ding bat


The work which follows here is devoted to the four sacred objects which are the foundation of Arthur’s kingdom—the Cup, the Sword, the Spear, and the Stone and their variants. Each has its place in the Arthuriad, and each has its own history and efficacy. More details of these will be found in chapters 3 and 9, which includes the background information relating to the hallows. To recap, here are the basic meanings.

The first hallow is the Cup, the vessel of the Grail, which contains the means of knowledge, the light of illumination, and the substance that opens the way between creator and created. The Grail has been seen as many things, but even where it is a stone (as in Parzival) or a book (as in the Estoire del Saint Graal), it acts as a bridge between earth and heaven.

The second hallow is the Sword, which is both Arthur’s sword of kingship, the Sword of Light, and the broken sword that appears so often in the Grail romances as an object that must be restored before the final mysteries can commence. It should be seen not as simply a weapon, but as means of defense that also severs ties with aspects of life that are no longer required.

The third hallow is the Spear, which again in the Grail stories—and their Pagan parallels—is depicted as the weapon that wounds the Grail King when wielded by the hands of the unprepared knight Balin—and which later, in the hands of Galahad, heals the wound.

The fourth hallow is the Stone, which in Arthurian terms is the one from which either Arthur’s sword—or Galahad’s—is drawn. It stands for the establishment of the inner right of the king to rule. Arthur is the outer king, Galahad the inner. Malory recognized this in the scene where Galahad is put to bed in the king’s chamber—a clear indication of the former’s representation of the sovereignty of the land. In the Irish legend of the Stone of Fal, the stone cries out when a true king stands upon it; the principle here is the same: the stone recognizes truth and preparedness and signals appropriately.

The meanings attributed to the hallows are, to some extent, our own personal ones. They are put forward as suggestions only—you may except or reject them as you wish, and of course you can provide your own. The main qualities as they appear in the context of the Arthuriad are as follows:

Cup: Enlightenment/purification

Sword: Cutting of ties/strength of purpose

Spear: Secret wound/healing

Stone: Establishment/understanding

We begin with a meditation that introduces us to the four sacred things. It offers a powerful connection that will continue to resonate within as we continue with the work of the Arthuriad.

A Visualization of the Hallows


Before you set out on your quest to find the meaning of the hallows, say:

From this world to that world

From our world to the otherworld

In search of the hallows

We are come to the places of peace

Near the wells of memory.

See before you a doorway covered by a curtain of strange weave. Note the symbol that is woven upon it. It seems to be a basket full of many objects, some of which you can discern while others remain unclear.

You lift the curtain and pass beyond.

You find yourself in a mountainous landscape covered by trees. Below are wide plains stretching as far as you can see. You are in a small clearing, and there is a primitive-looking cabin made of bark and covered by branches. From it emerges an old man with long gray hair and a curious robe made of hides. He greets you without surprise, for he is the guardian of the well and has directed many travellers on their quest. He invites you to sit on the ground with him.

You find yourself relaxing in his company. The cares of the day drop from you; all the pressing anxieties that pursue you even into your dreams are lifted. The guardian brings a deep bowl of water from the well that springs up through the rocks near his cabin and invites you to refresh yourself from its waters. You drink and taste the icy freshness of the clear depths. He asks you what you seek. You tell him you are in quest of the hallows and ask his help. He tells you that to obtain a vision of these holy things you must spend one day in meditation upon a certain place nearby. He bids you to eat nothing and to drink only water from the well in order to prepare yourself. He shows you where you may sleep and then leaves.

The night passes and the guardian awakens you before first light. With a flaming branch from the fire he leads the way above the treeline to a mountainous plateau that commands the plains below. He bids you to sit here and watch for the coming of the sun and keep facing it throughout the day. You sit facing east. You watch the dawn and the brightening sun rising above the horizon. A strong wind arises, lifting your hair and blowing into your face. On the wings of the wind you see a great eagle flying directly towards where you wait.

“What do you seek?” it asks, and you answer,I seek the Sword of Light.”

“What are its powers?”

You answer in your own words, silently, considering the elemental powers of air, its spiritual qualities, and its action in the everyday world…

As you answer, the eagle changes into a young warrior carrying the mighty Sword of Light.

“Behold the sword, which cuts through illusions and brings light to dark places. Like the bracing winds of March, it dispels the winter of the world, bringing the renewal of spring. Whoever takes up this sword must be sure of strength, for it will break if it is unworthily wielded.”

He lays it down before you in the east and departs.

Time passes. The sun is climbing towards noon, and it is now very hot. You turn to face the south. The heat of the sun strikes your face, and you feel your skin drying and reddening under its fierce beams. In the wavering heat-haze you see coming towards you a mountain lion.

“What do you seek?” it asks, and you answer,I seek the Spear that heals and wounds.”

“What are its powers?”

Silently you consider the elemental powers of fire, its spiritual qualities, and its effect in the everyday world.

As you make a silent answer in your heart, the lion changes into a mature warrior carrying the mighty Spear that heals and wounds.

“Behold the Spear that pierces the corrupt wound, bringing healing rays that pass within. Like the penetrating beams of the summer sun, it can both warm and wither. Whoever takes up this spear must be of high courage or else great harm will befall the earth.”

He lays it down before you in the south and departs.

Time passes—a long afternoon in which you grow increasingly hungry. The sun is almost down beyond the horizon and you are now facing west. As the fiery disk sets, a fine rain blows upon your face, cooling your chapped lips with moisture. Before you, swimming up the spring that rises on this mountain, comes a great salmon.

