Some people think that loving God means that life will be easy. But the truth is that there will always be people and things that will try to get in the way and stop you from loving God!
If you open your Bible and read anywhere from Genesis to Revelation (that’s from the beginning to the end!) you will come across many battles, fights, and even wars between people, families, and entire countries. They fought over many things, but mostly they fought because some people disagreed with how God’s people lived.
For example, in the book of Acts we meet a man named Paul. Paul loved God and believed that Jesus was God’s Son. Paul was not trying to hurt anyone, but instead he wanted everyone to know about the forgiveness and love that Jesus promises to give. Sounds like good news, right? But it made some people so upset that they treated Paul very badly. They put him in jail and beat him up!
But bad people and bad situations never stopped Paul from doing what God told him to do. He trusted God and loved Him so much that he was willing to fight for Him.
Paul just kept on teaching people about Jesus, and God wants you to do the very same thing. You may not go to jail for loving and sharing about Jesus with other people, but people will make fun of you or try to stop you. It may be a friend who wants you to do something wrong or it may be a teacher who does not know the truth about God.
Pleasing God is always best, but it is not always popular. The Bible says to be courageous and strong and to continue to do what God tells you. He promises that you will win!
First Chronicles 28:20 says, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished.”
So the question is—do you love God enough to fight for Him?
Dear God, I know that You are always fighting for me. Thank You for giving me Jesus. Please help me be strong and courageous as I live for You today. Help me not to be afraid of telling others about You. Help me do the right thing, not the popular thing. Thank You for protecting me! In Jesus’s name, amen.