Here and There


Do you know that God is everywhere?

He is not just with the adults in church on Sunday mornings or at the kitchen table when you say your grace before dinner. Yes, He is there during those times, but there is so much more to God’s presence than we sometimes realize.

Does it surprise you to know that God is with you at school while you hang out with your friends and while you are sitting in your classroom? God is even right there with you when you are home, alone in your room, reading a book, or watching TV. The best part is, at the same time that He is with you, He is everywhere else…around the entire world.

The Bible tells us that God is omnipresent. That big word simply means that God is present everywhere—all of the time. God sees all, knows all, and is always with His children.

Can you think of a time that you were afraid but felt safer when you found out that someone else was in the room with you?

Or have you ever changed your actions or attitude because you realized someone was watching you and you only wanted them to see you on your best behavior?

Maybe simply being around a certain person makes you happy or makes you feel silly or excited?

Let God be that person! When you know that God is with you, you should feel safer, behave better, and smile more! He is always ready to help, protect, comfort, and celebrate with you. He is even with you when you choose to ignore Him. And when needed, He is also there to correct and to teach you. Your job is to accept His love and to see Him in your life every day, everywhere.

Today, will you choose to acknowledge God’s presence in every situation? He is always there, waiting and ready to be noticed.

Dear God, thank You for being with me! Help me to remember that You love to take care of me because I am Your special creation! I will not be afraid because You promise to protect me. I am not lonely because You are with me. I do not have to worry because You care for me! In Jesus’s name, amen.