“What do you seek?” it asks, and you answer,I seek the Grail of Fulfillment.”

“What are its powers?”

You silently consider the powers of water, its spiritual qualities, and its application into everyday life.

As you make a silent answer, the salmon changes into a maiden carrying the mighty cup of the Grail.

“Behold the Grail, which never fails to satisfy, bringing refreshment to the deepest drought. Like the bounty of autumn, it dispenses life-giving rain and the fruits of fulfillment. Whoever would bear the Grail must be ready to be poured out and emptied to the very dregs.”

She lays it down before you in the west and departs.

The sun is now down below the horizon, and you now face north as night comes on. The last fading light from the sun is gone, and you are in darkness. Time passes. Gradually your eyes become accustomed to the dim light that is beginning to prick the heavens as the stars come out and a pale growing moon emerges from the clouds.

Before you a beast of awesome size comes across the plain. It is an earth dragon, and the ground shakes as it approaches. It seems to have emerged from the very mountains themselves.

“What do you seek?” it asks, and you answer,I seek the Stone of Establishment.”

“What are its powers?”

Silently you consider the elemental powers of earth, its spiritual qualities, and its application in everyday life.

As you silently make an answer, the dragon changes into a woman who carries the mighty Stone of Establishment.

“Behold the Stone, which preserves knowledge and guards tradition. Like the frozen darkness of winter earth it abides, keeping the secrets of new growth. Whoever would take up the Stone must be firm of purpose and unshakeable in resolve.”

She lays it down in the north before you and departs.

Although you are tired, hungry, and cold from your vigil, these considerations do not worry you, for the four mighty symbols of empowerment— the Sword of Light, the Spear that Heals and Wounds, the Grail of Fulfillment, and the Stone of Establishment—surround you in a circle, giving off light and energy. Time and space seem distant in this circle of light and power. As you contemplate the objects of your vision with wonder, the old man of the forest clearing rejoins you.

He salutes each of the objects with reverence, touching each with an unfearing hand. Then he speaks.

“These things represent inner empowerments, which give our world four gifts. They have no effect unless they are wielded worthily. Before you return to your own time and place, choose one of these hallows to take with you if you wish. The four gifts are these:

Without these four empowerments, the world is out of balance.”

He bids you to consider carefully each of the hallows, for each has a question for you to answer.

As you consider the Sword, the voice of the eagle asks,What light illuminates you?”

As you look upon the Spear, the voice of the lion asks,What is the direction of your life?”

As you consider the Grail, the voice of the salmon asks,How do you express your love for the world?”

As you consider the Stone, the voice of the dragon asks,How do you apply the law of wisdom’s light?”

You make your decision, and although you may choose to work with only one of the Hallows at this time, you can always return to this place to seek them afresh when the time is right. You approach the old man, who holds out the hallow of your choice so that its vital power passes within you. If you have chosen to forgo the opportunity at this time, he blesses and bids you to go in peace with the words:

From this world to that world

From the otherworld to your world

For the hallows are found

And the deep empowerments

In the places of peace

From the wells of memory.

The bright stars fade, and you become aware of yourself in your own time and place. The blessing of the dwellers in Avalon on all who journey, in this world and in the worlds beyond the worlds, forever.

Visions of the Hallows


Having encountered the hallows and learned of their efficacy in the previous meditation, it is time to work towards deeper awareness.

These four linked meditations invoke the specific energy attached to each of the four hallows and take you deeper into the heart of the mystery.

1: The Hallow of the Stone

Sinking deeply into meditation, you find yourself once again in the High Hall of the Round Table at Camelot. As you breathe the incense-rich air of that ancient place, you become aware of details you had not seen before. On each of the four sides of the hall are four doors. Over each one shines a symbol, each pertaining to one of the hallows.

You are drawn to one door in particular, in the north, above which shines the symbol of the Stone, the chessboard of the land. You open the door and pass through, finding yourself in a small enclosed garden planted with herbs and healing plants. Before you stands a tower, in the side of which is an arched doorway through which you enter. Within is a curving stair that clings to the wall. On the left it ascends upward into dimness. On the right it bends away into the depths. You hesitate for a moment, deciding whether to go up or down. As you do so, you hear the sound of high, clear music from above, and this decides you. You begin to climb the stair…

As you ascend, the music becomes clearer. It is not like anything you have heard before, seeming like a song sung by high, pure voices that are not of this world.

Finally you reach the top of the stair and enter a small circular chamber. It is lit by the light of a small fire that burns in a fireplace to one side and a torch that glows in a bracket on the wall. Otherwise all is in darkness.

As your eyes grow accustomed to the gloom, you see a figure standing by a window. Outside is the dark night. The figure turns toward you and offers you a greeting. You know at once that this is Merlin, who appears to you as he always has or as an ageless figure with robes of deepest blue.

He beckons you to the window and pushes it wide open. Beyond it you see the night sky filled with stars, and as you look you realize that by some deep magic you are able to see much further and more clearly. The stars seem closer than ever before.

As you look, your eyes are drawn to one particular cluster of stars; one brighter than the rest winks at you from its surrounding company.Behold Arcturus, the King Star,” murmurs Merlin.Here lies the beginning of all mysteries.”

For a long time you look upon the star, and in your ears the music that called to you echoes like a vast choir of voices. You realize that this is as close as you can come at this time to hearing the music of the cosmos, the endless song that sings of all that has been and will be….

After a while you hear the voice of Merlin.You shall hear this song again, and for thus it has been revealed to you. Now you are come in search of the Foundation Stone, the hallow of the land. Come.”

