“Sisters are good for telling your troubles to.”
The best sisters are around when we need them. Whether we have biological sisters, adopted sisters, or sisters in the Lord, we are blessed by these priceless women. They can tell when our hearts are beaten down. They are ready to hear about our troubles. When Mary finds Laura crying in bed over Almanzo, she takes the time to listen. She gives comfort and advice to soothe Laura’s broken spirit.
Having a twin is like inviting your best friend over for an endless sleepover. My mom says Brenda used to climb out of her crib and into mine. Every night was a slumber party for us! When we were young, our experiences were so alike. One word and the other knew what story was coming. No one stood a chance against us in the game of charades. Our faces and mannerisms were so identical that even my mom got confused at times. Sharing the same memories, we understood each other more than anyone else could.
After my brain surgery, Brenda spent the first half of the night with me in ICU. As at a typical sleepover, we didn’t get a wink of sleep. We weren’t giggling like schoolgirls this time, and she helped me through every dreadful hour. We talked as each morphine bag brought on a new wave of nausea. She rubbed my feet with lotion and gave me sips of cool water as we told stories to pass the time. I would have survived the night without my sister, but God knew her presence would bring a calm and hope I desperately needed.
Sisters are special. They celebrate with us when life is going well and mourn when it takes a turn south. Everyone needs a sister like Mary when trouble hits. God places our sisters in our lives to do what He would do, to love the way He loves, and to stay up all night when we can’t face the darkness alone.
A dear friend will love you no matter what, and a family sticks together through all kinds of trouble.
Do you have a sister or brother or friend who shows up for you? How does that person embody God’s love? Thank God for a special person in your life.