Actively managed funds, 75–76, 82
mutual funds, 66
Affinity fraud, 134
George Theodule’s $30 Million, 134–136
Affordability, 67
AJ Discala $300 Million pump-and-dump scheme, 137–139
All-or-nothing option (see Binary options)
Annualized dividend, 47
Average down strategy, 54–56, 95
home, 105
local, 105
misattribution, 114
recency, 70
self-attribution, 58
survivorship, 86
Binary options, 154
fraud, 154
Swindled Investors Out of $10 Million, 156
Bitcoin, 117
blockchain, 159
BitConnect $2 Billion Fraud, 159–163
BitConnect coin (BCC), 160
Blackrock, 67
Blockchain technology, 159
Bond funds, 68
Break-even effect, 96
“Buy low, sell high” strategy, 53–54, 100, 19
Capital gains distributions, paying taxes on, 78–79
Capital gains tax, 27
Capital loss, 48
Certificates of deposit (CDs), 7
Chief executive officer (CEO), 152
Closed-end funds (CEFs), 68–69, 72–73
CodeSmart, 138
Cognitive dissonance, 55–56, 110–111
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), 156
Compound interest, 24
Cryptocurrency scams, 157
BitConnect $2 Billion Fraud, 159–163
Currency market (see Foreign exchange market (FX))
Cyberspace, 150
Digital option (see Binary options)
Direct Stock Purchase Plans (DSPs), 19
Disruptive ideas and technologies, 65
Dividend reinvestment plan (DRP), 14
Dollar-cost averaging, 19
“Dotcom” firms, 117
Double coverage, 89
Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), 74
Dutch Billionaire and €100 Million prime bank fraud, 171–173
Employer-sponsored retirement plan, 25
Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plan, 25–26
Equity funds, 68
Erosion of returns, 48
Excessive conservatism, 15
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs), 22, 28, 35, 37, 66, 69
high expense, 90
paying taxes on capital gains distributions, 78–79
pitfalls, 67
window dressing, 80
Exential $200 Million currency market fraud, 152–153
Expense ratio, 73
Ezubao’s $9 Billion Ponzi Scheme, 128–130
Fake ETFs, 90
Faulty investment analysis, 51
“Fear of missing out” phenomenon, 113
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 155
Fidelity Investments, 67
Financial advisor, 17
Financial crisis, 127
in media, 103
Financial fraudsters, 122
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINFA), 135, 175–176
Financial Times, 173
Fixed rate investments, 174
Fixed return option (see Binary options)
FOLIOfn, 19
Foreign currency trading fraud, 150
Exential $200 Million currency market fraud, 152–153
Foreign exchange market (FX), 150–152
Foreign investment products, 125
Forex (see Foreign exchange market (FX))
Fortune magazine, 66
Fraudulent online investment practices, 163
Fraudulent schemes, 125
Front-end sales load, 72
investors, 75
Funds-of-funds (FOFs), 77
FxTrader signals system, 131
Gambler’s fallacy, 104
George Theodule’s $30 Million Affinity Fraud, 134–136
Google-owned video sharing platform, 162
Great Depression, 127
Gross return, 26
Hedge fund, 77
Herd behavior, 112
Heuristic simplification, 94
High expense
ETFs, 90
High yield investments fraud (HYIPs), 141–142
ZeekRewards HYIP fraud, 142–144
High-fee funds, 75
Higher management fees, 82
of knowledge, 102
Index investing, 89
Index mutual fund, 76
Informed investors, 21
Initial coin offerings (ICOs), 158
Initial public offerings (IPOs), 62, 138
Institutional investors, 57, 103
agents, 175
companies, 57
International companies, 70
Internet, 163
trading platforms, 155
Inventor anonymity, 159
Inverse ETFs, 90
avoidance in business, industry, or security, 21–22
Investing knowledge, lack of, 6–8
Investing pitfalls (see also Self-inflicted pitfalls; Stock pitfalls), 5–6
avoid investing in business, industry, or security, 21–22
confusing past returns with future expectations, 20
failing to have enough indexing, 29
identifying proper investment strategy, 12–13
ignoring taxes, fees, and expenses, 26–28
improper diversification, 22–23
investing on regular basis, 18–19
issues with time horizon, 13–14
lack of investing knowledge, 6–8
opting out of employer-sponsored retirement plan, 25–26
postponing opening retirement account, 24–25
reviewing and rebalancing long-term portfolio, 30–32
risk tolerance, 15
underestimating abilities, 8–9
Investment Company Institute, 73
Investment policy statement (IPS), 11