You follow Merlin down the stairs, passing the place where you entered and descending further into the deep. As you go, the light brightens, and when you emerge far below the tower you find you are in a brightly lit world, where stars shine out from a roof of earth and natural radiance surrounds everything.

Before you is a hall in which sits a great circular table surrounded by high-backed chairs. Though it resembles the one at which you sat previously, there is a different feel. This is a far more ancient artifact, its timbers smooth with age, its legs sunk deeply into the earth as though it is rooted there.

In the chairs you see figures seated, though they may not seem as clear as the knights and ladies you encountered earlier. These are a far more ancient company, an ancestral fellowship drawn from the earliest ages of the world.

Your eyes are drawn to the center of the table, where rests a squared slab of stone marked with squares of black and white. You look with awe upon this, knowing it to be the Foundation Stone of the land, upon which the kingdom of Arthur and Guinevere is built and where the great Dance of the Mysteries takes place.

As you look upon the Stone you are drawn towards it, merging with it. As you become part of it, it passes upward through the earth and floats above the surface of the land, seeking out and restoring places that have become barren through the workings of humankind. Within your mind you hear words that tell of the power of the Stone and remind you of your own place in the new mysteries of the Round Table. Pay attention to whatever you hear or are shown…

When you have heard or seen all that the Stone has to show you, and when it has completed its work for this time, you become aware of Merlin once again. He tells you,Take with you the blessing of the Stone hallow and share all that you have learned this day with your companions.” You acknowledge this with the words,Blessed be the precious and preserving earth, foundation of all life.”

Memory of the Round Table hall is restored to you, and you come in through the northern door, returning to your place, where you remember the power of the Stone hallow and the nature of your service to the Round Table. Be aware of these realizations in the cells of your body. Hold to the feelings and impressions that you had.

When you are ready, open your eyes.

2: The Hallow of the Spear

You find yourself once again in the High Hall of the Round Table at Camelot. As you breathe the incense-rich air of that ancient place, you become aware of the four doors on either side of the hall. Over each one shines a symbol pertaining to one of the hallows. At the invitation of the king, pass through the southern door over which is the emblem of the Spear.

Go with Arthur to the sacred mountain of Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon). In a cleft of the rock there is a place where the deep fissures of the earth are exposed. You look down and see liquid fire running through the veins of the planet like dragons beneath the earth.

Intense heat and the sound of crackling flames reveal that the deep fires in the earth are working fiercely, and up from the heart of the earth’s forges flies the Spear.

It hovers briefly over the crack, held motionless so that you feel its power. Be aware that this is no ordinary spear but the manifest power of the earth’s own heart. Take this time to commune with the Spear hallow. Experience what it has to show you. Be aware of its power as a shimmering, scintillating, adamantine hallow that is beyond the understanding of humankind. It cannot be destroyed or broken but abides as a hallow that can awaken, illuminate, heal, and penetrate to release poison or disease.

The Spear now seeks for the direction in which it wishes to travel and launches itself. It follows the direction where it is most needed.

Go with Arthur, following where it goes. It travels beyond time and space to manifest its power, looking ever for places where the light has gone out and where decay has entered in. The Spear’s own guidance leads it, not the urgings of your heart.

Watch as it enters into a time and place where its power is to be manifest. The Spear directs itself, touching the places where poison needs to drain out, where wounds are cauterized, where darkness has entered in. You may find yourself in times past or times future, wherever the need has arisen. Witness the work that it does without intervention.

As it works, you and the king witness and pray,Blessed be the precious and preserving Spear, restorer of the light!” Note what changes and how this feels as you pray.

The work of the Spear is done. Light and health remain in the place and in those who are here. Be aware once more of the Spear and of its service. Be aware, too, of your own part in the new mysteries of the Round Table. What does the Spear reveal to you of your own service?

As you contemplate all that has happened here, the Spear hallow dissolves into sparks of light and melts back into the earth from whence it came.

Together with the king, you acknowledge the hallow’s passing with the prayer,Blessed be the precious and preserving fire, blood of our blood.”

Arthur bids you return now. As you look upon the ring on his outstretched hand, from beyond the bounds of time and space, you return with him.

Memory of the Round Table hall is restored to you, and you come in through the southern door, returning to your place, where you remember the power of the Spear hallow, the work that it did, and the nature of your service to the Round Table. Be aware of these realizations in the cells of your body. Hold to the feelings and impressions that you had.

When you are ready, open your eyes.

3: The Hallow of the Grail

You find yourself once again in the High Hall of the Round Table at Camelot. As you breathe the incense-rich air of that ancient place, you become aware of the four doors on either side of the hall. Over each one shines a symbol pertaining to one of the hallows. At the invitation of the queen, pass through the western door over which is the emblem of the Grail.

Go now with Guinevere towards the west, through an orchard of apples and down into the water meadows, where a small stream is purling. The queen follows the stream back to its source, to an ancient enclosure walled by stones, where a spring is welling up and overflowing. Hazel trees grow above it and shed their green light upon the waters.

From out of the depths of the waters a precious vessel rises up, full of the precious spring water. Be aware that this is no ordinary vessel but the manifest power of the earth’s own waters. Take this time to commune with the Grail hallow. Be aware of its power as a shimmering, scintillating, adamantine hallow that is beyond the understanding of humankind. It cannot be destroyed or broken but abides as a hallow that can change and regenerate.

The Grail begins to oscillate now as it seeks for the direction in which it wishes to travel. It directs itself to where it is most needed, following its own intelligence.

Go with Guinevere, following where the Grail goes. It travels beyond time and space to manifest its power, looking ever for places where love and faith have failed, where soul sickness has entered in. The Grail’s own guidance leads it, not the urgings of your heart.

