and the Men and Their Animals, The (Eluard), 37
“Año Nuevo” (Huidobro), 279–280
antinomies, 47
antiquity: Damrosch on, 43–57; in Hellenistic age, 51; Irish, 56
Antropofagia, 38
Apollinaire, Guillaume, 276–277, 281; Bestiary or the Parade of Orpheus, 37
Apuleius, 45, 51, 54–55; Metamorphosis, 54
Arcades Project, The (Benjamin), 153
Aristotle, 29
Art of Art History, The (Preziosi), 17
Assmann, Jan, 46, 49–50, 56–57
Assyrians, 46
Athena, 52
At the Hawk’s Well (Yeats), 19–20
Augenbraum, Harold, 89–90n1
Au Lapin Agile (painting), 171
Aurelius, Marcus, 54
Austerlitz (Sebald), 130–131, 133
avant-garde, 16, 20, 22, 24–25n4, 25n9, 267–268, 281
Awaara (film), 211
Babylonians, 46
Bad Modernisms (Mao and Walkowitz), 45
Baker, Houston, 71–72n6; Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance, 62
Bakhtin, Mikhail, 103–104
Barbusse, Henri: Under Fire, 275
Barthes, Roland, 23
Bataille, Georges: Theory of Religion, 35–36
Baudelaire, Charles, 44, 116, 133, 186–187, 216, 266
Baxandall, Michael, 13
Beauties of the Common Tool, 158, 158f
Becher, Bern and Hilla, 160–161
Beckett, Samuel, 189; Endgame, 202
Being and Time (Heidegger), 155–157
Benjamin, Walter, 99, 133, 134–135, 143; The Arcades Project, 153; The Origin of German Tragic Drama, 153; “Surrealism,” 153; “Unpacking my Library,” 133–134
Bestiary or the Parade of Orpheus (Apollinaire), 37
Bey, Khalil, 18
Bhabha, Homi, 17
Bigelow, William Sturgis, 23
Bildungsbourgeoisie, 136
“Black Cat” (Rilke), 36
blackface. See pantomime
black mask, 176
Blinkards, The (Sekyi), 70
Book of Imaginary Beings (Borges), 37–38
Book of Tea (Okakura), 18–19
Book of the Dead, The, 56
Borges, Jorge Luis, 103–104; “The Analytical Language of John Wilkins,” 38; Book of Imaginary Beings, 37–38; “The Library of Babel,” 37; A Universal History of Infamy, 198–199, 205–206
Boxiana (Egan), 212
Brathwaite, Kamau, 116; History of the Voice, 118; “Rites,” 122–123
Brauner, Victor, 39
Brecht, Bertolt, 12, 88; “Alienation Effects in Chinese Acting,” 24n3
Brenner, Anita, 235, 236, 239–241; Idols Behind Altars, 239–241, 242
Breton, André, 39
Brick Lane (Ali), 208
Broken Blossoms (film), 210–211
Brook, Peter, 195; The Empty Space, 188
brown, iona Rozeal (iROZEALb), 179–180
Brown, Judith, 214–231
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 34
Bulgakov, Mikhail: The Heart of a Dog, 41n1
Bürger, Peter, 276
Burgess, Joel, 153
“Burnt Norton” (Eliot), 147–148
Burtynsky, Edward: China, 164–165, 165f
Bush, Christopher, 75–89
Caillois, Roger, 39
Calas, Nicolas, 39
Calinescu, Matei, 54, 56–57; Five Faces of Modernity, 46
“Cannibalist Manifesto” (Andrade), 38
Cantos (Pound), 122
Capek, Karel: R.U.R., 192
Carrington, Leonora, 39
Carter, Holland, 182
Casanova, Pascale, 105, 116–117, 118; The World Republic of Letters, 248
Cavell, Stanley, 151
Cayley, John, 102
Cendrars, Blaise, 34–35, 268–269
Cernuschi, Henri, 23
Cervantes, 106, 133; Don Quixote, 107
Césaire, Aimé, 30
Chakrabarty, Dipesh, 84, 225, 270; Provincializing Europe, 83–84
chantier, 212n1
Chaplin, Charlie: Easy Street, 210; The Immigrant, 210
Charite, 52
Chartier, Roger: The Order of Books, 133
Cheops, 50
Chesterton, G. K., 205, 206, 209
“Child, The” (Tagore), 251
children, puppets and, 186–188
China (Burtynsky), 164–165, 165f
China: Through the Looking Glass exhibit, 15, 25n11
Chinese literature, 106
