Soon I will find the right words;
they’ll be very simple.
Jack Kerouac
As always, I’d like to thank all of those who’ve put up with me during the highs and lows of this story’s creation. It’s hard supporting temperamental authors, and the rewards aren’t always as clear cut as more time and attention.
I’ve got a long line of people who’ve helped with the story, but I’d like to thank:
- Editors: Ed Edwards, Jim Whiteshield, Larry Reimer, Margie Webb, Mike Omelanuk, Peter Huebner, Mike Scott and Steven Mintz.
- Front cover design by Mia Darien.
- Front cover image “Fine art photo of two woman and a gun” by conrado at shutterstock.
- Chapter header and section break graphics are from "Decorative elements - roses. Design elements - decorative line dividers and ornaments." from Vladimir Zadvinskii on fotolia.
- Fonts designed by: Angryblue by Angryblue and Inked God by Segments Design.
- Serena Jones for background information on families of the NYPD.