A Not-So-Funny Joke


Why did the spider have a hard time finding food on the computer?

The answer is at the end of this chapter. Before you look at it, let’s talk about jokes. Don’t you love a good one? I sure do! Laughter is a great way to make others feel good. If you are ever around a group of quiet or sleepy people, tell a joke. It is a sure way to wake the crowd up! It also feels good to be the “funny girl.” Being funny can make you the popular one. The girl everyone wants to be around and sit next to. Laughter means happy, and people like to feel happy.

However, sometimes jokes and laughter can make a person feel bad.

You know the jokes that make fun of other people or tease them? Even though some people may think it’s funny, it really doesn’t feel good for the person everyone is laughing at. It is important to be mindful of the things you say about people, even if you and others are having fun. If someone’s feelings are hurt or they are sad because of things you are saying, you need to stop and apologize.

Do not ever let being funny for some people make you mean or rude to others. In the same way your jokes can wake up a crowd, they can destroy a person. God wants you to use your words to encourage others, not make them feel bad. Words are powerful. Proverbs 18:21 tells us that “The tongue has the power of life and death.” Pray that God helps you to know the difference between a funny joke and a mean one!

Dear God, I pray that You would help me not to hurt others with my words, even if I think they are funny. Help me know the difference between being funny and being mean. In Jesus’s name, amen.


Because he didn’t search the web!