How You Wear It


Is fashion important to you? Having just the right pair of jeans and the coolest pair of sneakers may matter a lot, but instead of focusing on what you are wearing, make sure you really think about how you wear it.

Is that totally confusing? Let me explain. The color of your favorite skirt is not important. But the length of it matters a lot! Whether your shirt has stripes, buttons, polka dots, or flowers is totally up to you and your style. You can layer and match (or mismatch!) whatever you want. But when you put it on, pay attention to how it fits.

Being aware of how your clothes fit and look can be described as modesty. When it comes to your clothes, modest is sort of a fancy word for appropriate or proper. Sometimes you may be tempted to spend hours in front of the mirror trying to put together the perfect outfit. But when you are done, always use your mirror to make sure your outfit is modest.

You always want to make sure that your perfect outfit feels great to you and is appropriate for others to look at. There are no set rules to define what is modest and what is not. It’s much more of a heart issue. Your body is such a special creation and God wants to make sure you always treat it like that!

First Corinthians 6:19-20 reminds us, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

Pray and ask God to help you remember that your body is His and the way you wear your clothes matters!

Dear God, thank You for fashion and the style You have given me! Will You help me to honor You with the way I wear my clothes? In Jesus’s name, amen.

Here are two tips to help you stay fashionably modest!

• Pick out a pair of cool leggings to wear under your shorts or a skirt. That way you can make sure no one gets an accidental peek under it.

• Shirts can be tricky because they move when you move. If you bend over the front can go down and if you raise your arms up high…well, your shirt does too! Layering your shirts will fix this. A longer shirt underneath will help to make sure the front is not too low and the back is not too short.