Chinese modernism, 106
Chirico, Giorgio de, 39
Chocolate Grinder (Duchamp), 155
Chow, Rey, 98
Christians, 54
Clark, T. J., 148
class fraction, 25n5
classic: Coleridge-Taylor on, 62–66; Jaji on, 59–71; Plaatje on, 66–71
Clifford, James, 14
Coetzee, J. M., 35, 60; Elizabeth Costello, 33–34
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel, 4, 60, 62–66; Twenty-Four Negro Melodies, 62, 64
Comedy of Errors (Shakespeare), 67
conceptualists, 103–104
Confucius, 56
Constab Ballads (McKay), 70
context: Bush on, 75–89; historical, 80–86; priority of, 79–81
continental modernism, 44–45
convergence, 120
copy: as a central device, 102; as a conceptual framework, 97; Edmond on, 96–108; generalizing claims of, 104; global modernism through the, 98–105; importance of, 107; as a literary device, 97; varieties of sameness, 105–108
Cornell, Joseph, 152f
Cortazar, Julio, 30
cortiço, 199, 212n1. See also slums
Cosmopolitan Style (Walkowitz), 132
Couchoud, Paul-Louis, 99–100
counterculture, 25n9
Count Zero (Gibson), 150–152
Courbet, Gustave, 18, 19f, 21–22
Craig, Edward Gordon: “The Actor and the Über-Marionette,” 188–189
Creeley, Robert, 121
Critical Terms for Art History (Elsner), 15–17
Culler, Jonathan, 87
Cultural Front, The (Denning), 246
curatorial procedure, 4
Dahai tingzhi zhi chu (Yang Lian), 102
Dalí, Salvador, 39
Dalmia, Yashodhara, 225
Damrosch, David, 43–57
Dante, 119
Darkwater: Voices from Within the Veil (Du Bois), 59
Darwin, Charles, 30–31, 32; The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, 31
Darwinism, 30–31
David, Mike, 212
“Debutante, The,” 39
“Decay of Lying, The” (Wilde), 77
decentering modernism, 45
deconstruction, 87
de Man, Paul, 221
Denning, Michael: The Cultural Front, 246
Derrida, Jacques, 92n22, 92n23
Descartes, René, 31
Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 30
Des Esseintes, 44
Deuteronomy, 51
Dewey, John, 91n16
“Diary of a Madman” (Gogol), 107
Diary of a Newlywed Poet (Jiménes), 253–254
Diderot, Denis: Paradoxe sur le comédien, 191
diffusion, 120
Dionysus, 55
distant reading, 120–121
Distant Reading, 115
diversification, 120
Divine He-Goat, The (Skarimbas), 34
Doll House, A (Ibsen), 189
Don Quixote (Cervantes), 107
Don Segundo Sombra (Güiraldes), 273–274
Doyle, Laura: Geomodernisms, 181
Dream Lovers: An Operatic Romance (Dunbar), 63
Du Bois, W. E. B., 71n2, 174–175, 181; Darkwater: Voices from Within the Veil, 59; The Souls of Black Folk, 72n8
Duchamp, Marcel, 39; Chocolate Grinder, 155; Large Glass, 155
Dufy, Raoul, 37
Duino Elegies (Rilke), 36
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 63, 177; Dream Lovers: An Operatic Romance, 63
Earwicker, H. C., 56
East Asian “art,” 19
East Asian art museum, 23
East Asian modernism, 108
Easy Street (Chaplin), 210
Eatough, Matt: Oxford Handbook of Global Modernisms, 1, 45, 116
Edmond, Jacob: on copy, 96–108
Egan, Pierce: Boxiana, 212
Egyptian history, 50–51
Egyptian scribal culture, 49–50
Elegance and Poverty (photo), 243, 245f
Eliot, T. S., 60, 81–82, 82–83, 116, 233; “Burnt Norton,” 147–148; “Tradition and the Individual Talent,” 81, 166; Waste Land, The, 117, 122, 147
Elizabeth Costello (Coetzee), 33–34
Elsner, Jaś: Critical Terms for Art History, 15–17
Eluard, Paul: The Animals and Their Men, and the Men and Their Animals, 37
Empty Space, The (Brook), 188