Watch as it enters into a time and place where its power is to be manifest. The Grail directs itself, touching the places where love and faith have failed or grown dim, where illness flourishes. Witness the work that it does without intervention.

While the Grail is about its healing, you and the queen make your prayer,Blessed be the precious and preserving Grail, restorer of love!”

The power of the Grail arises as a baby or child issuing from the cup of the Grail and merging into whatever needs to be regenerated. Be aware of what changes and how this feels as you pray.

The work of the Grail is done. Love and regeneration remain in this place and in those who are here. Be aware once more of the Grail and of its service. Be aware, too, of your own part in the new mysteries of the Round Table. How has the Grail awakened in you realization of your own service?

As you contemplate all that has happened here, the Grail hallow dissolves into drops of water and melts back into the earth from whence it came.

Memory of the Round Table hall is restored to you, and you return from the spring under the apple orchard and come in through the western door, returning to your place, where you remember the power of the Grail hallow, the work that it did, and the nature of your service to the Round Table. Be aware of these realizations in the cells of your body. Hold to the feelings and impressions that you had.

When you are ready, open your eyes.

4: The Hallow of the Sword

Sinking deeply into meditation, once again you are in the Hall of the Round Table in Camelot the Golden. As you look around, you see the great table with the high-backed chairs (empty at this moment) ranged about it, and above the vaulted roof of the hall you see white birds flying. To one side, one of the four doors, in the east, shines out, its symbol lit above it. This time it is the symbol of the Sword.

You approach the door and pass though into the courtyard of a castle where you see people moving around: knights on horseback preparing to depart on some great journey, squires and pages bustling about with things for their noble masters. A group of brightly clad women watch from one side, seeming sad that their husbands and lovers are setting forth. None seem aware of you as you pass amongst them, your steps leading towards a small door in the wall of the castle’s central building.

Passing through the door, you find yourself in a small chamber containing an altar on which is laid a naked Sword. Before it a young knight kneels in prayer, preparing himself for the journey to come.

You stand quietly, not wishing to interrupt him. After a few moments he stands and turns towards you. There is something familiar about him, though you cannot quite remember what. He welcomes you and takes up the Sword, holding it before him vertically. He invites you to place your own hands next to his, so that you hold the Sword together…

As you do so, you feel a surge of energy enter you, and the scene changes. Now you are no longer in the small chamber but in a larger room, familiar to you from your first visit there—it is Merlin’s tower, which you have climbed before. Once again a cheerful fire burns in the grate and the window looks out onto the night sky.

The young knight has gone, and in his place stands Merlin himself. He welcomes you and places the Sword on a small table to one side, where it lies, glowing gently. Then he bids you look once again out of the window.

Again you see the sky filled with the brilliance of stars, and again your eyes are drawn to the brightest of all, which you know to be Arcturus, central star in the constellation Boötes.

“Behold the place of the Starry Table,” Merlin tells you, and as you look you see the faint outline of a circle of stars glinting in the night.This is the home of the Sword of Light,” Merlin tells you, and as he speaks you see, outlined amid the stars of Boötes, a pattern that suggests the blade and hilt of a great sword, its light more brilliant than anything you have ever seen…so bright, indeed, that you are forced to shield your eyes.

After a moment the light fades, and you open your eyes and find that you are walking among the stars themselves, surrounded by the endless reaches of the cosmos, and that you are within the constellation of Boötes itself, with the mighty star of Arcturus, the star of Arthur, burning close at hand. In awe and wonder you remain for a moment in the heavens, part of the unending life of the stars, and once again you hear the unearthly song that has no ending. It fills your soul with the energy of the hallow…

After a time that is no time you find yourself back in the chamber at the top of Merlin’s tower. As you turn from the window, you see again the Sword of Light on the table. It too burns with the same starry light, and you feel called upon to take it by the hilt. As you do so, the glorious energy fills you again, and with it comes the knowledge that the Sword is not merely a weapon of attack but one of defense, and that it can be used to cut away things that are no longer required….

Be aware once more of the Sword and of its service. Be aware, too, of your own part in the new mysteries of the Round Table. Consider the truths that come to you; they will form part of the gift you will bring to the Round Table…

After a moment you lay the Sword down again, and there at your side you become aware of Merlin.Only the wise may wield the Sword of Light. May all be blessed by its presence. Go now and prepare the way for the building of the Round Table created by the beloved fellowship. Go in peace.” You acknowledge this with the words,Blessed be the precious and preserving Sword, restorer of hope!”

Memory of the Round Table hall is restored to you, and you come in through the door, returning to your place, where you remember the power of the Sword hallow, the work that it did, and the nature of your service to the Round Table. Be aware of these realizations in the cells of your body. Hold to the feelings and impressions that you had, and return to the place you began.

When you are ready, open your eyes.

Having completed the preceding visualizations that allowed you to explore the mystery of the hallows, you should read or enact the following ritual. It enables you to explore the more ancient archetypes from which the later hallows draw much of their power. These are the hallows before the hallows; they and their four guardians are from early Irish tradition and represent the treasures of that land.

As with all of the rites included here, this was originally intended for a larger group, but if you are unable to work in this fashion or bring together the correct number of people, simply reading the script (perhaps aloud) can bring forth the powerful presence of the archetypes. It can be separated into a four-part or four-day working if desired.

