“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve become so mean. It just doesn’t feel right to be mean, to even Sam.”
When people hurt us, deep down we often turn our backs on them, calloused to the relationship. Hester Sue has been turning her back until her ex-husband comes to Walnut Grove. She hasn’t forgiven him for the years of drinking and gambling that destroyed their marriage, but Sam wins the approval of the town with his generosity and good manners. The battle rages within Hester Sue: How do you forgive and show kindness to someone who doesn’t deserve it?
I’ve been in Hester Sue’s shoes before—in a relationship with more broken promises and disappointment than I dare to remember. I tried being angry and mean, but those things didn’t help the hurt inside.
It wasn’t until I began to understand the forgiveness of God that I could forgive the one who hurt me. Forgiving doesn’t mean putting ourselves back in harmful relationships, but living with an unforgiving heart makes kindness almost impossible. And it feels so wrong to be mean, doesn’t it?
Follow Hester Sue’s lead and embrace forgiveness. You’ll feel better on the inside with kindness flowing out of you.
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Is it possible to be kind with an unforgiving heart? Who do you need to extend forgiveness to, whether it’s deserved or not?