Endgame (Beckett), 202
“England” (Moore), 123–125
English Teacher, The (Narayan), 218–221
Enlightenment, 38
Epic of Gilgamesh, 47
Ernst, Max, 39
evasion, 15–16
exilic period, biblical writers of, 50
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, The (Darwin), 31
Famille de Saltimbanques (painting), 171
Faust (Goethe), 136
Fenollosa, Ernest, 18–19
FFLC (foreign form-local content paradigm), 115–118, 122–123, 126–127
Findlater, Jane, 206
Fini, Léonore, 39
Finnegans Wake (Joyce), 202
Fitzmaurice-Kelly, James: Oxford Book of Spanish Verse, 253
Five Faces of Modernity (Colinescu), 46
Flush: A Biography (Woolf), 34
foreign form–local content paradigm (FFLC), 115–118, 122–123, 126–127
form: Levine on, 127n2; Ramazani on, 114–127
Forster, E. M.: Passage to India, 117
“Fourth Wall of China, The: An Essay on the Effect of Disillusion in the Chinese Theatre” (Brecht), 24n3
Freedom and People’s Rights Movement (Japan), 90n6
Freud, Sigmund, 31, 32; “Thoughts on War and Death,” 267
Fried, Michael, 161
Frieden, Ken, 120
Friedman, Susan Stanford, 61, 108, 118, 131; “Periodizing Modernism,” 46
Frost, Robert, 252
“Futurist Manifesto” (Marinetti), 268
Gaugin, Paul, 16
Gellius, Aulus, 61
gender, inattention to by Said, 22
Geomodernisms (Doyle and Winkiel), 181
Gérôme, Jean-Léon: The Snake Charmer, 20–21, 21–22, 21f
Gibson, William: Count Zero, 150–152
Gikandi, Simon, 66, 131, 171–172
Gilbert, W. S.: Pirates of Penzance, 55
Gilgamesh, 47
Ginsberg, Allen: “Howl,” 122
Gitanjali (Tagore), 250
“global,” as a term, 3
global concepts, 7
global modernism, 13, 56, 98–105, 108. See also specific topics
Goble, Mark, 146–166
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 133; Faust, 136
Gogol, N. V., 106–107; “Diary of a Madman,” 107
Goldsmith, Kenneth, 102
Goncourt, Edmond de, 23
Goodlad, Lauren, 92n19
Greco-Egyptian syncretism, 52–53
“Greekish tale,” 52
Greenberg, Clement, 146, 151; “Modernist Painting,” 165–166
Griffith, D. W., 210
Gropius, Walter, 191
Groys, Boris, 103–104
Grundrisse, The (Marx), 148
Guattari, Félix, 32
Güiraldes, Ricardo: Don Segundo Sombra, 273–274
Gyges, King of Lydia, 46
Hamlet (play), 67–68
Handspring Puppet Theater, 196
Hardedef, 50
Harlequin, 170
Harman, Graham, 155
Harris, Lyle Ashton, 177, 178f, 179
Hayot, Eric, 79; Literary Worlds, 131
Hearn, Lafcadio, 23
Heart of a Dog, The (Bulgakov), 41n1
Heidegger, Martin, 36; Being and Time, 155–157
Herodotus, 56
high imperalism, 78
Hill Women (painting), 225, 226f
historical context, 76, 80–86. See also context
history, changing nature of, 93n26
History of the Voice (Brathwaite), 118
Hofmann, E. T. A., 190
“hokku,” 21
Hotel Eden, 152f
“Howl” (Ginsberg), 122
Hughes, Langston, 181
Huidobro, Vicente, 272, 276, 278–279, 281–282; “Año Nuevo,” 279–280
humanism, through animals, 40
human psychosexual development, 31
iambic pentameter, 118–119
Ibsen, Henrik: A Doll House, 189
Idols Behind Altars (Brenner), 239–241, 242
Imagined Communities (Anderson), 75
Imhotep, 50
Immigrant, The (Chaplin), 210
“In a Station of the Metro” (Pound), 100–101, 102
Ingres, J. A. D., 18
International Phonetic Alphabet, 67
Ionesco, Eugène: Rhinoceros, 41n1
Irele, Abiola, 120
Irish antiquity, 56
Island of Doctor Moreau, The (Wells), 41n1
iteration, 105–107
Ito, 26n15
Jaji, TsiTsi, 59–71
James, David, 172
James, Henry, 99
