Checklist Check-In

It’s essential that you review the Preflight Checklists found at the end of each chapter from here on before you begin work on the following chapter. I call them Preflight Checklists because they are like the checklists pilots go through before they take off—lists that even the most experienced pilot will complete every flight without fail.

Use these checklists to remind yourself of the steps at each level through the Millionaire Master Plan, and use them regularly enough that the review becomes habit. Every week, I go through all my Preflight Checklists in order from the beginning through my current level. It only takes about ten minutes and becomes part of my weekly meditation for the week ahead.

Don’t do this and you’ll learn what I did early on: Most loss of wealth comes from carelessness, when you stray from your “flight path” (or forget to set one) and stop looking at your instruments. You can’t predict all the external conditions and internal challenges on your flights, but you can correct yourself and stay on course.

These checklists parallel the Playbooks linked to your personal page on the Millionaire Master Plan website that move you through every level of the Wealth Lighthouse. This book and its Preflight Checklists serve as gateways to these Playbooks. Starting with chapter 3, I will include one action step after each chapter of the book; follow this and you can check at least one Preflight Checklist box yes.

Below is your first Preflight Checklist. If you did the Action Point following chapter 1 and completed your Future Vision and Flight Path, you can already check two of the following checklist boxes yes.

Preflight Checklist: Infrared Level

1. I have a written, inspiring Future Vision of where I will be that is visible and front-of-mind. image Yes image No
2. I have a Flight Path that gives me monthly personal and financial milestones to achieve my Future Vision. image Yes image No
3. I follow a rhythm to review my Future Vision and Flight Path to ensure that I self-correct and stay on track. image Yes image No