Investment schemes
Investments, 142
profits, 132
Investors (see also Unsuspecting investors), 38–40, 45
enthusiasm, 116
funds, 75
knowledgeable, 124
pessimistic, 116
Invitation-only investment club, 131
JSG Capital Investments $10 Million pre-IPO fraud, 144–146
Legitimate promissory notes, 174
Leveraged ETFs, 90
Liquidity, 68
Loser stock position, 98
Low-cost index mutual funds, 35, 66
capitalization, 8
downturns, 54
sentiment, 59
value, 39
Market cap (see Market—capitalization)
Medallic Art Company (MACO), 68
Micro cap firms, 68
VGTel $15 million Penny stock fraud, 140–141
Mid-cap firms, 68
Misattribution bias, 114
Momentum effect, 45
treasure, 165
Morningstar, 72
“Morningstar Mirage, The”, 85–86
Morningstar Risk Rating, 84
Multi-level marketing programs (MLM programs), 130
Municipal bonds, 27
companies, 67
family, 86
paying mutual fund loads, 71–72
paying taxes on capital gains distributions, 78–79
pitfalls, 67
window dressing, 80
National Basketball Association (NBA), 175
National Football League (NFL), 175
Net asset value (NAV), 66
Net return, 26
New York Stock Exchange, 16, 57
Northwest Territorial Mint (NWTM), 168
NWTM $25 Million precious metal Ponzi scheme, 168–170
Oak Ridge Small Cap Growth Fund (ORSCG), 79
Online finance development, 164
Online platform fraud, 163
China’s online finance sector, 163–164
P2P lending platforms, 164–165
Quianbao $11 Billion online platform fraud, 165–167
“Only-for-you” schemes, 121
Open-end funds, 68–69, 71–72, 81
Over-the-counter (OTC), 137
market, 139
P/E ratios, 68
Passively managed mutual funds, 79
“Pay yourself first” strategy, 100
Peer-to-peer (P2P), 159
lending scheme, 128
Penny stock fraud, 139
Pension funds, 57
Ponzi scheme, 123–130, 168–170
Ezubao’s $9 Billion Ponzi Scheme, 128–130
World’s Largest Ponzi Scheme, 126–128
Portfolio drift, 31
Portfolio strategy, 6
Pre-IPO fraud, 144
JSG Capital Investments $10 Million pre-IPO fraud, 144–146
Precious metal frauds, 167–170
Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E ratio), 40
Procter & Gamble, 116
Professional management, 67
Promissory note fraud, 173–175
Success Trade Securities $14 Million, 175–177
Promissory note fraud, 173–177
Pump and dump schemes, 57, 136–137
AJ Discala $300 Million, 137–139
Pyramid scheme, 130
WinCapita Pyramid Scheme, 131–133
Quianbao $11 Billion online platform fraud, 165–167
Record filing, 165
Redemption fee, 72
Regret, 98
aversion, 98
Representativeness heuristic, 103
Retail Profit Pool, 143
Return of capital, 89
aversion, 95
Roth Individual Retirement Account (Roth IRA), 25
Russell 2000 Growth Index, 79
Savvy Investor’s Guide to Avoiding Pitfalls, Frauds, and Scams, 1–4
Savvy investors, 3, 14, 44, 54, 66, 81
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 71, 156, 158, 171
Self-inflicted pitfalls (see also Investing pitfalls; Stock pitfalls), 93
illusion of control bias, 108–109
skewed beliefs and judgments, 115–118
Self-serving bias (see Self-attribution bias)
Selling short, 77, 19
Short selling, 59
Short-term performance, 46
“Signal clock” software program, 131
Skewed beliefs and judgments, 115–118
Smart Investment Management Services (SIMS), 135
Special dividend, 47
State Street Global Advisors, 67
Stock index fund, 37
Stock pickers, 44
Stock pitfalls (see also Investing pitfalls; Self-inflicted pitfalls), 35
“buy low, sell high” strategy, 53–54
buying low-priced stocks, 56–58
buying stocks, 40
chasing performance and yields, 45–47
great company with great stock, 38
stocks with low price/earnings ratios, 40–42
Stock prices, 54
manipulation scheme, 138
Success Trade Securities $14 Million promissory note fraud, 175–177
Tax overhang, 88
Tax-free municipal bonds, 27
Ted Seides of Protégé Partners, 77
Time horizon, 30
Tracking systems, 47
Trading costs money, 76
Trading software manipulation, 155
12b-1 fee, 74
Unrealized capital gains, 79
Unsuspecting investors
foreign currency trading fraud, 150–153
online platform fraud, 163–167
precious metal frauds, 167–170
promissory note fraud, 173–177
US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 123
Vanguard Asset Management, 67
Vanguard S&P 500 index fund (VFINX), 77
Wall Street Journal, The, 85–86, 159
WinCapita Pyramid Scheme, 131–133
Winner stock position, 98