Jameson, Fredric, 105, 115–116, 117, 121, 149–150; “Modernism and Imperialism,” 78, 80, 85–86
Japanese exoticism, 18–19
japonisme, 23
japoniste effects, 21
Jarry, Alfred, 191
Ja, Sagt Molly (Kurt), 139–142
Jazz Singer, The (film), 176–177
Jiménez, Juan Ramón, 249–250, 255–259; Diary of a Newlywed Poet, 253–254
Johnson, Georgia Douglas, 62
Johnson, James Weldon, 181
Johnson, Philip, 158–159, 159f
Jones, LeRoi, 59–60
Joyce, James, 44, 80, 233; Finnegans Wake, 202; Ulysses, 98, 136–137, 139–140, 202
Judaism, 54
Kadir, Djelal, 104
Kafk a, Franz, 30, 32, 35; The Metamorphosis, 32–33; “A Report to an Academy,” 33
Kandinsky, Wassily, 117
Karavata (Nagar), 137–138
Kenner, Hugh, 146
Khakeperre-sonbe, 47–49
Khandalavala, Karl, 230
Krafft, Hugues, 23
Krishnan, Sanjay, 90n3
Krockel, Carl, 266
Kurt, Kemal: Ja, Sagt Molly, 139–142
Lam, Wilfredo, 39
“Lamentations of Khakheperre-sonbe, The,” 44–45
language, 31, 32, 92n23, 105–107, 225
“Lapis Lazuli” (Yeats), 122
Lapula, Lerato, 67
Large Glass (Duchamp), 155
Lawner, Lynn, 170
Lawrence, D. H., 257
Leopardi, Giacomo, 190
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (painting), 171, 176
Le sommeil (painting), 18
LFLC (local form and local content), 122–123
libraries: Mani on, 130–143; as “medial” institutions, 132
Library at Night, The (Manguel), 142
“Library of Babel, The” (Borges), 37
Literary Worlds (Hayot), 131
local form and local content (LFLC), 122–123
Locke, Alain, 65–66
Loew, Heinz, 192
Lorca, Garcia, 190
L’origine du monde (painting), 18, 19 f, 21–22
Lowell, Percival, 23
Mabou Mines, 189
machine, poetry as, 35
machine puppets, 191–194
Machine Turn Quickly (Picabia), 155
Mackey, Nathaniel, 59–60
Madauros, 55
Magritte, René, 39
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 35, 44, 116
Man and Woman #2 (photo), 178f, 179
Manguel, Alberto: The Library at Night, 142
Mani, Venkat, 130–143
Mansilla, Lucio V.: A Visit to the Ranquel Indians, 263–265
Mao, Douglas, 146, 147, 212n3; Bad Modernisms, 45
Marinetti, F. T.: “Futurist Manifesto,” 268
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia, 80
Marx, Karl, 11–12; The Grundrisse, 148
masking, 175–179
Matta, Roberto, 39
Maxeke, Charlotte, 62
Maximus Poems (Olson), 122
May Fourth movement, 91n16
McKay, Claude, 118; Constab Ballads, 70
McLouglin, Kate, 274–275
medial institutions, libraries as, 132
Melman, Billie, 22
memory: Benjamin on, 134–135
Mesopotamian history, 50–51
meta-modernist harlequins, 169–175
Metamorphosis (Apuleius), 51
Metamorphosis, The (Kafk a), 32–33
Mexican artists, 239–241, 241–246
Mexican modernists, 234–235, 237–238
Mexican Revolution, 246
Meyerhold, Vsevolod, 191
Mhudi: An Epic of South African Native Life (Plaatje), 66
Michio Ito, 19–20
Miller, R. A., 25–26n13
mimicry, 17
Minotaure (magazine), 39–40
Minstrel (photo), 178f
minstrels, 175–179
modernism: about, 46, 61; addressing through copy, 104; Adorno on, 202; analyzing, 46; Apuleius on, 54–55; copy’s centrality to, 96–97; decentering, 45; defined, 7; libraries and, 131; periodizing, 206; slums beyond, 206–209; translocation of, 131–132; use of libraries in studies of, 132; vernacular, 209–212; Woolf on, 204–205
“Modernism and Imperialism” (Jameson), 78, 80, 85–86
Modernism and the Harlem Renaissance (Baker), 62
Modernism/modernity (journal), 91n8
modernist alienation, 12
