Love Who He Is


God loves to take care of His children. He enjoys His creation. The Bible describes Him as being kind, giving, and wonderful. He just cannot help but to be these things because He is love!

Because of all the wonderful things that God does, everyone always talks about how good God is and all the great and amazing things that He has given them. God wants you to be grateful for the ways He shows His love for you, but He does not want you to love Him for what He can do for you. He wants you to love Him for who He is!

If you had a friend who only wanted to come over and play when you got a new toy, how would you feel? Suppose you invited them over a lot but they never seemed to come unless you told them there was something new and cool to do. I bet you would probably feel sad and think your friend only liked you for the things that you have.

This is what it’s like if you only talk to God or about Him to others when He gives you something new or you need His help with something. God does not want this. God has many blessings He wants to give you and He loves to help you, but He wants you to love Him even if He didn’t give you anything new!

Think about it. If God did not give you anything else for the rest of your life, would you still love Him?

You may be wondering how you know if you love God for who He is. John 14:15 says, “If you love me, keep my commands.” This does not mean God wants you to prove your love for Him by doing what He says. It just means that you will know that you love Him for who He is when you think about Him before you do something. He wants you to love Him so much that you are always looking for things to do for Him instead of only looking for what He is going to do for you!

Dear God, I love You so much. Help me to love You more today than I did yesterday and more tomorrow than I do today. Help me to obey You because I love You, and show me how to love You more. In Jesus’s name, amen.