NEIL HAD LET her go.

When what he had really wanted to do, more than anything, was to run after her.

But he knew he was right. She’d think she loved him for a while at least, and then she’d meet someone else. A guy from her high-profile world, no doubt.

He buttoned his shirt and tucked it into his pants, slid the bow tie around the collar but left it untied and shrugged into his damp coat. He smiled. Mischievous imp, splashing him like that.

She was like no one else he knew. Strong, passionate, wicked...loving. How was a man supposed to think straight after having her in his arms, making love, hearing those three precious words? He hadn’t meant to let things go that far, though. She probably believed he’d gotten what he wanted from her. Again.

Couldn’t she understand why they were doomed to fail?

He wanted kids, and sometime before he had to attend their high school graduations using a walker. She wouldn’t want to have kids anytime soon. Couldn’t exactly model lingerie with a big pregnant belly. Although that arousing, wonderful image of Piper was now permanently etched on his brain.

Back to the point, Barrow.

Him and Piper. Not working. Somebody had to be the sensible one. The reasons it wouldn’t work far outweighed the reasons it could. Although...

Was he being a coward? Making excuses so he wouldn’t get hurt again? Was it just about trust?

She’d trusted him tonight with her heart. Even after the whole debacle with Lyndsey. That couldn’t have been easy.

But if this thing failed with Piper, then that was his third strike. She was right. He was protecting his heart. Three strikes and he’d be out. Likely, he’d be unable to recover. And not because it would be failure number three, but because that was how much he loved her.

So it was better to lose her now?

To hell with getting his heart shattered. If all they had was a year or two, then he’d deal with that when it happened. He was a class-one moron to let her go.

Cursing, he jumped off the gazebo and hit the grass running. His knee screamed in agony, but he refused to register the pain. He’d ice it later.

He could barely see her ahead of him, but he raced on. She’d already made it to the path with the rose trellis. He watched as she crossed abruptly to the left when she reached the fountain instead of continuing straight toward the main steps.

Suddenly she disappeared behind a thick hedge. Where was she going? He jogged after her, cutting through the landscaped flowerbeds. He turned the corner and—

Neil tore down the path, watching helplessly as Piper struggled to get out of some guy’s hold. She managed to pull away, but he still had a grip on her arms and was shaking her.

Red-hot fury overtook Neil.

Closing in on them, he reared back and flung his fist at the thug’s jaw. He heard a satisfying crack and Piper’s attacker dropped to the ground. The guy was out for the count.

Neil swung Piper into his arms. “Are you all right?” She clung to him, shivering and gulping deep breaths. Pain shot up his arm and he carefully wagged his hand, pretty sure he’d broken it. “Who was that guy?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never met him. He was insane, saying I’d invited him and that he knew I loved him.”

“I never should have let you go off alone.”

She stiffened and shrugged out of his arms. “This isn’t your fault.”

Neil closed his eyes briefly. “You need a bodyguard, Piper. You’re a world-famous person.”

“Fine. I’ll hire someone. Thank you for—that.” She waved in the direction of the unconscious assailant. She tried to move away, but Neil caught her elbow with his good hand. “Wait.”

She glanced up at him. Conflicting emotions were apparent in her face. “What?”

She was shaken. Disheveled. It didn’t seem like the time to tell her. And tell her what exactly? That he’d changed his mind? That just the thought of living without her had made him see that he wanted to try, to risk...everything.

Maybe she wouldn’t believe him now. She’d think he was merely trying to protect her. After she had a few moments to put herself together, then he’d tell her.

“You’re not going anywhere alone,” he replied.

She frowned. “Fine.”

“And I need to get someone out here to arrest this creep.”

“Oh, right. I’ll tell Francois.”

She rubbed her forehead, then looked toward the mansion and headed back the way they’d come.

He walked beside her, his mind struggling with how to say what he wanted to say.

“You’re limping. Oh, and your hand!” She’d stopped in her tracks and was now staring at him, shocked.

He hadn’t realized he’d allowed himself to limp. And he was cradling his hand against his chest. “It needs some ice.”

“Ice! It’s swollen to twice its normal size. We’re going to the hospital.”

Before she could set off, he stepped closer to her. “Piper.”

“Don’t argue with me. You’re going to have a doctor look at your hand. And what’s wrong with your leg anyway—”

He kissed her, this time with his good hand holding the back of her head. “I love you, too,” he murmured against her lips.

She stilled beneath his touch, flattened her hands on his chest and shoved. He staggered back. “Now you tell me this? Now?”

“You don’t believe me.” He reached out to catch her, but she employed evasive maneuvers, spinning and hiking up her skirt to leave. “You think this attack just made me scared.”

“Of course not. I know you love me. I only wish you’d—”

“Wait. You know?”

“Neil.” She gave him an exasperated look. “A man doesn’t quit a job he loves, sneak into enemy territory on his own and risk his life to save the brother of someone he doesn’t love.” She gently covered his swollen hand. “We’ll talk later, now, please, let’s get you to a doctor?”

“No.” His hand was throbbing, but it could wait. “I don’t want to make this any worse than I already have.” He caressed her cheek. “I do love you, Piper. I want to spend my life with you. I don’t know how it will work, but I’ll do whatever it takes to make it work.”

She cradled his face between her palms. “That’s exactly why it will work, Neil. Because we both want it to.” She pressed a tender, loving kiss to his mouth. “I know you think I’m this irresponsible bad girl, but I’m not that person anymore.”

“Yeah, about that. I kind of like it when you’re bad.”

She smiled. “You do?”

He touched his forehead to hers and grinned.



“We probably ought to call someone about—” She nodded in the direction of the still unconscious assailant. “Him.”

Neil scowled, still furious that she could’ve been hurt or worse. “And you need to hire a bodyguard.”

She beamed wickedly. “It just so happens I know a guy.”

* * * * *

Don’t miss author Jillian Burns’s next FEVER title coming soon from Harlequin Blaze!

Keep reading for an excerpt from COME ON OVER by Debbi Rawlins.