modernist literary forms, opacity of, 275
“Modernist Painting” (Greenberg), 165–166
modernist slums, 199–202
modernist studies, 88, 91n8, 93n27
Modernist Studies Association, 91n8
Modotti, Tina, 236, 241–246; Elegance and Poverty, 243, 245 f; Woman from Tehuantepec, 242 f; Woman with Flag, 244f
Mohanty, Satya, 56–57
“Mona Lisa” (Yeats), 104
Moore, Marianne, 37; “England,” 123–125
Moore, T. Sturgis, 260n2
Moretti, Franco, 6, 80, 105, 115–118, 120, 121
Morse, Edward, 18–19
movement, 24–25n4
Mukherjee, Ankhi, 60
multiculturalism, 16
Mulvey, Laura, 235
Musée Cernuchi, 23
museographic practices, 17
Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), 14–15, 158
“Musem of Obsolete Objects, The,” 153–155, 154f
My Fair Lady, 192–194
Nagar, Amritlal: Karavata, 137–138
Nagra, Daljit: “The Punjab,” 125–126
Naipaul. V. S., 221–222
Nankai no daiharan (Shigeyasu), 90n6
nanshoku, 23
Narayan, R. K., 217–218, 221–222, 230–231; The English Teacher, 218–221
Native Life in South Africa (Plaatje), 66
Naturalism, 201
Neoplatonism, 54
New Culture movement, 56
New Life, The (Pamuk), 138
New Negro for a New Century, A, 61
New Negro movement, 65
New Objectivity, of German potographers, 161
New Poems (Rilke), 36
Nielsen, Aldon, 175
Noli me tangere (Rizal), 75
North, Michael, 147
Notebooks (Porter), 236
O’Brien, John, 170
obsolescence: as an invention of industrial modernity, 148; Goble on, 146–166; nominalization and, 148
Odysseus, 52
Okakura Kakuzo, 23; Book of Tea, 18–19
Okigbo, Christopher, 118
Olson, Charles: Maximus Poems, 122
Omeros (Walcott), 119, 121, 122
One Hundred Years After (Akiba), 162, 163f
“On the Marionette Theatre” (von Kleist), 190
On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 30
ontogeny, 33
Oppenhiem, Meret, 39
oral poetry, 97
Order of Books, The (Chartier), 133
Orientalism, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 195, 215, 216
Orientalism (Said), 20
Origin of German Tragic Drama, The (Benjamin), 153
Origins of Pan-Africanism, 61
Orlando: A Biography (Woolf), 34
Orozco, José Clemente, 235
Ortega y Gasset, José, 255
Osiris, 52–53
O-Unabara (Shigeyasu), 90n6
Owen, Wilfred, 272
Oxford Book of Modern Verse: 1892–1935, 104
Oxford Book of Spanish Verse (Fitzmaurice-Kelly), 253
Oxford Handbook of Global Modernisms (Wollaeger and Eatough), 1, 45, 116
Oxford Handbook of Modernisms, The, 1
Paalen, Wolfgan, 39
Packard, Vance: The Waste Makers, 165
Pamuk, Orhan: The New Life, 138
Pan African Conference, 60–61, 63
“Panther, The” (Rilke), 36
pantomime: defined, 4; masking and minstrels, 175–179; meta-modernist harlequins, 169–175; Miller on, 169–182; the West, 179–182
Paradoxe sur le comédien (Diderot), 191
Paranjape, Makarand, 218
Parla, Jale, 120
Passage to India (Forster), 117
Pater, Walter H.: Studies in the History of the Renaissance, 104
Pattern Recognition (Gibson), 162, 164
Paul, Jean: Schulmeisterlein Wutz, 134
Péret, Benjamin, 39
“Periodizing Modernism” (Friedman), 46
Picabia, Francis: Machine Turn Quickly, 155
Picasso, Pablo, 13, 16, 39, 171
Pike, David L., 198–212
Pirandello, Luigi, 190
Pirates of Penzance (Gilbert and Sullivan), 55
Plaatje, Solomon Tshekisho, 4, 60, 66–71; Mhudi: An Epic of South African Native Life, 66; Native Life in South Africa, 66
Planet of Slums (film), 212
Plato, 56
Player’s Passion, The (Roach), 191
Poggioli, Renato: Theory of the Avant-Garde, 12
