ding bat


Blessings of Avalon

(CM—To the Tune ofHail the Blest Morn”)

1. Bright are the blessings that ripen in Avalon,

Blessed by the chant of the Dwellers who sing;

Fast flow the waters, strand of eternal song:

Healing, enchantment, and vision they bring.


Brightest and best of the sons of the morning,

Stand in the ranks of the heroes of old.

Strong and enduring, the guardians surrounding,

Long may the fame of your story be told.

2. Battle subduing, treachery undoing,

Led from the field, the most valiant of men.

Afallach’s (Avallak’s) island his shelter and healing.

Dwellers in Avalon, bless us again!

3. When shall we call him from slumber to wakefulness?

When will he come with his sword-edge so keen?

Sovereignty calls him to rise from his healing rest;

Champion of mercy and justice be seen!

4. Gathering here in the ancient assembly,

Bound by our oath at the quickening stone.

How may we serve in the ranks of the faithful,

Glory and honor to lay at his throne?

5. Sing now in chorus, O, faithful companions,

Welcome the legend of Arthur the king.

Blest and entranced by the Dwellers in Avalon,

Quest and adventure we promise to bring.

Song of the Grailless Lands


1. Attend and hear unto my story,

Of how the Grailless lands were healed.

How every heart and every valley

With joy surpassing pain was filled.


We’ll ask the question and find the answer

And all the lands shall be as one.

2. A knight there came with spear so grievous

The lands were wasted, the waters chained.

The Grailless lands fell into shadow

But comes the day when the Grail is gained!

3. Within this land is no tree leafy,

The meadows withered, the fountains dumb.

Yet from the mountains unto the valleys

A knight with piercing voice shall come.

4. There is an ever-living Lady,

Who guards the deep places of the earth.

She guards the gates of death and living,

She guards the gates which give us birth.

5. But where she bides, the wells are empty

The birds sing not, the waters hide.

Yet comes the knight who frees the waters,

Then shall she sing and be his bride.

6. Through many nights of dark adventure,

Of ceaseless question and sleepless rest,

We wander on with hearts expectant,

We are the guardians of the quest.

Merlin’s Song of the Stones

Songs open doorways. This song is one that I wrote after an intense weekend course for my friend R. J. Stewart. We had been working with the Merlin archetype and somehow this came out in these words. Caitlín wrote a tune to go with this, slightly amending the words, but you may well find one of your own to set this to. Otherwise you might try chanting them aloud; the words themselves can still open that particular door.

Shall Merlin raise the stones again?

Shall Merlin raise the stones?

And shall he send them forth again?

And shall he send them forth?

For if he raise the stones again

For if he raise the stones

Shall Merlin come to earth again?

And bring the stars to birth again?

And bring the stars to birth?

For once he raised the stones to sing

For once he raised them high

Shall he now raise the stones again?

Shall he not set them nigh?

For if he raise the stones again

For if he raise the stones

Then shall the stars be lit again?

Under the bright sky?

Shall Merlin raise the stones again?

Shall Merlin raise the stones?

And shall he send them forth again?

And shall he send them forth?

And under earth and over earth

Shall Merlin raise the stones?

And in the darkest halls of earth

The Mabon shall find birth again

The Mabon shall find birth.

Shall Merlin raise the stones again?

Shall Merlin raise the stones?

And shall he set the stars again?

Upon the hills of bone?

For in the halls of stone again

For in the halls of stone

Shall Merlin find the Sleeping One?

And bring him forth by day again?

And bring him forth by day?

If he not raise the stones again

If he not raise the stones

How shall the age’s Child be born?

How shall the Child find birth?

Shall Merlin raise the stones again?

Shall Merlin set them free?

For if the stones are raised again

The sovereign of the earth shall reign

The sovereign reign on earth.

For Merlin comes to raise the stones

For Merlin comes to raise them up

For Merlin comes to break the bonds

That laid them in the earth.

And shall he raise them up again?

And shall he raise them up?

Shall Merlin raise the stones again?

And set them in the Cup?

For Merlin comes again to sing

For Merlin comes again

To sing the stars down from the sky

And set them in the earth again

And set them in the earth.

And he shall raise the stones again

And he shall raise the stones

For Merlin comes to earth again

To raise his ancient bones again

To raise his ancient bones.