The Quest for the Treasures of Ireland


Dramatis Personae


Narrator One

Narrator Two

Uscias, Guardian of the Sword

Esras, Guardian of the Spear

Semias, Guardian of the Cauldron

Morfessa, Guardian of the Stone

Seeker of the Sword

Seeker of the Spear

Seeker of the Cauldron

Seeker of the Stone

Plan of the Ritual Quest for the Treasures of Ireland

figure 22:
Plan of the Ritual Quest for the Treasures of Ireland

Ritual Equipment

4 altars, one in each quarter at the cardinal directions

Candles and incense of your choosing



Chalice or cauldron


1: The Bringing Forth of the Sword


In the time before time began, the Tuatha de Danaan lived and had their being in the inner realms. They learned Druidry and many arts in the Islands of the Blessed, becoming very accomplished in the arts of fithnaisecht, amairtecht, and conbliocht (which is to say wisdom, knowledge, and the art of prophecy). And there were four cities where they dwelled above all others: these were Falias, Gorias, Findias, and Murias. And in each of the cities was a teacher of abiding wisdom: in Falias, Morfessa; in Gorias, Esras; in Findias, Uscias; in Murias, Semias. Now each of these was also the guardian of a sacred abiding treasure, that which is called a hallow in the tongues of men and angels. In Falias was the Stone of Fal, called lia fail. The property of it was that it used to cry out under every true king who sat upon it. In Gorias was the Spear that came in time to belong to Lugh—no battle was ever won against he that held it in his hands. In Findias was the Sword that came in time to belong to Nuada of the Silver Hand, greatest warrior of the Tuatha de Danaan—none ever recovered from a wound inflicted by this sword. In Murias was kept the Cauldron of the Dagda, the mightiest of the gods of the Tuatha de Danaan—from drinking of it no one came away unsatisfied.


Of each of these hallows there is told the story of a quest. Sometimes the seeker was a hero, sometimes a god, but more often a traveller of the ways upon a quest. In the world of men and women, seekers go ever forth in search of the four treasures. Assist us now in bringing the powers represented by the four holy objects into the temple and in establishing them as fully operative in this place.


Who is the guardian of the first hallow?


I, Uscias, am the guardian of the first hallow.


What is that hallow?


It is called the Sword of Nuada, sometimes the Sword of Light. The one who wields it is empowered with the strength to seek wisdom.


What is the nature of the otherworldly city from whence you come?


Subtle, shifting, insubstantial. Eye of mortal sees not the presence of its power. Body’s breath, truth’s champion, conqueror of illusion. Mighty are the winds that blow from every airt.


Who will seek this hallow in the Isles of the Blessed?


I will seek it.


Then proceed into the inner realms and speed well your quest.

The seeker proceeds deosil around the circle until they come to the place occupied by Uscias, who comes forward and challenges them.


Who seeks entry into the Realm of the Blessed?


A simple seeker whose only desire is to find justice.


How shall you accomplish that?


By taking up the Sword of Nuada.


The Sword is indeed in my keeping. But only the true of heart may wield it else it turns in your hands. Will you essay this test?


I will.

Seeker of the Sword places their hands on the sword-hilt for a moment.


So be it. The Sword accepts you. Your coming was long awaited. Take the hallow into the human world, where it may do its will. But remember, you are only its keeper for a short time. It must return to the Isles of the Blessed when its work is complete.

The seeker takes the Sword from the guardian’s hands and bears it triumphantly to the eastern quarter. There it is placed with reverence on the altar and a light is kindled by the seeker, who then takes their place in the chair set ready.


Thus is the first hallow, the Sword of Nuada, established in the east. Let it remain there in the sight of this company until the work for which we are assembled is complete.


The blessing of the dwellers in Avalon and the guardians of the four sacred treasures be upon this company, which shall henceforth be known as the company of the hallows. Let all who wish meditate in silence for a short time to enable them to make contact with the indwelling spirit of the Sword and to make what offerings they wish.

At this point anyone who wishes may come forward and add an object of their choosing to the altar of the Sword. This is done in silence and while the remainder of the company meditates for a few moments. At the end of this time the celebrant rings a bell to signify that this part of the work is ended.

2: The Bringing Forth of the Spear


The time is now come to establish the second hallow of the Island of Britain in this temple we have built in this time and this place. Assist us now to bring forth that hallow and place it in the south.


Who guards the second hallow in the Isles of the Blessed?


I, Esras. I guard the second hallow.


What is that hallow?


The Spear of Lugh is it called. Only the most faithful in love may bear it, and only in love and healing may it be used by mortal hands.


What is the nature of the otherworldly city from whence you come?


Vital, vigorous, victorious. Wight’s warmth, health’s inspiration, corruption’s challenger. Bright are the sun’s fires and the earth’s hearth.


Who will seek this hallow in the Isles of the Blessed?


I will seek it.


Then proceed into the inner realms and speed well your quest.

The seeker proceeds deosil around the circle until they come to the place occupied by the guardian, who comes forward and challenges them.


Who seeks entry into the Realm of the Blessed?


A seeker whose desire is but to find healing.


How shall you accomplish that?


By daring the test of the Spear of Lugh.


The Spear is indeed in my keeping. Only those who see that healing and hurting are but two sides of a single coin may wield it. Will you, then, essay this test?


I will.

The seeker places their hands on the Spear for a moment.


So be it. The Spear accepts you. Your coming was long awaited. Take the second hallow into the human world, where it may do its will. But remember, you are only its keeper for a short time. It must return to the Isles of the Blessed when its work is complete.

The seeker takes the Spear from the guardian’s hands and bears it triumphantly to the southern quarter. There it is placed with reverence on the altar and a light is kindled by the seeker, who then takes their place in the chair set ready.