Porter, Katherine Anne, 236–238
positivist empiricism, 31
postexilic period, biblical writers of, 50
postmodernism, Jameson on, 150
postmodernist slums, 203–206
Pound, Ezra, 13, 19–20, 21, 56, 100, 101–102, 108, 146, 251, 252, 257, 258–259; Cantos, 122; “In a Station of the Metro,” 100–101, 102
Prassinos, Gisèle, 39
Pratt, Mary-Louise, 17
premodernist slums, 203–206
Pre-Raphaelites, 24–25n4
presentism, 46
Preziosi, Donald, 13–14; The Art of Art History, 17
Prigov, Dmitrii: Telegrams, 103, 104
primitivism, 15, 16, 22, 23, 24
“Primitivism” in Twentieth Century Art exhibit, 14–15
Principles of Scientific Management (Taylor), 191–192
productive consumption, 148
Prometheus, 50
Proust, Marcel, 21, 216, 217, 228
Provincializing Europe (Chakrabarty), 83–84
psychoanalysis, 31–32
Punic culture, 55
“Punjab, The” (Nagra), 125–126
puppets: actors and, 188–191; children and, 186–188; of the East, 194–196; machine, 191–194; Puchner on, 185–196
Pyaasa (film), 211
Pygmalion (Shaw), 192–194
Quetzalcoatl, 50
Ramoshoana, D. M., 70–71
Rams, Dieter, 162
Rancière, Jacques, 215
Randall, Victoria, 65
re-accentuation, 103–104
relation, 109n5
Renaissance, pantomime in, 170
Rentzou, Efthymia, 29–41
“Report to an Academy, A” (Kafk a), 33
representation, modernist crisis of, 32
reverse Orientalism, 17, 25–26n13
Rhinoceros (Ionesco), 41n1
Rilke, Rainer Maria: Duino Elegies, 36; New Poems, 36
Rimbaud, Arthur, 116
“Rites” (Brathwaite), 122–123
Rizal, José, 78–79, 90n2, 90n6; Noli me tangere, 75
Roach, Joseph: The Player’s Passion, 191
Roberts, Mary, 22
Rogers, Gayle, 248–259
Rogin, Michael, 177
romance, Coleridge-Taylor on, 62–66
Roman Empire, pantomime in, 170
Room of One’s Own, A (Woolf), 137
Rosas, Mariano, 263
Rosenberg, Isaac, 272
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 31
Rubio, Ortiz, 241
R.U.R. (Capek), 192
Rushdie, Salman, 117
Said, Edward, 15, 17, 22, 25–26n13, 231n2, 265; Orientalism, 20
sameness, varieties of, 105–108
Samsa, Gregor, 32–33
Sanskrit studies, 56
Sartorial Anarchy #12 (photo), 172–175, 173f
Sassoon, Siegfried, 272; “Survivors,” 266
Satrapi, Marjane, 117
Schalkwyk, David, 67
Schechner, Richard, 195–196
schools, 24–25n4
Schulmeisterlein Wutz (Paul), 134
Season of Migration to the North (al-Tayyib), 138
Sebald, W. G., 143; Austerlitz, 130–131, 133
Sekyi, Kobina: The Blinkards, 70
self, anagnorisis of, 36
Self-Portrait as Tahitian (painting), 223, 224f, 228
Seshagiri, Urmila, 172
Setswana language, 67–71
sexual identity, erasure of by Said, 22
Shakespeare, William: Comedy of Errors, 67; Hamlet, 67–68
shanty, 199, 212n1. See also slums
Shaw, George Bernard: Pygmalion, 192–194
Sher-Gil, Amrita, 217, 222–223, 225–226, 228, 230–231; Hill Women (Sher-Gil), 225, 226 f; Self-Portrait as Tahitian, 223, 224f, 228; Three Girls, 225, 227f, 228; Two Girls, 228, 229f
Shigeyasu ‘Tetcho’ Siehiro, 90n6
Shi Jing, 56
Shulgi, King of Ur, 46
Simpson, W. K., 45
Sino-Japanese War, 6
Sin Titulo (brown), 179
Siquieros, David Alfaro, 235
Skarimbas, Yannis, 35; The Divine He-Goat, 34
slums: beyond modernism, 206–209; modernist, 199–202; Pike on, 198–212; pre- and postmodernism, 203–206; vernacular modernism, 209–212
Snake Charmer, The (Gérôme), 20–21, 21–22, 21f
Snyder, Gary, 23
Song of Hiawatha, 63
sonnet, 118
Souls of Black Folk, The (Du Bois), 72n8
