God Made Them Too


Being a girl is awesome! You can wear big fluffy hair bows or one bouncy ponytail, sparkly nail polish or none at all, sneakers, sandals or cowgirl boots, jeans or dresses. As a girl you can be and do anything because God took His time and made you just the way He wanted you. He made you special.

But do you know something else? God made boys too! Talking about boys may gross you out or make you giggle, but you should remember that boys are God’s special creation too.

Yes, being a boy is a lot different from being a girl. Sometimes boys enjoy different games, they look different, and they can certainly smell different. God did make boys and girls different, but He still made both to be just like Him!

Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

To be made in God’s image means that we have His heart and as His boys and girls, we should do our best to act like Him. So when you are talking to boys in your class or even to your brothers at home, remember that they are God’s boys. It is important to love them, be kind to them, and always point them to God. Both boys and girls are fearfully and wonderfully made and God cares about us all!


Dear God, thank You for making me to be like You. Can You help me remember that You made boys in Your image too? I’m so thankful that we can know You and become more like You as we get to know You more. In Jesus’s name, amen.