Thus is the second hallow, the Spear of Lugh, established in the south. Let it remain there in the sight of this company until the work for which we are assembled is complete.


The blessing of the dwellers in Avalon and the guardians of the four sacred treasures are upon this company, which is for this time known as the company of the hallows. Let all who wish meditate in silence for a short time to enable them to make contact with the indwelling spirit of the Spear and to make what offerings they wish.

At this point anyone who wishes may come forward and add an object of their choosing to the altar of the Spear. This is done in silence and while the remainder of the company meditates for a few moments. At the end of this time the celebrant rings a bell to signify that this part of the work is ended.

3: The Bringing Forth of the Cauldron


The time has come to establish the third hallow in the temple we have built at this time and in this place. Assist us now to bring forth this hallow and to establish it in the west.


Who guards the third hallow in the Isles of the Blessed?


I, Semias. I guard the third hallow.


What is that hallow?


The Cauldron of the Dagda is it called. Only those who are able to distinguish the water of life from the poison of fear and hatred may drink from it.


What is the nature of the otherworldly city from whence you come?


Glad, gleaming, glorious. Heart’s joy, love’s nurture, restorer of the spirit. Welcome are the waters of the well’s depths.


Who will seek this hallow in the Isles of the Blessed?


I will seek it.


Then proceed into the inner realms and speed well your quest.

The seeker proceeds deosil around the circle until they come to the place occupied by the guardian, who comes forward and challenges them.


Who seeks entry into the Realm of the Blessed?


A seeker whose only desire is to drink a pure drink.


How shall you accomplish that?


By daring the test of the Dagda’s Cauldron.


The Cauldron is indeed in my keeping. Only those who are able to recognize truth from falsehood may drink from it, otherwise they may find only forgetfulness. Will you, then, essay this test?


I will.

The seeker takes up the Cauldron and takes a sip from it. A moment’s silence follows.


So be it. The Cauldron accepts you. Your coming was long awaited. Take the third hallow into the human world, where it may do its will. But remember, you are only its keeper for a short time. It must return to the Isles of the Blessed when its work is complete.

The seeker takes the Cauldron from the guardian’s hands and bears it triumphantly to the western quarter. There it is placed with reverence on the altar and a light is kindled by the seeker, who then takes their place in the chair set ready.


Thus is the third hallow, the Cauldron of the Dagda, established in the west. Let it remain there in the sight of this company until the work for which we are assembled is complete.


The blessing of the dwellers in Avalon and the guardians of the four sacred treasures be upon this company, which is for this time known as the company of the hallows. Let all who wish meditate in silence for a short time to enable them to make contact with the indwelling spirit of the Cauldron and to make whatever offerings they may wish.

At this point anyone who wishes may come forward and add an object of their choosing to the altar of the Cauldron. This is done in silence and while the remainder of the company meditates for a few moments. At the end of this time the celebrant rings a bell to signify that this part of the working is ended.

4: The Bringing Forth of the Stone


The time has now come to establish the last of the four hallows of the Island of Britain within the temple we have built this day in this place. Assist us now to bring forth that hallow from the blessed realms and to establish it in the north.


Who guards the fourth hallow in the Isles of the Blessed?


I, Morfessa. I guard the fourth hallow.


What is that hallow?


The Stone of Fal is it called. Only the chosen may be in its presence and only those worth of Sovereignty’s bequest may sit upon it.


What is the nature of the otherworldly city whence you come?


Wise, worthy, wondrous. Womb’s fertility, spirit’s treasury, sovereign’s attainment. From heights to depths, the earth’s establishment is wide.


Who will seek this hallow in the Isles of the Blessed?


I will seek it.


Then proceed into the inner realms and speed well your quest.

The seeker proceeds deosil around the circle until they come to the place occupied by the guardian, who comes forward and challenges them.


Who seeks entry into the Realm of the Blessed?


A seeker whose desire is to find wisdom.


How shall you accomplish that?


By daring the test of the Stone of Fal.


The Stone is indeed in my keeping. But only the just and truthful may remain in its presence, else it screams forth its denial. Will you essay this test?


I will.

The seeker places their hands on the Stone for a moment.


So be it. The Stone accepts you. Your coming was long awaited. Take the Stone into the human world, where it may do its will. But remember, you are only its keeper for a short time. It must return to the Isles of the Blessed when its work is complete.

The seeker takes the Stone from the guardian’s hands and bears it triumphantly to the northern quarter. There it is placed with reverence on the altar and a light is kindled by the seeker, who then takes their place in the chair set ready.


Thus is the fourth and final hallow, the Stone of Fal, established in the north. Let it remain there in the sight of this company until the work for which we are assembled is complete.


The blessing of the dwellers in Avalon and the guardians of the four sacred treasures are upon this company, which is for this time known as the company of the hallows. Let all who wish meditate in silence for a short time to enable them to make contact with the indwelling spirit of the Stone and to make whatsoever offerings they wish.

At this point anyone who wishes may come forward and add an object of their choosing to the altar of the Stone. This is done in silence and while the remainder of the company meditates for a few moments.


Thus are the four hallows of the Island of the Mighty brought out of the Realm of the Blessed and established here in this temple. Let all mark well and pay due heed to them, for they are holy and appropriate objects worthy of deepest regard.


Let us depart now in silence until we come together again. There is a blessing on those who serve. (rings bell)

5: The Giving Back of the Hallows

This rite is intended to be enacted after whatever period of time it is considered appropriate to display the four hallows.


The time has come to give back the four hallows, whose essence we established here in this temple that we have made at this place and this time. Let the four seekers come forward.

