TERRY LYNN JOHNSON has lived in northern Ontario, Canada, for more than forty years. She grew up at the edge of a lake, where her parents owned a lodge. A nature enthusiast, she has explored Lake Huron with her family on their twenty-six-foot sailboat and has traveled more than two thousand kilometers on kayak expeditions in the Great Lakes, Alaska, and Nova Scotia.
She is a certified canoe instructor, and as the owner and operator of a dog-sledding business with eighteen huskies, she guided overnight trips and slept in quinzees.
She currently works as a conservation officer with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry in the Northern Marine Enforcement Unit. She has seventeen years of hands-on experience and training working in cold-water marine environments and remote areas. She has trained with the Canadian Coast Guard and is qualified to operate vessels weighing up to sixty tons. Before becoming a conservation officer, she worked for twelve years as a canoe ranger warden in Quetico Wilderness Park.
In her free time, Terry enjoys snowshoeing, hiking, and dreaming up new ways to survive in the outdoors.