Soyinka, Wole, 118
spatial expansions, 147
Spectre of Comparisons, The (Anderson), 75
Spivak, Gayatri, 105
Spring and All (Williams), 149
Stevens, Brookes, 165
Stevens, Wallace: “Anecdote of the Jar,” 114, 116
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 205, 206
Studies in the History of the Renaissance (Pater), 104
style: Brown on, 214–231; Orientalism of, 216
Sullivan, Arthur: Pirates of Penzance, 55
Sumerians, 46
surrealism, 39
“Surrealism” (Benjamin), 153
“Survivors” (poem), 266
Tadashi Suzuki, 195
Tagore, Rabindranath, 249–259, 260n2, 271–272; “The Child,” 251; Gitanjali, 250
taudis, 199, 212n1. See also slums
Taylor, F. W.: Principles of Scientific Management, 191–192
Taylorization of the theater, 191–192
Tayyib, Salih al-: Season of Migration to the North, 138
temporal expansions, 147
tenement, 199, 212n1. See also slums
Tertullian, 55
theory of evolution, 30–31
Theory of Religion (Bataille), 35–36
Theory of the Avant-Garde (Poggioli), 12
“Thoughts on War and Death” (Freud), 267
Three Girls (painting), 225, 227f, 228
Tiwari, Bhavya, 256
To the Lighthouse (Woolf), 272–273, 274
tradition, Adams on, 233–246
“Tradition and the Individual Talent” (Eliot), 81, 166
transculturation, 17
transitional object, 187
translation, Rogers on, 248–259
Trend, J. B., 256
Tretyakov, Sergei, 108–109n1
tugurio, 199, 212n1. See also slums
Turkish Bath (painting), 18
Turkish writers, 120
Turner, Victor, 195
Twenty-Four Negro Melodies (Coleridge-Taylor), 62, 64
Two Girls (painting), 228, 229f
Udé, Iké: Sartorial Anarchy #12, 172–175, 173f
ukiyo-e imagery, 22–23
Ulysses (Joyce), 98, 136–137, 139–140, 202
Under Fire (Barbusse), 275
“Under the Bamboo Tree,” 60
Universal History of Infamy, A (Borges), 198–199, 205, 206
“Unpacking my Library” (Benjamin), 133–134
Vadde, Aarthi, 251
Varo, Remedios, 39
Venuti, Lawrence, 260n5
vernacular modernism, 209–212
Virgil, 51
Visit to the Ranquel Indians, A (Mansilla), 263–265
vocabulary, 5
Volksmusik, 64
von Kleist, Heinrich: “On the Marionette Theatre,” 190
Walcott, Derek: Omeros, 119, 121, 122
Walker, George, 70
Walkowitz, Rebecca, 146, 147, 212n3; Bad Modernisms, 45; Cosmopolitan Style, 132
Wallerstein, Immanuel, 105, 115
war, 263–282
War Horse, 196
Waste Land, The (Eliot), 117, 122, 147
Waste Makers, The (Packard), 165
Weber, Max, 81
webs, 109n5
Weimar Republic, 133
Wells, H. G.: The Island of Doctor Moreau, 41n1
Weston, Edward, 241
Whistler, J. A. M., 23
Wilde, Oscar, 23, 78–79; “The Decay of Lying,” 77
Williams, Bert, 70
Williams, Henry Sylvester, 63
Williams, Raymond, 5, 25n5, 150
Williams, William Carlos, 35; Spring and All, 149
Winkiel, Laura: Geomodernisms, 181
Winnicott, Donald Woods, 187
Wollaeger, Mark: Oxford Handbook of Global Modernisms, 1, 45, 116
Wollen, Peter, 235
Woman from Tehuantepec (photo), 242f
Woman with Flag (photo), 244f
Woolf, Virginia, 30, 35, 201, 204–205, 214–215; Flush: A Biography, 34; To the Lighthouse, 272–273, 274; Orlando: A Biography, 34; A Room of One’s Own, 137
World Republic of Letters, The (Casanova), 248
Wright, Richard, 181
Xu Zhimo, 108–109n1
Yang Lian: Dahai tingzhi zhi chu, 102
Yeats, W. B., 56, 189, 251–252, 254; At the Hawk’s Well, 19–20; “Lapis Lazuli,” 122; “Mona Lisa,” 104
Yiddish writers, 120
Yi Sha, 102
Young, Howard, 258
Zero History, 164
Zhou Zouren, 56
Ziegfeld Follies (film), 210