The four seekers come to the central altar bearing the hallows.


Are the four hallows present in this temple?


They are.


Then let them be returned to their guardians, as was promised.

The four seekers move outward together from the center to the four quarters, where the original guardians await them. Each bows and returns the gift with the quietly spoken words:

SEEKERS (to each guardian)

I give thanks from the company of the hallows for permitting the use of this gift of the otherworld in our ceremony.


We have witnessed that they have been well used. Let their powers continue to work in the human world.


Thus are the gifts of the otherworld given back into the keeping of their guardians. Let us now give thanks to all the beings and powers that attended us at this time.

All turn outward and raise their hands in blessing, sending forth the wisdom and love of Spirit upon the world. The narrators give appropriate blessing to all the company and close the temple in accordance with practice.

The Setting of the Hallows in the Crown of Stars Ritual

(JM and CM)

Here we draw together the strands of earthly and starry Grail lore within the court of Arthur. The knowledge set forth in the second chapter of this book is particularly relevant here.

Dramatis Personae

The Steward

The King and Queen

The Four Hallows Bearers





The Beloved Fellowship

The Stars of Boötes:

Arcturus (The Hunter)

Izar (The Veil)

Lancea (The Lance)

Seginus (The Guard)

Princeps (The Prince)

Nekkar (The Cattle Driver)

Nadlat (The Summoner)

Prima (The First)

Ritual Equipment

Altar, candles, and incense





Staff (optional)

Plan of the Setting of the Hallows in the Crown of Stars

figure 23:
Plan of the Setting of the Hallows in the Crown of Stars

1: The Round Table of the Mysteries

The altar is set with a central candle. Begin in silence with all present. The steward rises and closes the door to the hall. He turns to all and strikes the ground with his staff.


Welcome and welcome all! Let it be known that the beloved Fellowship of the Round Table is met this day to celebrate the seeking and finding of the hallows, and to rehearse the mystery of these holy things. Attend!


Praise the hallows! Those that are and have been and shall be!


Let us invoke the Round Table of the Mysteries!

After each acclamation all stamp once in unison to signify their approval.


The Round Table is the circle in which all who are of good faith may sit. (stamp!)

The Round Table is the beginning and end of all quests! (stamp!)

The Round Table is where all who meet together are equal! (stamp!)

The Round Table is the mirror of the heavens! (stamp!)


The Round Table is established in this realm of earth. Let us now hear of the mysteries from those who went upon the great quest.

The four hallows bearers rise in turn to speak of the mysteries and of their own journeys.

PERCIVAL (standing in the north)

I was the first of the fellowship to be called. Innocent in the ways of the world until instructed by the quest knights, I was welcomed at the Round Table. I set forth and journeyed until I reached the house by the stream, the home of King Pelles. There I witnessed the procession of the Grail but was too fearful to ask its meaning. Waking alone in the morning, I went forth upon a long journey that took me far from home, until at last the mystery was revealed to me—that the things I sought were always close to hand. I looked within my heart and found there the strength of the Stone.

DINDRANE (standing in the east)

I am the sister of Perceval. While little more than a child I gave myself to the ways of the Spirit and dwelt alone as an anchoress for many years. Then, on a bright morning, I saw a vision of the hallows, and knowing this to be my appointed task, set forth on my long journey. Hard it was for me as a woman, but my companions lent me their strength, and this eased my journey. At last I came close to the heart of the mysteries and gave my blood for the healing of another. I rest now in the lands of the Grail, but am come here in spirit this day to bear witness to the mysteries of the hallows and the Round Table. I have looked into my heart and found there the wisdom of the Spear.

BORS (standing in the south)

I followed my brothers and sisters on the quest. Knowing little of the ways of the spirit or the visions of the blest, I sought the hallows with strong determination. Far I wandered and much I saw that woke my awareness of the sorrows of man. Yet in the end I too bore witness to the finding of the hallows and joined in the celebration of the mysteries, to which I now bear witness this day and in this place. I have looked into my inmost thoughts and found there the power of the Sword.

GALAHAD (standing in the west)

Son of the noble Lancelot and the maiden Elaine, I was raised in secret and brought forth to be presented to the beloved Fellowship. Tasked with the seeking of the Grail, I set forth with my companions and journeyed far to the west and into the Sundered Lands. There I encountered many visions, and there I rode upon the Ship of Solomon, built for this purpose alone, to the land of the Grail. Now I sit upon the throne of the sacred city of Sarras and am come to this place today to share in the mysteries. I have looked into my soul and found there the love of the Grail.


Together we bear witness to the mysteries of the hallows and to their establishment in the hall of the Round Table!

2: The Hallows

The steward opens the door, and the four hallows bearers proceed outside to the antechamber. They each take up one of the hallows as follows: Percival carries the Chessboard, Dindrane the Spear, Bors the Sword, and Galahad the Grail. They carry these back into the room and circulate once with them before bringing them to the king and queen in the east, who remain seated.


Noble Lady and Noble Lord, we bring before you these representations of the hallows, blest by the High Ones of the True West.


Behold the Chessboard of the land. Upon its squares the dances of visions of these ancient traditions are held. May all those who serve it be blessed.

Percival presents the Chessboard to the king and queen, who hold their hands over it in blessing but do not take it.


Behold the Spear of Healing. From its point fall drops of blood, and with it the deepest wounds are healed. May all who serve it be blessed.

Dindrane presents the spear to the king and queen, who hold their hands over it in blessing but do not take it.


Behold the Sword of Light. All who honor it are strengthened in their paths, and where there is darkness it brings light. May all who wield it be blessed.

Bors presents the sword to the king and queen, who hold their hands over it in blessing but do not take it.


Behold the vessel of the Grail. In it lie the answers to all mysteries. But it is what the cup contains, not the cup itself, that brings a blessing upon those who serve. Blessed be all who drink from the Grail.

Galahad presents the grail to the king and queen, who hold their hands over it in blessing but do not take it.

KING and QUEEN (standing)

Behold the hallows of the world and of the worlds beyond! Let each one present receive the blessings of the four holy things.

The four hallows bearers return to their positions at the four quarters. From there they begin a circuit of the hall, moving at the same time, turning to their left. They pause briefly before each person and offer the blessing of their hallow, saying:

The blessing of the (hallow)…

When their circuit is complete, they bring the hallows to the central altar and set them in place. They then return to their places.


Let us take a moment to contemplate the mysteries of the hallows and to bring to mind the things we have witnessed in this place.

There follows a brief pause for contemplation.

3: The Starry Table

KING and QUEEN (together)

Many in our gathering have not yet spoken. We call upon this beloved fellowship to speak of your visions. (pause) What gifts do you bring to the Round Table?

Each of the company stands and speaks of their realizations from within the mysteries of the Arthuriad, using the formula:I bring (____) to the Round Table; that is my service.” Sit when you have finished speaking.

A brief pause follows to allow all to contemplate the gifts that are now gifted to the Round Table. Steward, king, queen, and four hallows bearers stand.

STEWARD, KING, and QUEEN (together)

Let us call now upon the Starry Ones to witness our offerings and to help us build the Table of the Stars.


We call upon the Starry Ones, the lords and ladies of the Celestial Table, to be present and acknowledge the earthly table we have created together.

The eight stars stand in their places.

THE EIGHT STARS (together)

Watchers and witnesses, blessings we bring

Hearken now to the stars as each of us sing.

The eight stars form the shape of the constellation Boötes in the center.

The Constellation of Boötes

figure 24:
The Constellation of Boötes


Arcturus the Hunter I, with heart so bright:

For the glory of men is a pledge of the light.


Lancea am I, the lance of strong proof:

For the mercy of men is the guidance of truth.


Seginus am I, oath keeper and guard,

For the pledges of men are the earth’s reward.


Princeps am I, laden heavy with gold,

For the treasures of men shine far beyond fold.


Nekkar am I, driving far at my height,

For the duty of men is to husband their might.


Nedlat the Summoner, calling through need,

For the blessings of men are futurity’s seed.


Prima am I, the first in swift deeds,

For the service of men is when wisdom leads.


Izar am I, veiling heaven so bright,

For the cincture of men is their foresight.


For the songs of the stars last longer than life,

And the honor of men is the ending of strife.

They turn outwards to face the company.

This earthly round we honor, by human vision raised.

By Stone, by Grail, by Sword, by Spear,

From depths of the earth, from earth to the stars,

Together now, this table raise to the starry sphere.

Stars remain standing while the company visualize the Round Table rising through the planes to its place among the stars, so that the gifts with which we have all gifted it may be available unconditionally now and for times to come. Steward bangs his staff upon the ground to signify the end of the visualization.


We give thanks for your blessings, O mighty beings of the Stars.

May the table of our vision shine long among the starry realms
and may we serve it with honor and love.


Our work is done. It is the hour of recall.


Let now the hallows be withdrawn for this time.


Let us honor the hallows in song as they depart.

During the following song, the eight stars return to their places and the hallows bearers step forward and each takes up their hallow. They process solemnly from the room into an outer chamber.

4: The Departing of the Hallows

Song: Sung to the tuneShepherd’s Arise” by the Copper Family.

Bearers, arise; be not afraid
With hasty steps repair
To the secret place where they abide
To there await the calling of the king

To there await the call, the calling of the king.


Sing, sing all earth; sing, sing all earth, be glad

And from the heavens be peace on earth.

To greet the gifting, greet the gifting of this eternal birth.

Quietly laid, the treasures depart, but they will surely come again:

In the secret places of the heart they will arise and comfort all men.

They will arise and comfort, comfort all men.


Now in the stars, a table arrayed with gifts sublime and rare.

Now need no creature be afraid, for here are gifts to make all men glad.

For here are gifts to make, to make all men glad.

When the hallows bearers have returned and taken their places, the king and queen rise.


Be glad of this work we have accomplished this day.


May our work continue to shine throughout the years.

The steward steps forward.


Let us send forth our blessings into the world, where the mighty work we have accomplished may be shared by all.

The company face outwards. All send the blessings of the holy things and of the beloved fellowship out into the world.


There is a blessing upon all who serve!

King and queen lead out of the side door to the grass, with hallows, stars, and company, with steward last, to sing the Midwinter Song to the tune ofThe Sussex Carol.”

All out of darkness we have light

Which made the stars to sing this night.

So chant the welcome without fear

And celebrate the turning year.

News of returning joy we sing;

Here we welcome the bright shining!

At table’s heart we found delight;

The blessing stars will shed their light.

So join your hands and hearts in one

To welcome the returning sun!

News of returning joy we call

Here we circle both one and all!

Now welcome morning, winter light,

That fills our hearts with deep delight.

We raise our voices everyone

As stars turn round at rise of sun.

Welcome we give to old ones true,

Welcome we give to blesséd ones new.

With this work we have moved from a deep contemplation of the hallows and of the even more ancient sacred treasures of the sacred cities to an awakening of their starry aspects. From here it is time to move forward towards the secret heart of the Grail itself.
